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This month's idea comes from patron That New Shoe Smell's Color Commission idea that he entered for multiple months.  Last month, this idea had lost the Color Commission by only 1 vote! Since the background already existed from grOw/cOmic #6, it was easy to drop it in.

A shot of Connie's off-screen growth after she's left alone in grOw/cOmic 6, Issue 6. Her breasts are just beginning to press up against the walls and she's drunkenly enjoying it.

1  -  Rough sketch
2  -  Revised, rough sketch (bigger boobs [of course] ; and squishing over crates)
3  -  Tightened sketch
4  -  Line work
5  -  Color flats
6  -  Skin tones, veins
7  -  Lighting;  softening some line work
8  -  Shadow
9  -  Milk effects and Background shadow

Final to post tomorrow with fully rendered background.



That New Shoe Smell

I am loving how this is turning out! I'm super excited to finally see this scene drawn out!

That New Shoe Smell

I've always been curious about something regarding GrOw6. I recall that early on in the process of making that series, you had originally planned for it to be five issues but decided to grow the story to eight issues around the time you finished the second or third. So I've always wondered what you had originally planned for that shorter story. What characters would have gotten more or less action by the end? Would the barn have survived? Would it have been completely different or the same but shorter? Etc.


I had to look back at my saved scripts. I had forgotten about this, actually. With a quick, side-by-side comparison, I was able to jar my memory. Chapters 1-5 were more or less the same as they were released. However, originally, Dan stayed with Connie in the back room until she outgrew it, and Lidiya and Karisha had a little growth contest to "outgrow" Connie (or, at least, the size they thought she was when they left her in the back room), so they could decide who won. I added the "Plot Twist" with Dan deciding to leave Connie and continue his fun with the other girls, especially after having the formula affect him (it originally wasn't going to). Then, I added Chapter 7 to extend this scene with the other girls. Chapter 8 extended the "Connie goes full bore" theme. In the original, Bill and Rachel come home to an intact barn, only to witness it break apart from growing boobs (rather than having it happen the night before, from Connie and Dan's shenanigans).