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I worked later than usual because I was on a roll!  I completed the last 5 frames of the issue. (Some of the previews are more vague/less detailed to try not to give too much away about the ending of the issue.)

Next, I need to create the poster cover art, and then on to post-production: proofreading & corrections; PDF creation; e-commerce programming, etc.

When that's all done, I will have a Patreon early release ($3+ tier) while I work on my website to include this new release (images, html, etc.). A full public release will come about a week after the Patreon early release.

For the Patreon art for August, I've already reached out to 2 patrons to begin the work for the mOnthly grOw illustration and the first sketch. (I'm still waiting for one of them to get back to me... if they don't, I may have to pick another patron's idea.)




I still have a feeling this school’s building isn’t going to be around much longer.


I bet that’s Holly trying to fit through the bathroom door.