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I just went through the Patreon Membership tier descriptions, and refined a lot of the language. There was only 1 small change, that applies to tiers $5 and higher (see "Change" below).

Refined language:

  • I updated the use of "Commissions" to "Patreon Art" that was announced back in February 2024, to avoid confusion with my new personal, paid commissions.

  • I included the approximate base size of resolutions, so patrons know what low, medium, high, and very high resolution means. For example: "(Very high-res is approx 7000 x 5000 px for fully rendered art, and 5000 x 3500 px for watercolors.)"

  • Simplified the list of art titles (mOnthly grOw illustration, Patreon Art winners, and monthly Watercolors) down to a short "Patreon Art (xxxx-res), usually 7 images per month. "


  • Resolutions were originally called low, medium, and high, but this covered 4 resolution sizes. This year, I have defined the top 2 largest resolutions as "high" and "very high".

  • $5 tier patrons will still receive "high" resolution images (defined as approx 4000 x 2857 px for fully rendered art, and 3600 x 2520 px for watercolors) as was always written in the tier description.

  • $7 and higher tier patrons will now receive the designated "very high" resolution images (Very high-res is approx 7000 x 5000 px for fully rendered art, and 5000 x 3500 px for watercolors) , as was always given, but not defined.

  • This change more accurately reflects the level of patreon contribution to image size.


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