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Last updated: 
August 9, 2024 — Updated the
Breast and Ass Size Charts.
August 6, 2024 — Updated
8) Themes NEVER Allowed to make it more inline to Patreon's regulations.

Current rules for Patreon Artwork:

TLDR version below. ⬇️

1) Number of Entries allowed:
ONE (1) entry per month
 among the Tier 4 (Color), Tier 3 (Grayscale or Themed-Color), or Tier 2 (Watercolor) contests. If you enter more than one, I will be the sole judge which one is used and which is discarded. It would be best if YOU chose your favorite.
    You may ALSO enter one entry into the Tier 1 (Themed-Watercolor) Patreon Artwork separately (rules on Tier 1 Themed entries below).
   Please note the deadline to enter your idea each month. The date will change, but will usually be between the 12th and the 15th of each month.
   Should you win the vote, your Patreon Artwork idea is created (See Rule 12).

2) You may choose to enter any ONE category of your choosing, up to the level that your Patron membership allows. You may also enter the Themed Contest.

  • $7, $11, and $20 levels:  choose ONE: either Tier 4 (Color), Tier 3 (Grayscale or Themed-Color), OR Tier 2 (Watercolor). (Plus Tier 1, Themed-Watercolor)

  • $5 level:  choose either Tier 3 (Grayscale or Themed-Color) or Tier 2 (Watercolor) (Plus Tier 1, Themed-Watercolor)

  • $3 level:  Tier 2 (Watercolor). (Plus Tier 1, Themed-Watercolor)

2a) Special Themed Patreon Artwork exception: In addition to ONE of the Patreon Artwork categories above, you may also enter an idea into the Special Themed contest for a total of 2 entries per month.


2b) If you enter into a higher Patreon Artwork Tier than your membership level, your entry will be disqualified, regardless of voting results. I do my best to try to review entries, and let you know if you are not in an eligible category, but that is a lot of work and I may miss some. It is up to the patron to make sure they are entering the proper Patreon Artwork contest. You must be part of the eligible tier BEFORE the Voting process begins.

3) Patreon Artwork entires are for a SINGLE character/figure only (except for $20 Zealots, see 3a below). Should your Patreon Artwork entry describe a second character/figure, it will be at my sole discretion whether to include or discard (most likely) the second character/figure.

3a) ZEALOT ($20 level) Patrons can enter an idea that involves up to two (2) characters/figures in a single drawing. You must be in the Zealot level before voting begins for that month to qualify.

4) Patreon Artwork entries should NOT require a background. However, I MAY choose to add a background to your idea, but at my sole discretion. If a background is added, I may simply sketch it. Simple props are okay (a chair, a potion beaker, a shrink raygun, etc.).

5) Characters allowed. Humans (or mostly human-like figures such as elves) only, please. Cartoon or animated humans or human-like characters are acceptable. No furries, animals, or Pokemon-like characters are allowed at this time.
      Your idea should (at least) loosely define the size of the expanded parts, so that voters can judge the size of the characters to be created. Please use the SIZE CHARTS (at bottom of this post) for best communication of sizes. You may choose to say "size 12" or "somewhere between sizes 11-15", for example.

6) Subjects: Characters can be: a BustArtist character; any original character that you have created (long-term or spontaneously for the Commission); a parody of a celebrity; a movie character (live or animated); or television character (live or animated). Pretty much anyone 18 years of age or older. (Also see #5 above.)

7) THEMES allowed: You may request almost any expansion theme to appear in the Commission. While I can’t list all of them, I will contact you should the theme fall way outside of my comfort zone. Themes that should be okay include, but are not limited to: breast expansion, lactation, ass expansion, pussy expansion, penis expansion, belly expansion, inflation, cum inflation, futa, blueberry, some weight gain (*soft, slightly chubby, or thicc only — see 7a below), female muscle growth (FMG), giantess, mini-giantess, shrunken woman, bimbofication, and others. Your idea should (at least) loosely define the size of the expanded parts, so that voters can judge the size of the characters to be created.

7a) THEMES not allowed: I have removed the following from themes allowed, as they are not in my wheelhouse, and don't fit my usual base and skillset. More on this in this Patreon post »
• Extreme weight gain • BBW • SSBBW • plus those in 8) below. Body forms that are still allowed are: curvy, thicc, pudgy, soft.

8) Themes NEVER allowed: Including, but not limited to: “Loli” or underage characters**. Scatological references. !ncest or sexual, familial relations; R@pe, blood, v!olence, or "vore". Political, Racist, or Subversive themes. And any others I deem inappropriate or objectionable. ** All characters MUST be 18 years old or older and must be represented in the image as such.

9) Commission Tier levels:

a) TIER 4 (Color):  full color, tightly rendered character/figure. This is for $7 Patrons (Supporters), $11 Patrons (Fanatics), and $20 Patrons (Zealots) only.

b) TIER 3 (Grayscale or Themed-Color): Grayscale (sometimes known as "black-and-white") coloring of tightly rendered character/figure. Themed-Color is a color figure, but confined to the theme rules for the month. This is for $5 Patrons (Admirers) and higher only.

c) TIER 2: Watercolor: looser, pencil drawn and painted character/figure. Watercolor may be somewhat colored, grayscale (with or without a color wash) — at my discretion. This is for $3 Patrons (Followers) and higher.

d) TIER 1: Themed (Watercolor): looser, pencil drawn and painted character/figure, just like the Watercolor Commission.This is for $3 Patrons (Followers) and higher, and can be entered as a second entry in addition to 1 of the 3 above.

10) Re-submitting ideas: You are free to re-submit an idea that had not won in a previous month. You MUST restate that idea in full in the new Patreon Artwork Call-for-Entires. That is, please do not say "I resubmit my idea from last month" and leave it at that. Also, you may resubmit a winning idea with a change... such as showing progressive growth.

11) Definition of "FREE": The "free" Patreon Artwork means there is no added fee required for me to create your Patreon Artwork idea (should you win the poll). However, you must be a Patron in good standing and have paid for your Patronage for the month of the Patreon Artwork entry. The winning Patreon Artwork entries are "paid" by you and your fellow Patrons' memberships — so this can be considered a "crowd-sourced" commissions, but idea directed by the winner.
     At this time, I am not taking added fees to expand on the scope of the Patreon Artwork.

12) Winners:  Winners are determined by Patron votes. Patrons in the $3 tier and higher may cast their votes for their favorite entries, and can vote on more than 1 entry per Contest. Voting must occur during the timeframe given each month.
In the case of a tie, a run-off vote will occur between the tied entries. Should a run-off vote also result in a tie, it will be BustArtist's sole discretion which entry will be the one winner, and the non-chosen entry is not guaranteed to be created at another time.

13) In the event of discrepancy or question to the rules, I (BustArtist) will be the sole judge and decider on the ruling or outcome of the issue. Decisions are final.

14) Please enable either Email Notifications or Push Notifications in your Patreon account if you enter. This will help ensure you get any communication from me ASAP if I seek clarification on your entry, notification that you won, or feedback on the art should you win.
> How to enable Push Notifications
> How to enable Email Notifications

15) Music! If you are in the $7 or higher tiers, you can choose the music that will be used in the Speed Process Video if your image was made into either a mOnthly grOw illustration, Color or Grayscale Patreon Artwork contests. You may choose of the 12 music tracks available. You may preview the music selections here.

16) Copyright, Usage: These Patreon Artworks are made as crowd-funded (by the BustArtist Patrons) art and are Patreon-exclusive images and cannot be shared elsewhere. Patrons in good standing may download them and save them for their own use only. BustArtist retains the copyright for all artwork related to these BustArtist Patreon Patreon Artwork contests (formerly known as "Commissions") and reserves the right to monetize them at BustArtist.com for non-patrons to purchase.


Special Themed Patreon Artwork (Tier 1) contest additional rules:

You MAY enter this Themed contest even if you entered into one of the other regular Patreon Artwork contests (Tiers 4, 3, or 2).

The Special Themed Patreon Artwork contest (Tier 1) will have specific themes and limited applied to it, which will be listed at the top of the text of the Call-for-Entires post. All entries should adhere to these limitations and/or themes. Limitations may be restricted to size, expansion kink, or overall theme (like "Summer"). The Special Themed Patreon Artwork contest will sometimes be tagged "Wholesome", in which the Wholesome Rules apply (see below).


Wholesome Tag additional rules:

** The "Wholesome Commission" has been renamed to the "Special Themed Patreon Artwork contest". This new category will feature monthly "themes", that will be explained in the Call-for-Entries posts. Sometimes, the "Wholesome" tag will apply, in which the rules below are to be followed:

ADDED rules that apply specifically to the Wholesome category are below:

1) Something expansion-related that is either "every day" or "wholesome" only.  For example, it could be: a woman reading her book which is resting on her gigantic breasts; or, a gamer girl playing video games while laying on her giant boobs.

2) Think everyday occurrences; activities that the subject is doing regardless of their huge/wow size expansion; just a nice image that happens to have expansion; or the like.

3) The expansion size must be already achieved with recent NO expansion implied. That is, no occurring expansion, just-after-expansion, shocked expressions, or torn clothing. Further expansion should not be implied. The character is currently "living with" their size, and not trying to grow bigger (no formulas, growth rays, etc).

4) Your idea should (at least) loosely define the size of the expanded parts, so that voters can judge the size of the characters to be created.

5) Concepts should not have lewdness; fear or shock; overt sexual overtones or bodily fluids; torn clothing; or nudity in the Wholesome category (these are acceptable in the other commissions).
    Any struggles with size should be in the mildly amusing category or considered to have a "such is life" feel.
For examples of acceptable ideas, check out previous Call-for-Entries in this category, as well as clicking "Wholesome" tag to see previous winners.

6) While the above rules can be open to interpretation, I will notify you in the comments if I feel your idea is outside the scope of this contest. You will be allowed to change or adjust your idea to comply (but this must be done before the deadline). Final say will be based on my judgement and decision.

These rules may be updated at any time without notice. Check back before entering each month.


Collections Tab

You can go to the COLLECTIONS tab on the Patreon feed and click on Patreon Artwork Calls-for-Entry category (formerly known as "Commission Calls-for-Entires") to get the latest deadline as well as enter into a particular commission. (Add you idea to the comments before the deadline for that particular month. Make sure that you are eligible before doing so!)


TLDR: Rules

*Note: This is best for quick review. ALL full details from above are still in effect, even if not mentioned below:

1) Number of Entries allowed: ONE (1) entry per month in EITHER  TIER 1, 2, or 3 contests (see Rule 2). AND, enter ONE entry into the Special TIER 4 Patreon Artwork contest.

2) Commission Entry depends on your Membership tier (see Eligibility Chart above). If you are not eligible, you will be disqualified even if you win.

3) SINGLE character/figure only ($20 Zealots who can have TWO characters in a single image).

4) Patreon Artworks should NOT require a background. I may add one at my discretion. Simple props are okay.

5) Characters allowed. Humans (or mostly human-like figures such as elves) only, please. You should (at least) loosely define the size of the expanded parts. Please use the SIZE CHARTS below.

6) Subjects: Pretty much anyone*, as long as 18 years of age or older. (Also see #5 above.)
* Still at my discretion, and with exceptions as listed in 5, 7a, and 8.

7) THEMES allowed: Pretty much most expansion themes unless outside of my comfort zone. (SEE 7a and 8 below!). You should (at least) loosely define the size of the expanded parts. Please use the SIZE CHARTS below.

7a) THEMES not allowed: • Extreme weight gain • BBW • SSBBW • plus those in 8) below. Body forms that are still allowed are: curvy, thicc, pudgy, soft.

8) Themes NEVER allowed: Including, but not limited to: “Loli” or underage characters**. Scatological references. Rape, blood, violence, or "vore". Political, Racist, or Subversive themes. And any others I deem inappropriate or objectionable. ** All characters MUST be 18 years old or older and must be represented in the image as such.

9) Patreon Artwork Tier levels:  See Eligibility Chart above.

10) Re-submitting ideas: You can re-submit an idea from a previous month, but, you MUST restate that idea in full again.

11) Definition of "FREE Patreon Artwork": No added fee is required for me to create your Patreon Artwork idea (should you win the poll) beyond your monthly membership.

12) Winners:  Winners are determined by Patron votes by $3+ members.

13) In the event of discrepancy or question to the rules, I (BustArtist) will be the sole judge. Decisions are final.

14) Please enable either Email Notifications or Push Notifications in your Patreon account if you enter. This will help ensure you get any communication from me ASAP.

15) Music! $7+ members can choose the music used in the Speed Process Video. You may preview the music selections here.

16) Copyright, Usage: These Patreon Artworks are made as crowd-funded (by the BustArtist Patrons) art and are Patreon-exclusive images and cannot be shared elsewhere. Patrons in good standing may download them and save them for their own use only. BustArtist retains the copyright for all artwork related to these BustArtist Patreon Artworks and reserves the right to monetize them at BustArtist.com for non-patrons to purchase.


Added WHOLESOME Rules (TLDR version):

You may also enter this Wholesome Commission.

1) Something expansion-related that is either "every day" or "wholesome" only.

2) Think everyday occurrences; activities that the subject is doing regardless of their huge/wow size expansion.

3) The expansion size must be already achieved with NO recent expansion implied.
No occurring expansion, just-after-expansion, shocked expressions, or torn clothing.

4) Please define the size of the expanded parts by using the Size Chart.

5) Concepts should not have lewdness; fear or shock; overt sexual overtones or bodily fluids; torn clothing; or nudity in the Wholesome category. Any struggles with size should be in the mildly amusing category or considered to have a "such is life" feel.

6) While the above rules can be open to interpretation, I will notify you in the comments if I feel your idea is outside the scope of this contest.


Size Charts:




Please put this entry into the proper discussion, so that it is not overlooked, AND so I know which Commission you are entering — Color, B&W, Sketch. I will soon be deleting this comment thread to avoid confusion for others


1, Commission Piece - Color - Men and Woman having sex. Woman is giantess with amazingly huge breasts that lactate profusely. Man with huge penis is screwing her in missionary while he is drinking from her lactating breast. Woman is goddess type maybe glowing eyes. She says "Drink from me and give me your seed! My breasts give a milk that is like nectar. It makes your penis so big and your balls filled with so much cum it makes me stronger. Oh, make me bigger so I can make more milk for you!" 2. Wholesome commission - A woman talking to her boss asking for more time in the day to pump. Her breasts are wow huge and the dark purple low cut blouse is soaking wet and dripping with milk.


Stock — Entries do NOT go here. You must place them in the comments of that month's commission as well as category. Color: https://www.patreon.com/posts/commission-time-58253789 Wholesome: https://www.patreon.com/posts/special-time-nov-58254027 ALSO: Commissions are ONE characters only, unless you are a $20 Zealot. Please edit your entry. (Rule #3)