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This month's winning idea comes from That New Shoe Smell :

Janet the office lady (June/July B&W commissions) is pinned to the ceiling by her hallway-filling boobs. Her tits are leaking pools of milk and someone left a "wet floor" sign in front of her.
"Uh, a little help, please?" she asks.*
*Edited slightly by me for clarity



Richard Handy

Adorable but what about the poor working souls who have to get down that hall? ^_^

That New Shoe Smell

I love it! Looks like Janet’s got herself in a bit of a tight situation. I wonder how many of her coworkers will be lining up to help milk her down to size? Call it a team building exercise of sorts.


"Team building exercise" 😆 She will definitely need a "deep dive" team to help her with this "game-changer" of an "actionable item." They may have to use a lot of "leverage" and "reinvent the wheel" in coming up with a "game plan," as this represents a "paradigm shift" in office protocol. Janet definitely has a "lot of skin in the game."