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Very High: 3500 x 5000 px
High: 2520 x 3600 px
Medium: 1680 x 2400 px
Low: 1120 x 1600 px  
WIP: 2000 x 952 px 

(* Newly added "WIP", showing the rough sketches and the underlying tighter final sketch made before penciling the final. We had discussed showing her from the front or back. I had suggested we go with the back, so that you can see more of her body, check out her cute butt, and that the "hidden" can be more enticing.)

This sketch idea came from patron Richard H's entry into the August 2021 Wholesome  Commission:

A pretty mother is  pleasantly doing her laundry in the backyard. Her breasts are beachball sized. She's hanging up little kid clothes and an enormous bra on a line. Hair pinned up to keep it out of the way, laundry basket beside her. She's got her basket of clips nearby and is wearing an old tee shirt and sweatpants since it's Laundry Day.



Richard Handy

Simply wonderful. Love the clean, honest feel of it and the tiny dinos!