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Very High: 3800 x 5000 px (download attachment)
High: 2280 x 3000 px (download attachment)
Medium: 1672 x 2200 px (download attachment)

Idea from patron Jack F's August Color Commission entry:

Could we see Jen (your NaviGirl of old) growing to a more unmanageable size? I was always disappointed that she was the smallest of the NaviGirls. 

NaviGirls were "mascots" that introduced my old art gallery and helped "navigate" the website. But, there were hidden links on the images that, when clicked, would make their breasts grow — usually about 7 or 8 frames.




Magnificent! Thanks so much!!!


I know you hate when this happens, but attachments.😄

Dane Beninger

Jennifer was (and still is) my favorite navigirl 😈


Hmm... I know I uploaded them originally. I remember waiting for them to do so, as they were taking longer than usual. There must have been an error; but then it was my fault, and I should have double checked they were there. They're up now! :-)


Admiration intensifies . . .


I would like to see these old Navigirls


Check out this link. I'm surprised it's still up, so don't expect it to be there forever. You can click through the 4 NaviGirls and then choose the "Visit ..." link. Remember, there used to be a whole gallery page around them, but that has been removed. They are also very old, so the resolution is quite low (hey, the internet was slow back then). :-) http://members.bearchive.com/~BAGallery/specials/navigirls/index.html

