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Thanks to everyone who voted!  We had "up to" 111 patrons vote, a 44% voter turnout, which is a little better than last month (40%) and previous (37%)! This is great that votes are climbing! But remember that there are 4 polls each month and to vote in each poll (voting participation dropped with each poll this month).

Next month, make sure your voice is heard and voteeven if you think your choices are not going to win. There are enough non-voters that could turn your idea into a winner. Even if your choice doesn't win, it shows me and others the popularity of an entry, which gives it a better chance for me picking it as a future sketch (popularity is one of a few qualifiers for my choices).

It was a nail-biter in the Sketch Commission poll! First and second were locked in a tight race, and ended with only a 1 vote difference.

Sketch Poll numbers shown are combined from the original poll and the final, edited poll (due to my mistake). No votes were double-counted. The final, combined results were (which matches the final poll's ratio):
–  27:   Vera as a SSBBW
–  48:   Nerdy Asian ass expansion
–  16:   Purple skinned succubus
–  24:   Boson & Higgs
–  47:   Godzilla vs. Bridezilla

Resubmitting previous entries: There are many entries that did quite well this month! Resubmitted them in future months could very well produce a win for you, as can be seen with the Wholesome winner, who had also submitted their same entry last month, but hadn't won.


Color Commission:
That New Shoe Smell: (Votes: 40; 2nd: 26; 3rd: 25) Feeona from grOw/cOmic 6 has drunkenly gone overboard on M.O.O. again, this time nearly doubling her final size from the comic and still growing. "Gwen! I think I REALLY overdid it this time!"

Black and White Commission:
Richard H.:  (Votes: 38; 2nd: 34; 3rd: 28) Melinda from Grow comic H2grOw #1 and 2 sitting with Wow breasts in an outside tropical pool with a little sign nearby advertising "Adults Only Pool Party with Melinda Massive!"  Sort of a "Where Are They Now?" idea after the comic ended.

Sketch Commission:  
Futazon:  (Votes: 48; 2nd: 47; 3rd: 27) A POV of The Nerdy Asian Gamer from Sketch 101 being taken from behind. She's still playing the game as the viewer grips her giants cheeks while sinking into her ass cleavage. Each time her score increases, her ass grows even larger.

Wholesome/Everyday Commission:  
Grand Funk Master Chief Ricardo Montalbán Phon Con 14 : (Votes: 29; tied 2nd: 22, 22) Marybeth from grOw 4 posing for a family reunion photo with her older sister. She's graduated from college and returned a whole new woman. Marybeth has the bosom size from grOw 4, issue #6 (pages 103, 15 of 31). She also has a matching posterior. Her height is now 8'8". Her blonde hair is down to her shoulders. Wearing a short-sleeve shirt and yoga pants, Marybeth smiles for the camera. Her sister doesn't mind being the "smallest" sister now. She's happy to see her little sis again.
(* As a Zealot-level patron, this entry was allowed 2 characters)


Don't worry if you didn't win! Some non-winners will be the subject of future sketches. If you were close to winning, you can always re-enter in future months!



Once again, we just can’t quit Marybeth.