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In the last few days, I was able to complete 4 more frames of the next issue, in addition to the other Patreon rewards (Watercolor/sketch#1; Archive Sketches; PSD file). I didn't post previews until now to give focus to those afore mentioned items prominence on the feed.

We are now past the halfway mark, being 53% finished with the issue (which may change, as I keep adding and then subtracting different frames to shore-up the story).




What themes are planned for this issue?


A bit early for locking in, but things are, so far, moving steadily along. Currently (and open to change): breast expansion; ass expansion; lips expansion; hair growth; bimbofication; hourglass; height growth; miniGTS and miniGTS growth; sexual situations (FF, fF, MF)


I hoping for more wow pussy expansion and maybe some cumflation from intercourse this round. Hopes aside this issue looks most exciting!