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Thank you to everyone who voted!  We had a 49.5% voter turnout of eligible voters. Next month, make sure your voice is heard and vote — even if you think your choices are not going to win. There are enough non-voters that could turn your idea into a winner.
    Even if your choice doesn't win, it shows me and others the popularity of an entry, which gives it a better chance for me picking it as a future sketch (popularity is one of a few qualifiers for my choices).

WE WILL BE HAVING A RUN-OFF POLL for the winner of the Color Commission! We currently have a three-way tie for first!

There were many second and third place entries that did quite well that they would benefit from trying again next month! (Many repeat entries have won in previous months.)

Color Commission:
UNKNOWN!:  A 3-way tie has forced a run-off vote. 

Black and White Commission:
nestaider:  Jennie's (grOw/cOmic 5) biggest nightmare came true after drinking a huge bottle of MOO given to her by a GTS Connie (grOw/cOmic 6): during a romantic dinner with Jack in a canyon, Jennie grew twice as big and even bustier than her nightmare in grOw/cOmic 5.

Sketch Commission:  
Eve Black:  Hanna from grOw/cOmic 2, in Peter's uncle's swimming pool, giant and with breasts twice the size of the rest of her body, sees Wini's breasts sticking out of her own cleavage, and Peter's sex between them, bends her head to suck it.

Wholesome/Everyday Commission:  
Just Another Patron: Woman with wow-sized breasts that cover the whole kitchen table. Her hands are on the sides of her breasts, which have been neatly covered in gift wrap. She says with a sultry look "Do you like opening your holiday presents early? I know you'll love this one."

Don't worry if you didn't win! Some non-winners will be the subject of future sketches. If you were close to winning, you can always re-enter in future months!



Damn! A tie! How exciting!!