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This month's idea comes from Fishin2244 :

Hannah from “H2grOw” decides to pour the breast growth formula on herself while locked in the closet with Peter. Her breast are at watermelon size and she decides “moar” is better. No one will be bigger than her.  

As a bonus, I've included the initial rough sketch sent to the patron.

grOw/cOmic 2, "H2grOw" »




Just love the growth with one piece swimsuits so much <3


It is always a delight to see Hannah growing. Pretty sure H2Grow was one of your first works I saw and love it still to this day. Kinda wish we came back to it someday to revisit the cast with Gr0wCinema's levels of size madness... but they'd need a bigger pool. lmao.

Richard Handy

I've always wondered about a sort of "Where are they now?" theme to his past cast of characters too.