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As we wrap up the 2019 holiday season and draw a close on 2019, I've upgraded a number of posts for this month. Some of these will be released before the end of December.

  • The Sketch Commission upgraded to full Black And White, with work-in-progress releases.
  • Black and White Commission upgraded to Color, with work-in-progress releases. (Basically, there are 2 Color Commissions this month).
  • PSD file for this upgraded Commission will be made available to SUPPORTERS ($6 lvl). (The other will be just to FANATICs ($10 lvl) as usual.)
  • An extra Archive Sketch release for FANATIC and ZEALOTs.

I also wanted to make up for the lack of grOw/cinema previews this month (since I am still wrapping up the planning before the start of the actual artwork). Family-Long weekend time off; holiday planning, celebrating, and recovering; and some health issues (a cold that had zapped my strength for a week; and a planned, follow-up procedure for my ulcers that side-lined me for a few days [Side note: they've healed! Yay!])

Looking forward to more growth in 2020 !  THANK YOU for your continued Support!


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