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It begins!

The first 4 frames have been completed* for the next issue of grOw/cinema (Ep. XVIII). (*Actually, frame 4 is 90% done, but I will finish it up tomorrow; the preview covers some of the area that is finished.)

I had some issues with rendering the background in the first few frames over the last few days, which caused a little production delay. Previously, the background would render in less than an hour. For 2 of the first 4 frames, one took about 18 hours and the other about 6 hours. I tried multiple times to speed up the process, to no avail other than to wait. Luckily, this background won't hold me up from here on out.




Officer: Sexy Shenanigans ahead, going to investigate. Do not send backup I’ll handle it myself


Is this issue the final one, before you go back to something else?


Quick question, is the mini-giantess black girl the same from the previous issues or a new one?