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I ran the Next Issue poll across 3 platforms — here, Twitter, and DeviantArt. The results were all quite similar (with the exception being the number of "Either One" votes — 9% Patreon;  18% Twitter;  and 22% DevArt).  So, the next issue will be grOw/cinema 1, Ep.XXI  to be followed by grOw/cinema 2, Ep. 4.

So with that, here are the first 3 previews for grOw/cinema 1, Ep. XXI. 




Oh wow!! Things about to be "out of this world"

Just Another Patron

Poll results are always interesting to see. You mentioned before you had a good outline ready for Episode 4 in Grow Cinema 2. Were there any small or significant changes from your original vision since then?


Yes. Actually, I think I had said I had a good outline for the series as a whole. But there were sections that were very generalized in that outline. Chapters 4 and 5 where such sections, so the added time to work on those (at least, in conceptualizing) helped. However, as mentioned previously, sales numbers (–25% less!! than the average cinema 1 release) were such that I am currently rethinking the rest of the story — that is, to shorten/condense it. Originally set for 6 more chapters, I may curtail that down to 3. Time will tell...


The issue could be that, with the long-running Cinema 1, introducing Cinema 2 concurrently means that it has to compete in sales with the original story.