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* Thu., Mar 18, update: As of this morning, the storm front shifted, downgrading our risk from Cat 4 to Cat 3. The storm will also arrive later than expected (about 5-7pm instead of 12-2pm). This is good news so far, considering the 25 tornadoes that touched down across 6 states since yesterday.

So, I am working away on stuff for now. A new sketch/watercolor that I created today will post later today.


There probably won't be any updates tomorrow (Thu. , Mar 18) or for a few days afterwards. An unusually strong storm system is moving across the USA right now and is targeting my area tomorrow. Alert levels are at 4 out of 5, which have not been seen since 2012. Heavy rain, straight-line winds, 1-2" hail, and possible tornados. I hope we come out unscathed, however, the chances of lost power are highly likely. Without power, there's no internet or ability to work on grOw/cinema. And, it may be that this power outage lasts a few days, worse comes to worse.

Even if we don't lose power, I am not sure if I will be able to concentrate on working on grOw much. Instead, I will most likely be battening down the hatches outside our home and watching the weather reports constantly.

Crossing my fingers I'll be back to my usual work on Friday!




Be careful, Be safe

The Bat Mantis

Keep us updated that you’re alright. The comic can wait.


Batten the hatches! Hatten the batches! Secure the mains'l and make fast the shrouds! Stay safe, BA & family!

That New Shoe Smell

Keep safe out there. I'm sure this will pass without too much trouble, but can never be too sure.

Phillip Jackson

Be safe! Hope y’all make out ok

Crisna Alaircon

You could be like Dorothy and have an adventure

Richard Handy

Take care of yourself and your family.


Stay safe and unhit by blown over heavy things. Any chance you and Juliekat have been, in your copious free time, studying molecular biology so that she can expand her bust to create a safe haven for (checks graphic) 11 M people?

Dane Beninger

Stay safe, Grow Cinema 2 can wait.