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... with a few small deadline shifts and some downtime for me.

It's been a loooong while, but the wife and I are going to take a vacation this month. I will be away from my desk from April 14 – 22.

But all Patreon Rewards will stay the same this month! I've already been planning out my absence. I've reached out to 3 patrons for the mOnthly grOw illustration and the 2 monthly sketches/watercolors to get a head start.

Commission submission deadline will be on the earlier side of normal (Apr 13th, 4pm UTC). The voting period for Commissions will be extended (Apr 13-22) while I'm away — so make sure to vote! When I get back, I will immediately begin work on the 4 Commissions to have all rewards completed by month's end.

The only difference will be less grOw previews during this time.

Looking for the Commission Rules? Go here »


Mookie Johnson

Enjoy your well earned time off!

Phillip Jackson

That’s great man! Everyone deserves some down time. Enjoy your vacation and have a blessed one


Okay. Have fun. And see you later.


Enjoy the vacation, we'll wait here... It's well deserved!