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This image is available for purchase as part of the
BustArtist Patreon Collection (2023, 2nd Quarter),
available at Bustartist.com

This month's winning idea comes from That New Shoe Smell :

Feeona from grOw/cOmic 6 has drunkenly gone overboard on M.O.O. again, this time nearly doubling her final size from the comic and still growing. "Gwen! I think I REALLY overdid it this time!"

Patron requests were to have in a small dorm room. Since I had a dorm room already set-up in my 3D program for grOw/cinema, I was able to pull the file, make some quick adjustments, and render a background (normally not within the normal scope of commissions) instead of drawing a few simple walls enclosing the space. I also decided to add Gwen to the image, but in a way that follows the "prop rule". She is seen from the back, mostly cropped out, and has little detail (no face, body, etc), but enough that I think it makes an impact. I also did it since the winner is such a long-time patron supporter.



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