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Hey everyone!!!  Here it is - my reaction to vol 7 episodes 10 and 11 of RWBY!!!  I was sooooooooooo proud of our whole crew in that first ep, omg!!!  The unity, the teamwork, Robyn and Ironwood literally hand in hand during the broadcast...!!!  And at first, I was like, oh cool, he used the broadcast as a way to trick Watts.....until the second ep....when I found out he didn't exactly tell anyone about that........yikes!!!!  Allllll that great trust and team building goes to HECK in the second episode, WOW!!!!  I knew he had taken the whole thing too well.....and as soon as there was enough fear in front of him to spark that paranoia, it all came to the surface.  I don't blame him for being upset in a way, but this kind of reactive decision making is EXACTLY what they were trying to stop in the first ep!!!  And now team RWBY is arrested?!?!?!  And Oscar is MISSING?!?!?!  And I think they're gonna do something to the Winter Maiden????  Holy cow you guys.....things escalated SO fast!  Can't wait to see what happens next!  Great eps!  Enjoy!!  ~ MH


RWBY 7x10 and 7x11 full reaction.mp4



great reactions even though i just started watching it but their always great ones, still waiting on the volume 8 soundtrack hopefully it should be out by the time you finish 8 lol but still nearly caught up xx


Just about to start watching, but I feel like you just started season 7 and we're already here


Ya gotta admit Salem has such stage presence, despite her being a villain she is an amazing character


It's absolutely hilarious to me how easily this show can make you go from extremely happy to extremely distraught in a matter of one episode. I won't talk too much about episode 10, but yeah the team work and trust between all of our main heroes was so good! Also yay for the return of a Ruby strategy - still insane to me that she can come up with one on the fly like that. But yeah, all was fine! Until it wasn't. So an interesting detail (and I don't know if you bring it up cuz I haven't watched all your reaction yet) is that in the beginning of the broadcast you see Robyn and Ironwood's hands visibly onscreen with her semblance active, but when he speaks about the tower being operational their hands aren't onscreen anymore. First clue that he wasn't telling the truth on that. The sad thing is, even without Cinder's involvement with the piece, Ironwood's downward spiral was bound to happen. That statement; "I will sacrifice WHATEVER it takes to stop her" is such a dangerous one, and with evidence on how explosively reactive he has been to other situations with less pressure, if it hadn't have been Cinder's interference that began his spiral it would've been something else. And while I understand why he's upset about the kids lying to him and how that came into play, this reaction of his was one of the things they were hoping to avoid in doing that. And to be not only a world leader and general of an army tasked with protecting Remnant, but a headmaster of a huntsmen academy; abandoning not only half your population but the world is... well it's not great. Even if there is no chance in saving the Kingdom of Atlas they could still save its people (and that includes Mantle). Afterall, "a huntress (or huntsman) is supposed to protect others to the bitter end." - Maria Volume 6. While I do think deep down James thinks he's doing the right thing, that's sort of the issue. His militaristic fatalistic mentality, mixed with his semblance, has him thinking his way is the only way that is guaranteed to work and any and all sacrifices are worth it in terms of the "greater good". And anyone who thinks otherwise, in his mind, are conspiring against the best chance of saving Remnant, and are therefore enemies, hence team RWBY's arrest. And because of the way huntsmen/huntresses are taught in Atlas, the Aceops, no matter how they may feel on the matter follow the orders of their superior. But then again there's Clover, Winter and Penny to take into account, also if I'm not wrong this is the first time we've seen the Aceops try and fight properly without Clover. Wonder how that will effect things. Also! Since I've just seen it in the description of this, I believe, well Ironwood had the Winter maiden in a room with the same machine that Pyrrha and the old Fall maiden were trying to use.... and they weren't even sure how it would effect them then. So really, Ironwood sent Winter to maybe, possibly murder an old woman....maybe? Last minute note: Also can we talk about how strong our girl Ruby is? Like she stood strong in the face of the literal incarnate of darkness, and even smack talked her. And it shook Salem to know that other's know of her past "weakness", otherwise she wouldn't have responded the way she did to Ruby. Speaking of that, poor Ruby... she was doing so well and all it took was quite possibly one of Ruby's greatest fears (possible confirmation that Salem and Summer interacted and Salem is the reason she didn't come back) being shoved in her face to break her down. Also poor Yang, she heard all that too and doesn't even take a moment herself to grieve, she just does what she always does and make's sure Ruby's supported (which in itself isn't bad, but it isn't healthy for her either). Anyways, almost done with the reaction, but I can say it was awesome as always and whoo boi, I hope you're ready for the next two cuz I sure as hell wasn't.


Hi Hime :) What episodes... So to start, I wanted to go back to the moment when Ruby closes her eyes during her confrontation with the Grimm, she was planning to use her silver eyes, you can hear Indomitable in the background that arrives, but it lacks concentration and does not arrive there in the end. The little passage between Penny and Ruby, about Ruby's plans since she still has one but we never see her explain it lol. The Ironwood vs. Watts fight is the first pistol duel we see and it's still pretty cool, especially with Ironwood using one of the guns to propel himself. About the song, the singer is Caleb Hyles, a youtuber which made many cover of song, including some from RWBY. So it it's fun to see him sing a song for the show now ^^ (You should check some of is RWBY cover). The song is called "Hero" and if you rewatch the star, you see Ironwood making a super hero landing lol. I wanted to take my hat off to Tyrian, he was still able to stand up to three pro huntsmen, even if as usual, he enjoys the moment. Good job from Cinder too, all she has to do is put a glass chess piece in to turn the table over. The face to face between Salem and Ruby ... As I said on another video, Ruby is a ball of optimism, to see her angry or sad, is extremely rare and there ... She was really in a bad state at the point of curling up on itself. I'm not going to lie to you, although I know this scene, I had a tight throat and tears we flowed seeing it again. Luckily I would be comforted next week by another badass moment from Ruby, one of my favorites with the "No, I'm angry" from volume 5 and another from volume 8, but you'll see it for yourself in a few months. Next week, you are also going to have some fights that I love a lot, a very good job from Jessica Nigri (Cinder VA) and ... think about getting the tissue box ready.


Yeah everything really gets messed up in chapter 11 huh


Fun Fact time Ironwood's pair of guns are called "Due Process", The gravity biom can actually be seen in vol 3 ep 5 when Penny is fighting cardin's team mates and i believe they were planing on using it in a cut fight with Pyrrha and Nora fighting Sun and Neptune also I remember when this episode came out someone made an edit where they photoshoped Deku's hair from MHA on to ironwood when they show his burned left arm and it made me laugh because it looks just like whenever Deku breaks his arms

Derpy Trev

This and the next few chapters can be summed up as… Fight! Fight! Fight! We’re in the endgame now. I just can’t wait for that OST reaction! ^^ I was wondering cause you brought up liking the score as well as the songs, if you listened to any of it?

Derpy Trev

Also, today’s not just RWBY Day, today’s Monty’s birthday. 🤍


Just when you think things are going good BOOM this happens. Love the little Kamehameha pose Penny does before blasting that grimms tusk. The fight between Ironwood and Watts is one of my favorites from this volume its right up there with the Tyrian going up against the team of Qrow, Clover and Robyn. Ruby was so brave standing up to Salem saying how they will defeat her but then Salem broke her with just a few words. I don't think you are ready for next week but luckily we will be here for you.

Haughtbreaker Nic

Great reaction as always. This episode was really the first time I thought about Yang in relation to Summer's disappearance. When you think about it, Ruby didn't even know her mother that well. She was super young. Summer was the only mother that Yang knew about until Summer went missing and Tai told her about Raven. And yet, here for the first time they hear about Summer possibly coming up against Salem (which for the record could be a lie or Summer could have still escaped, it's all just circumstantial insinuation), Yang has to stay strong to comfort Ruby. I just find it strange how the show doesn't focus at all on Yang losing Summer as a mother just because she's not her birth mother. Anyway, this makes me super excited for next week. And you're almost to v8! Which means you'll be caught up in time for whenever V9 rolls out! Woohoo!


Great reactions to great episodes. I love v7 (I love all of RWBY lol). About the “vision” that Ruby has of her mom, it’s sort of a reverse of the one that she has in the v6 finale. In that episode, when she remembers Summer, the background has the sun rising and Summer is turning towards the camera smiling. Here, however, Summer isn’t smiling and is turning away from the camera while the background is all cloudy and grey. It’s a really interesting contrast, and seems to imply that it’s not an actual memory that Ruby has of her mom, just an image that she imagines whenever she thinks of her. Which begs the question, does Ruby actually remember what her mom looks like, or has she only really ever seen her in photos and stuff?


Oooh getting into the endgame now. In ep 10, gotta love that moment of Jaune using his crossing guard skills to get everyone into order, such a fun punchline to that joke sdfsd. Also, we get what I believe is the first time we've really seen Ruby and Penny fight side by side, really nice moment there, they make quite a team. And also, the little speech Ironwood and Robyn give is so uplifting after all the tension between the two of them, finally coming together to save Mantle and reveal the truth to everyone. Ep 11 is the big one though, after everything finally seemed to be under control Cinder and Neo make their play and in one swift motion unravel all that trust and goodwill that had been built up. Out of everyone I feel especially bad for Robyn right now, she only just finally was able to put her faith in Ironwood, appearing publicly alongside him, telling all her followers that she supported him, only to have him so quickly turn around and go "Oh, actually you know all those people you've dedicated yourself to protecting down in Mantle? I think I'm just gonna leave them to die rather than helping you save them." Of course things aren't particularly for any of our other heroes, with RWBY being stuck in Ironwood's office and JNR having to deal with a missing Oscar. The way Ironwood is able to cut off Ruby's transmission is also something that has a fairly sinister edge to it when you think a little. You might remember earlier in the volume it was mentioned that everyone got given new scrolls by the military, which at the time was just framed as "Oh, what a nice little upgrade." Now though, we see that these scrolls are under Ironwood's complete control, he can turn them off with the click of a button, and likely quite a bit more than that. Kinda makes it seem like he might've always felt some distrust towards them, that he felt the need to have that kind of control. Of course, it might've been a bit more innocent than that, but nonetheless it's pretty bad for everyone right now, leaving them with no way to contact their friends any more. Super excited for next week! This is a great finale, and without spoiling anything I can say that as a big Cinder fan these episodes make me very, very happy sdfgd. Can't wait to see your reactions!


i had to keep pausing on the last episodes when i watched them because i was all over the place lol


Just one little thing, when your done with V8 will you react to The RWBY Deathbattles also created by RT, the first one was Yang vs Tifa (FF7) then the next was Weiss vs Mitsuro (Persona 3) then the current one was Blake vs Mikasa (AoT) their fun battles with some nice music :) i hope you do because its rwby and some other great characters, they will do a Ruby one at some point i am sure, maybe Ruby vs Mika from Soul Eater, sorry if her name is wrong xxx


It's Maka for Soul Eater, but hey... close enough like Jaune said :D


Oh my gosh they were getting frustrated and i was also feeling frustrated cause of all the paranoia going around. Gosh everything was going so well! Gaaah! 😱


Yay!! Thanks! Oh man, can you believe I'm so close to being current?! I hope the Vol 8 soundtrack comes out in time!!!


Ahhh yes I feel like I'd heard the names before, but I forgot! Ohhh I didn't remember that sighting of the gravity biom! Thanks! HAHAHAHAHAHA the Izuku photoshop is hilarious lol!!! The first thing I thought was it looked like a Titan arm but I can totally see how funny and similar it is to the way Izuku always burns up his arms too lol.


Oh man!!!! I can't wait for more!! And the OST!!!! I don't usually react to the scores, but once the soundtrack goes onto my iTunes following the reaction, the score is all mixed in with the lyric songs, so I'll occasionally listen to them!!! Awwww Monty <3 Thank you for letting me know it was his birthday!!!! <333


Right?!?! Awww yes Penny's special move haha! The fights were amazing!!! Omg Ruby, I was so proud, but it was crushing to see how Salem brought her right down with only a few words!!! Ahhhhh I'm so not ready, thank you for watching along with me and helping me through it!!!!!!!!!! XD


RIGHT?!?!?! It's maddening just to watch that scene!!! Everything comes crashing down so spectacularly!!!! >.<


Yay, thank you!! Awwww that's such a good point about Yang!!! How hard that must have all been for her....maybe that's something they'll deal with more later? Also I'm dying to know what really happened with Summer!!!!! OMG!!!! I'm so excited to almost be caught up! At this rate, if Vol 9 comes out in the fall, I don't think I'll have too long a wait!!! XD


Yay!!! Thank you!! All of RWBY is amazing for sure haha. OHHHHH did not even realize it was a reverse of that!!! :O That's what I was thinking, it seems to be more than just a memory. Such a good point that Ruby may not even remember what her mom looks like, she's just imagining it based on photos. I really, really hope we learn more about Summer!!!!


Oooohhh!!! Those sound really good!!! I'm definitely gonna add those to the list of things to maybe watch once I'm caught up, along with RWBY Chibi!!! Thanks!!!


Awesome the fights are only like a few minutes each xx


Hi Spadeas! :) Ah yes, I thought maybe she was using the silver eyes there but nothing more came of it. Thanks for clarifying! Ohhhhhh that's who's singing, thanks for the info!!! I definitely wanna check him out! Ah, very fitting title!!! Yeah, Tyrian's definitely formidable! It's SO crazy to see Ruby that distraught!!!!!! Oooooh cannot wait to see what's next! I should start prepping the tissues for sure lol....!!


Hahha it was an awesome way to bring the crossing guard stuff full circle right!!! Ah yes, loved Ruby and Penny as a team! OMG that speech was amazing, such a great moment, can't believe what it was followed by though lol. Oh I know, poor Robyn! Cutting off the message was so sinister and the way Ruby made the mad dash to get out as much as she could just made it feel even more like she knew he'd cut the line like a horror movie. Ahhhhh yes the scrolls!!!!! Sheesh, now it feels like another way for him to control everything for sure. Ahhhhh cannot wait for what's next!!!! Thank you!

Nathan Grenawalt

Ironwood wasn't wrong to try and secretly build a communications tower. Robyn Hill wasn't wrong to try and protect Mantle, getting in his way and slowing him down. Ruby wasn't wrong to hold certain facts back until she was sure Ironwood wouldn't overreact, and she wasn't wrong for telling him those facts before the big fight. Blake and Yang weren't wrong for trying to get Robyn to see their side of things. Nora isn't wrong that the people of Mantle are being ignored. Even the Ace Ops aren't wrong for supporting ironwood no matter what - he has earned their loyalty and trust, and in this time of chaos and fear a soldier has to trust their leader. And it all comes tumbling down anyway, because life is complicated.

Nathan Grenawalt

Cinder has always been one of my favorite villains. She WANTS to just be impatient and violent and just break what she doesn't like and take what she does like, which is where she went wrong in Volumes 4 and 5, but when she puts her mind to it she is brilliant. In Volumes 1-3, she was given two things from Salem - a glove with a Grimm in it that could steal a Maiden's power, and a virus made by Watts. And she recruited her own team, built an army, manipulated everyone and brought Beacon down. And now, not being a part of Salem's or Watts' plans, she is able to push everything over the edge just by leaving the chess piece on Ironwood's desk to manipulate his emotions. And the people she manipulates into helping her - Neo and Emerald, and even Mercury and Roman Torchwick - are her victims as much as the good guys. She's so good at being bad, and I love to hate her!


So true!!! Everyone has a point in a way.....but yeah, life is more than just who's right or wrong. And it tends to take unpleasant turns sometimes :/


Cinder's a great villain! She really can do some damage when she puts her mind to it! Such a great point that the people she manipulated are every bit as much victims. I love to hate her too!!!!! They knew what they were doing when they built her up as a baddie, for sure!!!


I love this episode. I think the ominous start is really great and I really love the music at the beginning. The entire • starting scene is so well done at showing how bad off Mantle is especially the people running and almost getting crushed by the Goliaths. Also something cool even the Grimm that are not new have different looks that seem adapted to the cold. I really like seeing the ace operatives and our main group fighting together and protecting all the citizens. Also I love Nora being Nora. I think the plan to take care of some Grimm by Elm, Yang and Blake is really smart. It’s cool to see Blake using more elemental clones. It's crazy how strong Elm is holding back a Goliath and then throwing it high in the air. I think this episode does a great job of representing how never-ending the Grimm seem and the way they are just slowly tiring our heroes out. It’s upsetting to see the citizens losing hope and thinking the heroes aren’t doing enough while Nora looks like she’s feeling like they are failing until the message from Robyn and James starts. I think the message is so uplifting and inspiring especially being interspersed with the scenes of the heroes fighting so hard to protect the people. Weiss almost hitting Marrow’s tail and then giggling in a pose that says oops is just adorable. It’s so cool that they use the lie detector semblance to prove this stuff and show James is good. It’s crazy smart that they used clever editing to allow James to lie and set up the traps for Watts and Tyrian. Also the way Vine uses his stretchy arms is always so cool. I love that Jaune is so good with children it makes you think of the what if’s if Pyrrha had lived sorry for bringing up some sadness. It’s so interesting to see Cinder and Neo interact. Neo is the smallest, cutest threat I have ever seen and I will always love her. Also some people are really thirsty for Cinder and there’s this out of place shot focusing on her legs so I think CRWBY know what they’re doing LOL. Seeing Tyrian frustrated is oddly satisfying. Although it shows how great the villains are that they are able to come up with a new plan quickly. I love that the transformation aspect of Elm’s weapon is a rocket launcher it’s really awesome and so smart that the reason she can use it so easily is by stabilizing herself with her semblance. It’s very scary to see how big the really old Goliath in this episode is. It’s nice that we see Penny flying a few times in the episode before showing up to help. Also it’s almost unbelievable how pure Penny is I love her to pieces. The plan to take this thing out is so intelligent and badass using its own tusk against it. It might be 1 of the most dynamic plans in this show so far in my opinion. It’s so sweet and nice to see the citizens celebrating and being grateful to Penny after what she went through with a lot of doubt this volume. I absolutely love the way Tyrian approaches and uses intimidation towards Robyn and the dialogue works so well for his character. I think the voice actor for him was very intentionally trying to channel Mark Hamill’s Joker energy with the performance here. The traps have been set and everything is prepared for some action. Also James with the superhero landing you gotta love it. What a cliffhanger to end on huh? Finally fun fact a bunch of the civilians in this episode were ones who had been given background stories. Episode 11 comment coming soon.


Such a great ep! That's interesting about the Grimm! And I couldn't agree more about how amazing and adorable Neo and Penny are! Awwww so true about Jaune being great with kids, it is a super sad thought but so true. Tyrian's definitely giving off Mark Hamill Joker vibes here. Such a cliffhanger!!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Supermonaman (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:14:21 I love this episode so much it's great, heartbreaking, dark and awesome. It’s in the top 3 episodes of this volume and on my and many others list of best/favorite episodes of the show. A big reason many of us thought last episode was so uplifting and going so well to give us a big high to make the events in this episode that much more heartbreaking and this was later said to be the case in a DVD commentary. I personally believe that the fight in this episode is 1 of the best fights in the series and I’m not sure there’s many fights that could be argued as being better than this 1. I think it’s just the great choreography, how planned out it was by the writers and how well Watts and Ironwood utilized their advantages over other, skills and environment. Highlights were how James used his gun specifically the black one for movement using most likely gravity dust and when they were shooting at each other and some of the bullets collided and ricocheted off each other. I think it’s really interesting how Arthur had to use all of his tricks with strategy and technology because of just how strong James is. You have to give it to Watts the trap with the hard light dust was brilliant unfortunately he underestimates James’s insane determination and resolve although it does represent how once he’s made a decision you can’t really change his mind. Also him losing an arm temporarily represents him losing more of his humanity and him talking about how he will sacrifice anything to stop Salem foreshadows later events in the episode. I know you agree but I can’t help but love Tyrian. This fight between him and 3 extremely skilled and well-trained fighters shows that he really doesn’t have a lot of self-preservation because I have to assume he knows that and he still decided to fight them. I love how great their teamwork is and how they each have a role Qrow being the close range fighter, Clover being support and constricting Tyrian and Robyn being long-range support. Also it was such a short and fast paced fight but still so good. Also funny moment when he catches the arrow in his teeth while awesome if you freeze-frame you can see the moment he realizes he made a mistake before it explodes. And while I love Tyrian seeing Robyn kick him in the face is cathartic. Things were going so well and then it slowly starts to fall apart and unravel and this was built up really well. And it was all thanks to a chess piece igniting and triggering James’s paranoia and PTSD. The scene in the office is so well written with how tense it was and the suspicion/fear. Also the acting is incredible especially James, Salem and Ruby. Seeing them all start to turn on one another was heartbreaking. And those negative emotions woke up the jellyfish Grimm and the cool thing is Arthur had this the entire time for communication and possibly for Salem to observe things. The noises it makes are the worst. I really love how the ethereal, shadowy apparition of Salem looks. I have to mention how she talks to James like a condescending, coddling mother it’s so unsettling and disarming. It was so fantastic to see Ruby stand up to Salem in her 1st actual meeting with her until her mother is mentioned. The scream like noise is so effective at setting the tone as well as the other instrumental. Seeing how a short speech from her divided all of them and one sentence broke Ruby it shows what I have always thought Salem is such a threat with just her words but this was an outstanding example and now she’s physically coming at least implying it. Also I love that both Yang and Blake comfort Ruby considering Blake might be a sister-in-law one day <3. Seeing Weiss be heartbroken over what James starts to do is so sad. This is the most extreme way he could have reacted and why they lied in the 1st place and while making different decisions could have made things go better I think with his mental state and the villains working behind the scenes that this was inevitable. It’s amazing how all the decisions the characters make are in character and make sense especially James being so militaristic leading to the new plan. Also Atlas pushing military tendencies and loyalty into their students explains why loyalty is so important to them and why they have the outlook of don’t question orders. It broke my my heart to see James turn against them especially after loving his character especially because of this volume with him being humanized so much. Also both plans and points of view make sense considering the characters on either side. I think the rise up Atlas plan is good but it’s only delaying Salem and who knows if she could create monsters that might reach the upper atmosphere. I think the pros and cons on both sides make it so much more interesting from a narrative perspective at making things more complex. The entirety of James turning on them was the most important part of the episode according to the writers I believe and it had to be built up throughout the volume and I think they did such a fantastic job of it in my opinion. Also the way James says I know is perfect. What a bleak way to end the episode am I right? Finally fun fact this episode was longer at one point and had to be shortened because it was too long but they still managed to have everything that made this episode great in there according to the writers and others I think at least. This was such an amazing set of reactions and exactly how I was hoping you would react. I’m so sorry you had to go through this darkness and heartbreak but I’m glad you enjoyed it and could appreciate the amazing writing. I can’t wait to watch the finale reactions when I wake up. Keep up the great work. :-) <3
2021-06-29 06:30:42 I love this episode so much it's great, heartbreaking, dark and awesome. It’s in the top 3 episodes of this volume and on my and many others list of best/favorite episodes of the show. A big reason many of us thought last episode was so uplifting and going so well to give us a big high to make the events in this episode that much more heartbreaking and this was later said to be the case in a DVD commentary. I personally believe that the fight in this episode is 1 of the best fights in the series and I’m not sure there’s many fights that could be argued as being better than this 1. I think it’s just the great choreography, how planned out it was by the writers and how well Watts and Ironwood utilized their advantages over other, skills and environment. Highlights were how James used his gun specifically the black one for movement using most likely gravity dust and when they were shooting at each other and some of the bullets collided and ricocheted off each other. I think it’s really interesting how Arthur had to use all of his tricks with strategy and technology because of just how strong James is. You have to give it to Watts the trap with the hard light dust was brilliant unfortunately he underestimates James’s insane determination and resolve although it does represent how once he’s made a decision you can’t really change his mind. Also him losing an arm temporarily represents him losing more of his humanity and him talking about how he will sacrifice anything to stop Salem foreshadows later events in the episode. I know you agree but I can’t help but love Tyrian. This fight between him and 3 extremely skilled and well-trained fighters shows that he really doesn’t have a lot of self-preservation because I have to assume he knows that and he still decided to fight them. I love how great their teamwork is and how they each have a role Qrow being the close range fighter, Clover being support and constricting Tyrian and Robyn being long-range support. Also it was such a short and fast paced fight but still so good. Also funny moment when he catches the arrow in his teeth while awesome if you freeze-frame you can see the moment he realizes he made a mistake before it explodes. And while I love Tyrian seeing Robyn kick him in the face is cathartic. Things were going so well and then it slowly starts to fall apart and unravel and this was built up really well. And it was all thanks to a chess piece igniting and triggering James’s paranoia and PTSD. The scene in the office is so well written with how tense it was and the suspicion/fear. Also the acting is incredible especially James, Salem and Ruby. Seeing them all start to turn on one another was heartbreaking. And those negative emotions woke up the jellyfish Grimm and the cool thing is Arthur had this the entire time for communication and possibly for Salem to observe things. The noises it makes are the worst. I really love how the ethereal, shadowy apparition of Salem looks. I have to mention how she talks to James like a condescending, coddling mother it’s so unsettling and disarming. It was so fantastic to see Ruby stand up to Salem in her 1st actual meeting with her until her mother is mentioned. The scream like noise is so effective at setting the tone as well as the other instrumental. Seeing how a short speech from her divided all of them and one sentence broke Ruby it shows what I have always thought Salem is such a threat with just her words but this was an outstanding example and now she’s physically coming at least implying it. Also I love that both Yang and Blake comfort Ruby considering Blake might be a sister-in-law one day <3. Seeing Weiss be heartbroken over what James starts to do is so sad. This is the most extreme way he could have reacted and why they lied in the 1st place and while making different decisions could have made things go better I think with his mental state and the villains working behind the scenes that this was inevitable. It’s amazing how all the decisions the characters make are in character and make sense especially James being so militaristic leading to the new plan. Also Atlas pushing military tendencies and loyalty into their students explains why loyalty is so important to them and why they have the outlook of don’t question orders. It broke my my heart to see James turn against them especially after loving his character especially because of this volume with him being humanized so much. Also both plans and points of view make sense considering the characters on either side. I think the rise up Atlas plan is good but it’s only delaying Salem and who knows if she could create monsters that might reach the upper atmosphere. I think the pros and cons on both sides make it so much more interesting from a narrative perspective at making things more complex. The entirety of James turning on them was the most important part of the episode according to the writers I believe and it had to be built up throughout the volume and I think they did such a fantastic job of it in my opinion. Also the way James says I know is perfect. What a bleak way to end the episode am I right? Finally fun fact this episode was longer at one point and had to be shortened because it was too long but they still managed to have everything that made this episode great in there according to the writers and others I think at least. This was such an amazing set of reactions and exactly how I was hoping you would react. I’m so sorry you had to go through this darkness and heartbreak but I’m glad you enjoyed it and could appreciate the amazing writing. I can’t wait to watch the finale reactions when I wake up. Keep up the great work. :-) <3

I love this episode so much it's great, heartbreaking, dark and awesome. It’s in the top 3 episodes of this volume and on my and many others list of best/favorite episodes of the show. A big reason many of us thought last episode was so uplifting and going so well to give us a big high to make the events in this episode that much more heartbreaking and this was later said to be the case in a DVD commentary. I personally believe that the fight in this episode is 1 of the best fights in the series and I’m not sure there’s many fights that could be argued as being better than this 1. I think it’s just the great choreography, how planned out it was by the writers and how well Watts and Ironwood utilized their advantages over other, skills and environment. Highlights were how James used his gun specifically the black one for movement using most likely gravity dust and when they were shooting at each other and some of the bullets collided and ricocheted off each other. I think it’s really interesting how Arthur had to use all of his tricks with strategy and technology because of just how strong James is. You have to give it to Watts the trap with the hard light dust was brilliant unfortunately he underestimates James’s insane determination and resolve although it does represent how once he’s made a decision you can’t really change his mind. Also him losing an arm temporarily represents him losing more of his humanity and him talking about how he will sacrifice anything to stop Salem foreshadows later events in the episode. I know you agree but I can’t help but love Tyrian. This fight between him and 3 extremely skilled and well-trained fighters shows that he really doesn’t have a lot of self-preservation because I have to assume he knows that and he still decided to fight them. I love how great their teamwork is and how they each have a role Qrow being the close range fighter, Clover being support and constricting Tyrian and Robyn being long-range support. Also it was such a short and fast paced fight but still so good. Also funny moment when he catches the arrow in his teeth while awesome if you freeze-frame you can see the moment he realizes he made a mistake before it explodes. And while I love Tyrian seeing Robyn kick him in the face is cathartic. Things were going so well and then it slowly starts to fall apart and unravel and this was built up really well. And it was all thanks to a chess piece igniting and triggering James’s paranoia and PTSD. The scene in the office is so well written with how tense it was and the suspicion/fear. Also the acting is incredible especially James, Salem and Ruby. Seeing them all start to turn on one another was heartbreaking. And those negative emotions woke up the jellyfish Grimm and the cool thing is Arthur had this the entire time for communication and possibly for Salem to observe things. The noises it makes are the worst. I really love how the ethereal, shadowy apparition of Salem looks. I have to mention how she talks to James like a condescending, coddling mother it’s so unsettling and disarming. It was so fantastic to see Ruby stand up to Salem in her 1st actual meeting with her until her mother is mentioned. The scream like noise is so effective at setting the tone as well as the other instrumental. Seeing how a short speech from her divided all of them and one sentence broke Ruby it shows what I have always thought Salem is such a threat with just her words but this was an outstanding example and now she’s physically coming at least implying it. Also I love that both Yang and Blake comfort Ruby considering Blake might be a sister-in-law one day <3. Seeing Weiss be heartbroken over what James starts to do is so sad. This is the most extreme way he could have reacted and why they lied in the 1st place and while making different decisions could have made things go better I think with his mental state and the villains working behind the scenes that this was inevitable. It’s amazing how all the decisions the characters make are in character and make sense especially James being so militaristic leading to the new plan. Also Atlas pushing military tendencies and loyalty into their students explains why loyalty is so important to them and why they have the outlook of don’t question orders. It broke my my heart to see James turn against them especially after loving his character especially because of this volume with him being humanized so much. Also both plans and points of view make sense considering the characters on either side. I think the rise up Atlas plan is good but it’s only delaying Salem and who knows if she could create monsters that might reach the upper atmosphere. I think the pros and cons on both sides make it so much more interesting from a narrative perspective at making things more complex. The entirety of James turning on them was the most important part of the episode according to the writers I believe and it had to be built up throughout the volume and I think they did such a fantastic job of it in my opinion. Also the way James says I know is perfect. What a bleak way to end the episode am I right? Finally fun fact this episode was longer at one point and had to be shortened because it was too long but they still managed to have everything that made this episode great in there according to the writers and others I think at least. This was such an amazing set of reactions and exactly how I was hoping you would react. I’m so sorry you had to go through this darkness and heartbreak but I’m glad you enjoyed it and could appreciate the amazing writing. I can’t wait to watch the finale reactions when I wake up. Keep up the great work. :-) <3


The fight was amazing!!!! And so was Tyrian getting kicked in the face lol. It's so sad and frustrating to see Ironwood descend into his own fear and paranoia. Blake is for sure good sis-in-law material!!! So true that it was inevitable with so many baddies at play. It was totally a bleak ending!! Aww thank you so much, I'm so happy you enjoyed my reaction!!! I really appreciate all your kindness and support! Thanks for sharing your thoughts! The finale reaction is up, it's just still processing lol. Thanks again!


Ruby truly might not remember her mom's appearance. In season 2 episode 6, Yang describes Ruby as "too young to really understand what was going on". In the volume 1 soundtrack, Red Like Roses part 2 states "no way in hell that I could ever comprehend this". So, from these lines, an assumption can be made that Ruby lost her mom at a very early age and doesn't have as many memories of her as Yang does.