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This image is available for purchase as part of the
BustArtist Patreon Collection (2023, 2nd Quarter),
available at Bustartist.com

This month's concept comes from Demoman1999, who entered this idea into the February 2023 Black-and-White Commission and came in a respectable 3rd place (41 to 35 to 30 votes).

Jennie (grOw/cOmic 5) while having a shower from a fire truck using the water hose, she starts growing taller and her breasts start expanding bigger. Her head and top torso break through the army tent shelter from chapter 5 just like the scene from “The 30 Foot Bride of Candy Rock.” Reaching taller than 150 feet tall, she yells to Jack, “Jack! I– I think I’m growing again!”



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