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I've made some edits to the first scene of the next project. 

• Moved beer taps, added more (they were in the way of the camera angles I want to achieve)
• Added song lyric "graffiti" to the walls. (This bar is based on one I visited over a year ago in Raleigh, NC which had a similar layout and lyrics on the walls).

The first issue's initial script is complete!

The first issue's storyboards are complete!

I just have to build 2 more 3D backgrounds and then I can start on the art!




Is this for the next gr0w Cinema? Or is it something new, non-cinema?


It is for a new grOw/cinema series. Same "movie" format, new story & characters.

Richard Handy

This does look like a place I'd visit. Nice job! Love the lyrics on the walls.


Any plans to illustrate more grOw stories?


Yes and no. I have been more focused on the latest cinema series, the new series about to start, and my Patron page. However, it's been on my mind from time to time, and have actually reached out to an author to take on the job of reworking some of the EL Publication stories. The ones I have that I have not yet published either need major work or complete overhauls — they are pretty bad. There has been a recent uptick in inquiries about the grOw/stOries from fans, so it may indicate that I need to put a little more effort into it. You probably won't see any results of that any time soon, however.