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It’s time to begin the process to give out this month’s single-character, Color Commission for SUPPORTERs and ABOVE only

(Please do not write an entry if you are not a SUPPORTER or HIGHER at the deadline. If you do, your entry will be deleted.)

Write a quick description in the comments below of what you would like in your single-character, color commission in the comments below. Feel free to re-enter previous commission requests if yours hadn't won before.

Feel free to comment on and like the ones you enjoy! I’ll choose the ones I feel are the best, and put them in a poll. The winner will receive the commission. In other months, I may choose the commission myself (to keep things from skewing to one side all the time). Other suggestions welcome.

*** DEADLINE to ENTER: Wed., Feb 12, 2020 ***




Continuation of "Asian BE & Milk" She experiences more lactation and nipple expansion similar to Emi in Grow cinema 9/Page 84. Her Hair also grows down to her ankles. She also experiences some butt expansion.


Bobbi Jo from the end of "Tarnation, Instant Milk" wearing her Daisy Dukes working up a sweat trying to help around the barn but her gigantic breasts are in the way


What you want but make it very very big :)


7 of 9 from star trek voyager in her research into human femininity she may have overdone it as her breast and ass have ballooned out to the size of giant overstuffed beanbag chairs with some fat nipples to match, she's amazed that somehow her catsuit held up with her new curves (with a beaker on the floor next to her the expansion formula she cooked up)


I'd like to resubmit my previous entry with the "soda" giantess.


A girl outgrows her entire apartment complex after mistakenly drinking her nerdy roommate's entire supply of growth tonic she was making. She ends up almost 100 feet tall, with massive breasts and a humongous backside. She looks down at her roommate on the street to yell, "What? I thought it was soda!"


Marybeth from gr0w/4, trying to give a presentation in front of Carl's class. Her breasts are exploding out of her button-up shirt, almost too large to wrap her arms around. She's frantically grabbing at her swelling breasts in a futile effort to try to contain the growth. Her milk is gushing messily in front of her and all over the floor as she moans, "Oh no....here comes another surge!"


Liara or Miranda from Mass Effect going through breast and ass expansion

Grand Funk Master Chief Ricardo Montalbán Phon Con 14

Irma Langinstein from the 1987 TMNT series. A recreation of the "Attack of the 50ft Irma" growth scene where she is also going through an hourglass expansion. As she passes 9ft in height, her basketball-size breasts and matching bottom explode out of their cloth confines. With torn shoes, hair breaking free from its ponytail, and glasses sliding off her nose, Irma can't help but blush and moan with delight.


Monika, from Doki Doki Literature Club, grows from the use of character model sliders, breasts, hips, hight, thighs, and the like.

Phillip Jackson

Do one with Vera from episode IX, where after she kisses Nayshya, Vera gains her growth ability. She’s in a pool full of water and she absorbs it causing her to grow massive..... Lip inflation, hourglass inflation and belly inflation. Her body fills the pool up


Eliza bought an entire case of the same product from Milk Farm and now has breasts the size of dump trucks while her boyfriend cum inflates her. (To specify i mean my own OC Eliza)


Something both different for you and yet a classic. How about your best Renamon, with defined muscles and a huge pair of tits. In an aggressive combat stance.


Hi Drew. Make sure to review the newly posted Commission rules. (See link). Especially read sections 1, 2 and 5. Please choose only 1 of your 3 entries, and, based on your Patron level, post it here only and delete the other posts. Thanks. https://www.patreon.com/posts/commission-rules-33716416

Mookie Johnson

Sabine from Star wars Rebels leaning back in shock at the now bean bag sized breast she suddenly grew https://www.google.com/search?q=sabine+star+wars+rebels+age&client=ms-android-att-us&prmd=inv&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPprSLHnSYBH9tU8O-yglNyzMnUw:1580930429261&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjj8ZnlkLvnAhV0Ap0JHXNgDpAQ_AUoAXoECAwQAQ&biw=412&bih=652#imgrc=Ee6tmIrvMQQGnM

That New Shoe Smell

How about something for Valentines: Your lover's tits are rapidly outgrowing her red cocktail dress. An empty heart-shaped box of growth chocolates lays nearby. She's looking at you questioningly with the caption, "I wasn't supposed to eat them all at once?"
