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It’s time to begin the process to give out this month’s single-character, Black-and-White Commission for ADMIRERs only ($4 level)

(Please do not write an entry if you are not an ADMIRER at the deadline. If you do, your entry will be deleted.)

Write a quick description in the comments below of what you would like in your single-character, color commission in the comments below. Feel free to re-enter previous commission requests if yours hadn't won before.

Feel free to comment on and like the ones you enjoy! I’ll choose the ones I feel are the best, and put them in a poll. The winner will receive the commission. In other months, I may choose the commission myself (to keep things from skewing to one side all the time). Other suggestions welcome.

*** DEADLINE to ENTER: Mon. March 16, 2020 ***




Baroness from G.I. Joe, but an experimental weapon (ray or gas?) from Cobra backfires and her tits are ballooning up massively and tearing out of her leather suit and leaking out milk. Her hips and ass are tearing out the bottom part and cursing out Destro for her current predictiment


I would like too see Jeanette from Grow 4 Issue 2 cosplaying as Sailor Jupiter. She’s growing into a very busty giantess and shown off from a low angle masturbating in her costume as she’s moaning, “Bigger! I wanna be bigger!!”


Please read the entry above. Each Commission entry is for specific Patrons ONLY. Your Patron level is in the running for a Color Commission. Please enter your idea there.

Andrew Steiner

Ashoka Tano after Vader inflated her breast. Ashoka Became stuck between a door frame while her breast started to break the door.


Seven-of-Nine growing out of her classic silver uniform with a shocked yet excited expression exclaiming “It must be the nano-bots!”


After acquiring the Spike of Power, Holli Would from Cool World, has her ass and breasts grow to huge proportions.
