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Just curious what you would like to suggest for a monthly Theme for the Tier 4, Special, Themed Patreon Art Contest? Themes limit a contest to certain parameters that may actually help create new scenarios. With purpose and direction, sometimes the mind can come up with more engaging concepts.

Things to think about:

Theme: What should the image subject matter be limited to?

  • Should it show active, aftermath, or passive expansion? (Active = on-going in the image; aftermath = no growth, but soon-after results; passive = "living with" already achieved size)

  • Should there be a limit to the number of expansion themes. Or even focused on ONE particular theme?

  • Should it focus on specific topic. Some examples may be: a holiday theme; specific locale (beach, store, school); profession (nurse, nun, cop, teacher, librarian, etc.).

  • Is there a specific (or themed) setting that the concept should take place in, such as: swimming pool; changing room; school room; college dorm; shopping mall (if they exist anymore); or library?

Size limit:

  • Should it be limited to smaller, medium, huge, or gigantic sizes only? (Define the size with the chart(s) or specific description.)

  • Should it be limited up to a certain size? ("Anything up to size X")

Wholesome limit:

  • Should there be a full (all the rules), partial limit (such as active expansion allowed, but still mostly clothed), or no limit?

  • Wholesome Rules are:
    1) Something expansion-related that is either "every day" or "wholesome" only. (Think everyday occurrences.)
    2) The expansion size must be already achieved with recent NO expansion implied. That is, no occurring expansion, just-after-expansion, shocked expressions, or torn clothing.
    3) Concepts should not have: lewdness; fear or shock; overt sexual overtones or bodily fluids; torn clothing; or nudity.



Eras could help make similar themes be unique - you can goto the beach but 70s/80s/90s/2000s clothing for Wholesome. The suggestion for surprise, or mid-action growth, and exciting locations could add motion/action to the scene. Also thought what if BA provides one character (his choice of pose/theme) and the membership describes the other person. Can use BA's existing catalog, just customize the other character to the theme.