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After the  usual first week monitoring of sales after a new release, I decided to  upgrade my MacOS a few steps since 1) I had some bugs that were causing  slowdown issues and other problems for a while, and 2) I was unable to  use the latest version of Adobe's products (Photoshop) since my OS was  too old. I don't upgrade to each new OS due to software and/or hardware  (Wacom tablet) issues. I usually stay a version or 2 behind, letting  them iron out the kinks.

I've done this before, and knew it would easily take a day or two due to make sure all files are backed-up (do YOU have copies on separate drives of all your files?),  having to install a new OS, having to reinstall all applications,  fonts, settings, etc.etc.  HOWEVER, this time, it was one of the worst  experiences I've had doing so, taking 5 days! Not to get into detail,  but there was a lot of waiting (processes taking 5 hours), reinstalling,  hard drive wiping, trying to merge 2 partitions into new sizes, backing  up, etc.

Now that  this chore was out of the way, I needed to test the new system. During  this time, I created all my June Patreon artwork.

While I  worked on the Patreon images, I was letting the next storyline of  grOw/cinema percolate in my brain. After hitting my stride working out  the concept of the story beyond the main bullet points that I wanted to  achieve, the script writing went quite smoothly. 

Today, I  started to rough out the thumbnail storyboard drawings, visually  planning the whole issue. I got halfway through the issue. This I will continue early next week, and then begin the actual artwork.


That New Shoe Smell

Man, that sucks about the computer. I'm glad you were able to get everything back up and running, though. I hope you didn't lose anything you couldn't get back.


Obviously, there will be GrowCinema 17 eventually, so thumbniling it while it's fresh n your head makes sense. But, to be honest, I was really hoping that after 16 issues in a row of GrowCinema, that you could take a break and produce a story or comic that has some plotline and character arc. To put this into perspective, GrowCinema 1 came out in February 2017. So for almost 3 and a half years, this is the only series that you've released. You've been getting them out every 3 months or so, the artwork quality is great and I guess that they're selling well. But I always read the new one and think "Ok Carl fucked another couple of girls and...." , that's pretty much all there is to it, except for the fetish of the month.


You must have some actual stories that you've been sitting on. Please think about doing one. Honestly, I'd love to see BE from a potion, a machine, a mistake voodoo--anything than from Carl's just asking for it to happen.


I did lose some work emails, but that's not too bad. I have quadruple back-up: 3 external hard-drives that make copies of new work each day (automatically) , AND a cloud-based automatic back-up system (carbonite.com) in case something happens to my computer set-up (fire, storm, accident).


im always excited to see new grow cinema, its the best thing you've done in my opinion, I so hope we get more musclegrowth, maybe futa, even some genderflip stuff.


(Sorry this is so long. If it takes 5 minutes to read, know it took almost 2 hours to write.) I always touted grOw/cinema: “The Ever-Expanding Universe” as the succulent dessert to the main course of previous grOw/cOmics and grOw/stOries. (Note that cinema is a style, not the concept. Future projects will probably be done the in the cinema style, but not have the serial-what-happens-next-issue on-going aspect, but, instead, a finite storyline.) With a slow start in sales (probably due to it’s “new” and “unproven” idea), it soon became one of my most popular series. My readers and I couldn’t wait until the next release. (Tune in next week!) grOw/cinema, series 1, was always meant to be like the old movie serials, when you “tuned in next week” to see what happened to our hero. I even used the scrolling text from the old Flash Gordon movies (and later done in Star Wars), to pay homage to this genre. However, it dawned on me back in December (way before your similar plea after last release) that I was approaching the 3 year mark on this project, and DID start to contemplate working on something new. (Not the end “The Ever-Expanding Universe”, but to temporarily put it on hold.) I have 3-5 basic storylines/concepts swirling in my head that all needed fleshing out. Coming up with basic concepts is easy. But the real work is in the details and the time it takes to build them up. The artwork, indeed, takes time, thus the 2-4 months turnaround between issues. I can understand this seems like a long time when waiting for the next project to come out, just like when we wait for the next movie in our favorite series to come out. On my end, it's nearly non-stop work, so it doesn't seem so long to me (my realization that it has been 3 yrs since cinema #1’s release truly shocked me). Note that most of the storylines I choose have been in my mind anywhere from 2 to 5+ YEARS! I come back to them in my head from time to time, adding details and reworking ideas when I’m not doing anything taxing, such as long, boring car drives. grOw/cinema’s idea, for example, came to me with all the calls for a continuation of the “Wishful Thinking” comics. THAT was a long time ago — maybe even 8 years since I started envisioning something similar to “Wishful Thinking”, but not simply re-doing it. grOw/stOry 15, “Succubus” was a rewriting of an old E.L. Pub book that I had acquired. I originally started the process with one writer in mid-2008. The stOry was finally completed by a different writer and illustrated by me, and published in late 2013! grOw/cOmic 6, “Milking the Plot” started as an idea on a who-done-it, plot twisting narrative in Late 2012. I began conceptualizing the storyline in August 2014, and the first issue came out Nov 2016. I bring these examples to light to put things in perspective. I know it may seem that waiting for 3 months after making a comment about hoping for something new seems like a long time, only to have your hopes dashed. It simply isn’t easy to turn a cross-country New York to California plane around 5 hours into a 6 hour trip because a few would like to stop in Las Vegas. (Even if the pilot would like to do so, too.) :-) Please allow me to complete the current line of thinking and then progress to the new idea. That said, I HAVE now begun putting one of the afore-mentioned 3-5 ideas to (digital) written word over letting it swirl in my cranial gray matter. I hope I can make it solid enough to begin work on. But this will take a little time. The current project (Ep. 17) is well underway, and will be continued to be worked on until completion. Episode 18 may follow as I have envisioned it as a “season ender” episode, completing the initial arc of Carl’s powers. (Originally, I was going to make it an even 20 episodes, but decided to hold off on 2 chapters already hinted about in the series.) During the time working on 17 and 18, I will spend a little extra time each day writing the new idea (and allowing it to “gel” when I am not working on it). Should I make great progress, I MAY even begin work on this before Ep 18. I hope this helps. (At least, these are the current plans. Life, grOw, and other aspects, such as sales, may change this.)