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It’s time to begin the process to give out this November's single-character, black and white commission for ADMIRERs. 

Write a quick description in the comments below of what you would like in your single-character, color commission in the comments below. Feel free to re-enter previous commission requests if yours hadn't won before.

Feel free to comment on and like the ones you enjoy! I’ll choose the ones I feel are the best, and put them in a poll. The winner will receive the commission. In other months, I may choose the commission myself (to keep things from skewing to one side all the time). Other suggestions welcome.

*** DEADLINE to ENTER:  Thur., Nov 14, 2019 ***




A woman scientist, lab coat and all, secretly tests her new serum on herself meant to make one more fit and athletic. However, it works too well as she is grows into a taller, muscular and wild Amazon with proportionally huge tits with her clothes shredded


A woman stands, smiling but surprised, in her wedding dress next to a bed for her wedding night. Her husband playfully slipped her wedding ring (with a mischievously twinkling gemstone) onto one of her nipples after she'd pull it free of the dress as a tease, and now that breast is immensely huge with a disproportionately large nipple, ring barely holding on right at the tip. The other breast is smaller, but is visibly swelling up the other half of the dress, soon to join its bosom buddy


Woman asks genie for “a bigger butt,” but instantly regrets not being more specific about the size.


A dark-haired woman with a loose ponytail sits in the back of a pickup facing backwards. The truck is speeding along a rural highway. She's shirtless as her breasts have grown so much that they fill the bed of the pickup up to her chin. They're beginning to outgrow the capacity of the truck and bulge up over the sides like muffins. Her arms lie atop her massive breasts. She appears anxious and aroused about her condition.
