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***Update 3:30: YAY!!!  The new copy processed, finally!!!  It should be streamable now!!!  Thanks for your patience!!!   

Hey everyone!!!  Here it is - my reaction to vol 7 episodes 6 and 7 of RWBY!!!  Oh man, I got so excited when I saw the title "A Night Off", and even more excited when DANCING began!!!
Oh yeah, and don't forget about THAT LIPS MOMENT, squeeeee!!!  But wow guys, things went to heck SO fast!!!!  My poor girl Penny, I couldn't help but see the irony in the way she was framed vs. the way Pyrrha looked/felt after she was tricked into killing Penny in Vol. 3.
:(  Speaking of Penny, she truly is her father's daughter!!!  So THAT'S how they got around the whole aura thing!!!!  :O  And I have to say, I think Yang and Blake are the ones having the most constructive conversation here about different schools of thought.  They can disagree slightly, but work hard to see each other's point.  That's trust/love (pun intended) for ya!!!  ;)  I really hope Ren and Nora don't get too divided on this!!!!  And last but not least, let's prep for what's sure to be a tense and uncomfortable dinner party, ugh!!!!  Can't wait to see what happens next!  Enjoy!!  ~ MH


RWBY 7x06 and 7x07 full reaction 2.mp4


Zen Reacts

im so glad youre going to get the whole dinner party next week, waiting a week between those 2 was soooo uncomfortable

Sunset (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:16:04 All these thoughts are based off what I remember from these two eps as I wait for your reaction to download so bare with me haha. I love how we could go from such a good, easy going time to utter dread in a matter of a few minutes. We're like "YAY! SMOOCHERS!" and then "AHHH!!" the next. Love shifts in tone and atmosphere like that. Also Watts proves to be a more formidable foe that Cinder has been in the past few volumes, he's cold and calculated, and knows just how to pull certain strings. Him and Tyrian are such a deadly combo. Poor Penny, you can see how much this effects her, and how its almost exactly similar to how Pyrrha reacted when PVP happened. Another interesting thing to note (if you didn't already), Ruby reaches out with her hand to comfort Penny but notices the blood on her hand from compressing Fiona's (lamb girl) wound and is shocked frozen as she stares at it. Yay, more trauma. On a less angsty note for ep 6, love the subtle/not subtle in world suspicion Nora has on the bees - especially because Renora and Bumbleby have quite a few parallels (airship hand holds in V4 & V6 respectively). And of course the long awaited smooch for our thunder goddess and silent ninja. Let's hope they work out their issues to continue forth with that. As for the beginning of ep 7... yikes. Martial law? I get where James is coming from, with wanting to find a way to unite the public of Remnant, but neglecting and actively shoving aside a part of your population - a percentage of the people you wish to aid with this project isn't going to help you in uniting anyone. I really dislike when people invoke the whole "doing it for the greater good" call, cuz it's like Nora said, that doesn't do anything but cause more problems down the line especially with the actions he suggests. If you want to reunite the world, there are better ways to go about it - "the journey, not the arrival, matters". The "MY KINGDOM" line doesn't sit well with me personally. Yes to Yang and Blake being the most constructive when talking about their conflicting views on the situation. It shows a true understanding of one another that they were able to discuss it civilly and come to a compromise of sorts. And I like that they acknowledged in canon that neither of them feel okay with what they did with Adam, and will actively try avoid the same situation in the future. Speaking of Blake and Yang, I have personally always been okay with them informing Robyn. Robyn at the time the episodes were coming out weekly, seemed like the least threatening force the Atlas team had to deal with, and could've even been a large help, so I was up for the bees trying to get her in the know. Which I'd argue, if it happened early in the form of her knowing about Ironwood being framed she may not have immediately set out against him after the events of ep 6. But of course that's just me. Last minute thought edit: ALSO, like that reveal that Pietro and Watts worked together! And the fact that Ironwood had Atlas scientist to update the security codes for Atlas but not Mantle as well really irks me. Because that's how Watts manipulated security footage of Penny and turned off the lights at the rally, who knows what else he could do because of that access. And because I didn't mention it before, I hate Jacques Schnee, only he could benefit off a massacre like that rally. Now, I love that Oscar is getting more of a part to play now that Oz has taken a backseat... but I really dislike when other characters are just like "now you're sounding like him" - which I get is meant to be a compliment... but like Oscar is aware he's eventually gonna merge with Oz and I hate thinking about how all those comments make him feel. But besides that I'm glad he seems to be the one to get Ironwood to think more clearly. And goshh that line "I do *believe in you*, but not only you." its just a really nice line to me. Anyways now we're off to the snowy mansion for a dinner that I'm sure is gonna be full of love and laughter *she says sarcastically* but yeah! Looking forward to your next reactions. And finally being able to watch these two when they finally download on my slow ass computer!
2021-06-08 14:33:16 All these thoughts are based off what I remember from these two eps as I wait for your reaction to download so bare with me haha. I love how we could go from such a good, easy going time to utter dread in a matter of a few minutes. We're like "YAY! SMOOCHERS!" and then "AHHH!!" the next. Love shifts in tone and atmosphere like that. Also Watts proves to be a more formidable foe that Cinder has been in the past few volumes, he's cold and calculated, and knows just how to pull certain strings. Him and Tyrian are such a deadly combo. Poor Penny, you can see how much this effects her, and how its almost exactly similar to how Pyrrha reacted when PVP happened. Another interesting thing to note (if you didn't already), Ruby reaches out with her hand to comfort Penny but notices the blood on her hand from compressing Fiona's (lamb girl) wound and is shocked frozen as she stares at it. Yay, more trauma. On a less angsty note for ep 6, love the subtle/not subtle in world suspicion Nora has on the bees - especially because Renora and Bumbleby have quite a few parallels (airship hand holds in V4 & V6 respectively). And of course the long awaited smooch for our thunder goddess and silent ninja. Let's hope they work out their issues to continue forth with that. As for the beginning of ep 7... yikes. Martial law? I get where James is coming from, with wanting to find a way to unite the public of Remnant, but neglecting and actively shoving aside a part of your population - a percentage of the people you wish to aid with this project isn't going to help you in uniting anyone. I really dislike when people invoke the whole "doing it for the greater good" call, cuz it's like Nora said, that doesn't do anything but cause more problems down the line especially with the actions he suggests. If you want to reunite the world, there are better ways to go about it - "the journey, not the arrival, matters". The "MY KINGDOM" line doesn't sit well with me personally. Yes to Yang and Blake being the most constructive when talking about their conflicting views on the situation. It shows a true understanding of one another that they were able to discuss it civilly and come to a compromise of sorts. And I like that they acknowledged in canon that neither of them feel okay with what they did with Adam, and will actively try avoid the same situation in the future. Speaking of Blake and Yang, I have personally always been okay with them informing Robyn. Robyn at the time the episodes were coming out weekly, seemed like the least threatening force the Atlas team had to deal with, and could've even been a large help, so I was up for the bees trying to get her in the know. Which I'd argue, if it happened early in the form of her knowing about Ironwood being framed she may not have immediately set out against him after the events of ep 6. But of course that's just me. Last minute thought edit: ALSO, like that reveal that Pietro and Watts worked together! And the fact that Ironwood had Atlas scientist to update the security codes for Atlas but not Mantle as well really irks me. Because that's how Watts manipulated security footage of Penny and turned off the lights at the rally, who knows what else he could do because of that access. And because I didn't mention it before, I hate Jacques Schnee, only he could benefit off a massacre like that rally. Now, I love that Oscar is getting more of a part to play now that Oz has taken a backseat... but I really dislike when other characters are just like "now you're sounding like him" - which I get is meant to be a compliment... but like Oscar is aware he's eventually gonna merge with Oz and I hate thinking about how all those comments make him feel. But besides that I'm glad he seems to be the one to get Ironwood to think more clearly. And goshh that line "I do *believe in you*, but not only you." its just a really nice line to me. Anyways now we're off to the snowy mansion for a dinner that I'm sure is gonna be full of love and laughter *she says sarcastically* but yeah! Looking forward to your next reactions. And finally being able to watch these two when they finally download on my slow ass computer!

All these thoughts are based off what I remember from these two eps as I wait for your reaction to download so bare with me haha. I love how we could go from such a good, easy going time to utter dread in a matter of a few minutes. We're like "YAY! SMOOCHERS!" and then "AHHH!!" the next. Love shifts in tone and atmosphere like that. Also Watts proves to be a more formidable foe that Cinder has been in the past few volumes, he's cold and calculated, and knows just how to pull certain strings. Him and Tyrian are such a deadly combo. Poor Penny, you can see how much this effects her, and how its almost exactly similar to how Pyrrha reacted when PVP happened. Another interesting thing to note (if you didn't already), Ruby reaches out with her hand to comfort Penny but notices the blood on her hand from compressing Fiona's (lamb girl) wound and is shocked frozen as she stares at it. Yay, more trauma. On a less angsty note for ep 6, love the subtle/not subtle in world suspicion Nora has on the bees - especially because Renora and Bumbleby have quite a few parallels (airship hand holds in V4 & V6 respectively). And of course the long awaited smooch for our thunder goddess and silent ninja. Let's hope they work out their issues to continue forth with that. As for the beginning of ep 7... yikes. Martial law? I get where James is coming from, with wanting to find a way to unite the public of Remnant, but neglecting and actively shoving aside a part of your population - a percentage of the people you wish to aid with this project isn't going to help you in uniting anyone. I really dislike when people invoke the whole "doing it for the greater good" call, cuz it's like Nora said, that doesn't do anything but cause more problems down the line especially with the actions he suggests. If you want to reunite the world, there are better ways to go about it - "the journey, not the arrival, matters". The "MY KINGDOM" line doesn't sit well with me personally. Yes to Yang and Blake being the most constructive when talking about their conflicting views on the situation. It shows a true understanding of one another that they were able to discuss it civilly and come to a compromise of sorts. And I like that they acknowledged in canon that neither of them feel okay with what they did with Adam, and will actively try avoid the same situation in the future. Speaking of Blake and Yang, I have personally always been okay with them informing Robyn. Robyn at the time the episodes were coming out weekly, seemed like the least threatening force the Atlas team had to deal with, and could've even been a large help, so I was up for the bees trying to get her in the know. Which I'd argue, if it happened early in the form of her knowing about Ironwood being framed she may not have immediately set out against him after the events of ep 6. But of course that's just me. Last minute thought edit: ALSO, like that reveal that Pietro and Watts worked together! And the fact that Ironwood had Atlas scientist to update the security codes for Atlas but not Mantle as well really irks me. Because that's how Watts manipulated security footage of Penny and turned off the lights at the rally, who knows what else he could do because of that access. And because I didn't mention it before, I hate Jacques Schnee, only he could benefit off a massacre like that rally. Now, I love that Oscar is getting more of a part to play now that Oz has taken a backseat... but I really dislike when other characters are just like "now you're sounding like him" - which I get is meant to be a compliment... but like Oscar is aware he's eventually gonna merge with Oz and I hate thinking about how all those comments make him feel. But besides that I'm glad he seems to be the one to get Ironwood to think more clearly. And goshh that line "I do *believe in you*, but not only you." its just a really nice line to me. Anyways now we're off to the snowy mansion for a dinner that I'm sure is gonna be full of love and laughter *she says sarcastically* but yeah! Looking forward to your next reactions. And finally being able to watch these two when they finally download on my slow ass computer!


where to start with these chapters you can definitely feel the tone start to shift from uplifting everyone getting upgrades and doing actual huntsmen work to fear distrust and paranoia. We get a lot more information on Tyrian that might require a second look to catch like his semblance I like to call it aura disruption basically any where he touches with his bare hands creates an opening in there aura allowing him to deals serious injuries without having to fully break someones aura also you can actually pause and read the file clover brings up on him and you infer that his prison transport was not just attack by grimm but Salem her self saved him kinda see why Tyrian sees her as a goddess. A few more semblances we got are May and Fiona, May can make herself of create a bubble of invisibility also not sure if someone has mentioned this yet but May is RWBY's first trans character and her VA Kdin Jenzen is also a trans woman so always welcome the representation and Fiona's semblance called 'Deep Pockets' witch was originally going to be Roman's semblance lets her store inanimate objects in a pocket dimension and then take the stored objects out whenever she wants

Haughtbreaker Nic

Give me all the bees development. I love them being able to talk things through and recognize each others emotions and stances. I do enjoy the parallels theyve been showing between Blake/Yang and Ren/Nora, especially as Blake and Yang get closer because they are recognizing each others point of views, while Ren and Nora are having so many issues this volume communicating. Also one of the most underrated moments is Blake and Yang defying Ironwood and confronting Robin in a super secret and super stressful conflict and yang is just like: "'Handy' semblance." lol


Hi Hime :) I'm a bit late so my colleagues above have probably said a lot of things, so I'll just add my own elements. Weiss' smile after having Winter with her mini knight, is just so precious. I had it as an avatar for months because of that ^^. The famous kiss between Nora and Ren, I like that our redhead to take the initiative, she has always been in my favorite characters so seeing this side of her really pleased me. I like the subtlety too, when Marrow talks to Robyn, who talks to him about inequality, and he just shows off his tail and says he knows about it. Marrow is probably the one of the Ace Ops who is closest to Mantle due to his Faunus origin, and the work he had to do to get where he is. Now for episode 7, I just wanted to point out that making the character who is one of the main comic reliefs, angry, is always a sign that things are not going in the right direction. And then Nora, is not really a character that you want to anger (Hazel must remember "I don't need him to be hurt, I just need him to go down", just to rewrite this sentence, I still have Nora's voice in mind). Now a little spoiler that isn't really one. Ironwood's semblance is never explained on the show, but it allows him to be very focused on his goal, which can make him forget what's around. I'm telling you that, just so you can understand why he is the way he is. It's very good that people like Nora and Ruby are there to question him and make him review the big picture. The sequel will continue to play with your emotions, so get ready. Oh and before I forget, good job for spotting Robyn semblance in the first encounter with Clover.


what an amazing two episodes we had about 5 episodes of everyone being somewhat happy and now everything is taking a turn. Where to begin, when I saw Ren and Nora kissed for the first time I actually yelled yes in my chair and Tyrian indeed kill those people unfortunately. I just wish we could have seen Yang and Blake at the club or Weiss hanging out with Jaune and Oscar at the movies. The scene with Pietro made me tear up when he was talking about Penny. Also I found my second favorite Happy Huntress and her name is May Marigold (the one who made the invisible field) and shes actually related to someone you met way back in Vol. 4 Henry Marigold if you can remember.

Jason S

One thing that makes this that little bit more tragic than it already is, is the fact that a number of the people who were killed at the rally were the mums from the previous episode.

Kayleigh McRae

With the whole Penny and her dad thing. If Pietro dies, Penny's fine as long as she doesn't die. But it's the same way here anyway. Because Pietro has hinted here. That he can't give any more aura for Penny if she's destroyed again. He can only recreate her this one time. If she dies, she's gone. At least unless Pietro gives her the rest of his soul and he dies from it. But I doubt Penny would ever want her father to do that. This in the end is supposed to say. Hey Penny might be okay now. But if she dies, she's gone... gone gone.

Christopher Pope

I like what you said about the importance of talking things out when basically decent people disagree. We spend a lot time talking about other people instead of talking TO them.

John J Ronald

Oscar really is wise beyond his years....Ozpin isn't even really mentally present right now....he may be slowly seeping/merging with Oscar anyway, but in his scene with Ironwood that's all Oscar...but Ironwood only half listens because it's coming from the mouth of a teenager...but everything Oscar says is spot on. His "...some things matter more, I think...." is just such a great piece of dialogue.

John J Ronald (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:15:59 Hate to briefly touch on real world politics, but just noting that the election going to Jacques in the way it did gave a lot of us really bad 2016 PTSD flashbacks at the time it originally aired...the psychic wounds & shock were still fresh....with the Grimm swarming the city and the klaxons blaring ceaselessly it really captured in a few seconds how much late 2016 and beyond right to that moment of original air time *felt* for a lot of us....the sinking feeling of just beginning a long waking nightmare with no clear resolution.
2021-06-09 00:43:05 Hate to briefly touch on real world politics, but just noting that the election going to Jacques in the way it did gave a lot of us really bad 2016 PTSD flashbacks at the time it originally aired...the psychic wounds & shock were still fresh....with the Grimm swarming the city and the klaxons blaring ceaselessly it really captured in a few seconds how much late 2016 and beyond right to that moment of original air time *felt* for a lot of us....the sinking feeling of just beginning a long waking nightmare with no clear resolution.

Hate to briefly touch on real world politics, but just noting that the election going to Jacques in the way it did gave a lot of us really bad 2016 PTSD flashbacks at the time it originally aired...the psychic wounds & shock were still fresh....with the Grimm swarming the city and the klaxons blaring ceaselessly it really captured in a few seconds how much late 2016 and beyond right to that moment of original air time *felt* for a lot of us....the sinking feeling of just beginning a long waking nightmare with no clear resolution.


ahh poor Penny q.q she's so adorable with Ruby in 6, I especially love the little fist bump that leaves Ruby's hand throbbing, such precious stuff. It's also interesting to note that when Tyrian was attacking and Penny switches to night vision, the first thing she does is look over to Ruby, checking she's okay before shifting her attention over to where Tyrian is, you can really tell those two care about each other a lot. Also, you may have missed this since it happens pretty quickly, but during that sequence where Tyrian is attacking we do indeed see that Watts was rigging the votes to make Jacques win at the same time, nasty little combination those two have got going on there. We also get to see some of Ironwood's worse aspects come out in ep 7, that whole conversation in his office where he's considering martial law is quite chilling. Especially so when you consider that the reason he's thinking about that is his suppliers down in Mantle refusing to sell to him until the city's defenses are repaired, which... is a pretty reasonable request, all things considered. There's an entire city full of vulnerable people down there, surely shifting some focus toward keeping them all safe wouldn't be too difficult, obviously Amity is important but it wouldn't be the end of the world if it takes just a little longer to complete. This then followed up during his later conversation with Oscar where Ironwood wonders if Salem's biggest advantage is her lack of humanity, the unspoken implication there being that he'd be better off if he discarded his own sense of humanity, which is a pretty worrying sentiment all around. You also get a sense of his self importance in that conversation, he frames the fall of Beacon as if it was a battle between him and Salem personally, both ignoring the many other players involved and not realising that on the other side, Salem didn't actually have much directly to do with that, it was all Cinder's plan, all her execution, and even the black queen symbol that Ironwood views as a message Salem sent to him is really more representative of Cinder than Salem, with Salem being positioned more as the player in the chess metaphor as opposed to one of the pieces. Still, you can see that for his faults the general is still trying to do good, he wants to save the world, and hopefully with the support of all our heroes he can deal with those more negative tendencies and play his part to stop Salem.


Hate to say it but I've tried what feels like a dozen times to watch this today and the video just cuts out after 5 minutes and won't refresh. Guess I'm gonna have to wait. Hope everyone enjoys the reaction.


I couldnt even celebrate the cute kiss cause the whole escalated events after was just horrible. That was just so gruesome and horrifying. I mean sad to mention tragic things like that happen in real life too. I hope Tyrian and Watts get their just desserts

Nathan Grenawalt

So this is the second part of something I mentioned last week - at the end of episode 6, the guy staring depressed at the screen is the SECOND of the two drunk guys from episode 1 who were very pro-Atlas and a little racist. The other one started a riot after Jaques Schnee closed his job site. This one was looking kind of uncertain or worried in the voting line, and now that Jaques has won he is looking at the screen with a very unhappy expression. Did he vote for Robin and change, despite his beliefs in episode 1? Was he a Jaques-supporter who is having misgivings? Or did he support the third candidate? I just know that I love that these nameless background characters have gone through a real journey this Volume, and really give me a good feeling of where the people of Mantle are at emotionally. That is really good story-telling!

Nathan Grenawalt

It's not really the same though, because the candidate's positions are reversed. Robin is the patriotic candidate relying on emotional appeals to the blue-collar workers and a call for change, while Jacques wants to open up the borders and is anti-military and pro-establishment. There are some parallels that can be drawn, but not enough to really mean anything.


That soft-score rendition of the Vol 7 intro during that Yang and Blake talk is just so dang good (almost as good as the talk itself). Also, something to remember about Yang here and going forward: she might not exactly like or trust Raven, but she definitely took one thing Raven said to heart. Raven told her to question everything, to seek the truth, and to not take what people tell her at face value. Yang has been much more skeptical about authority figures since then, and it shows here. While Nora was the one to actually tell off Ironwood (and what a GREAT scene that is as well), Yang and Blake are the ones who actually actively disobey his orders by sharing the truth, since that's what they believe the best option is in this scenario (which I definitely agree with).


NOOOOOO really?!?! I didn't even think of that!!! Those poor moms :( And their poor babies!!! Ugh.....!


Ohhhh okay, gotcha! Thanks for clarifying! So true that Penny wouldn't want her dad to give up his soul and die. And OMG, we must protect Penny at all costs!!!!!!!!! I cannot lose her again....let alone permanently!!!!!!!! :O


Thanks so much!!! And such a great point about talking about vs. talking *to*!!! Glad you enjoyed my perspective :)


Oh no!!! I updated the file yesterday afternoon. Is it working for you now??? Let me know!


Omg right?!?!?! It was absolutely terrifying, and too true that events of terror like this happen in real life as well, sad to say. Oh yeah Tyrian and Watts are racking up LOTS of bad karma here, methinks!!!


Ohhhhhhh!!! That is such a good callback!!! And it does make you wonder what was going through his mind at the time! It's a great peek into the lives and feelings of the citizens of Mantle for sure. And so cool that they'd go to that length to flesh out a character who we'd only seen briefly before. Thanks for the info!


It's SO good, right?!?! So true about Yang, she really has taken those words to heart, especially after learning about Oz. Nora was pretty boss in that scene haha! And great point that it's actually not Nora but Yang and Blake who go against orders despite that. Thanks for the info!


It's great, right!? It's so nice to see them working things out this way, for sure. In the past, it seemed like Ren and Nora totally got each other and Yang and Blake were the ones in a conflict. Now, we see healthy disagreement followed by conversation and reasoning from the latter, and what you accurately described as communication issues from the former. Very interesting turn of the tides!! HAHAHAHA yup that's Yang for you!!!!!!! Love my girl!!!!!!!


Yup, it was about time for a big upheaval I suppose! Hahah such a great kiss moment. So sad that Tyrian murdered those people though! Yeah I'd love to see Yang and Blake in either of those situations! Awwww I know, you can really feel the emotions coming from Pietro in that scene. Ohhhhhhh I didn't realize May was related to someone from Vol. 4!!!! Hmmm....can you describe Henry for me?? It's not ringing a bell but I'm so bad with names, I'd probably recognize him better off of a description!


he's the one Weiss told to leave at the fundraiser


Yes I'm feeling the shift for sure! Ohhhhh no I did not catch that about Tyrian's semblance! That's so interesting! And very interesting that it was Salem herself who "saved" Tyrian, definitely makes his devotion make a bit more sense! Ohhh that is so cool about May! Definitely nice to see the representation! So interesting that Fiona's semblance was supposed to be Roman's. Thanks for all the info!


Hi Spadeas! :) No worries, glad you were able to watch and comment! Ahhh yes such a good moment with Weiss and Winter! Yes, was so happy to see Nora go in for the kiss haha! Ah yes, I noticed Marrow's tail during that line. It sounds like he's had his share of hardships for sure! SO true about Nora, if she's angry, then things have officially gotten real! And definitely don't wanna make her angry lol! Oh that's interesting about Ironwood! Ahhh can't wait to see what happens next! And thanks about spotting Robyn's semblance!! Yay, sometimes I get it right haha!!


John - that's so true about Oscar, he is so mature!!! I was so proud of him! And John and Nathan - I was definitely getting some flashback vibes to certain not-so-happy election times lol but I can see how they actually did reverse some of the actual policies and beliefs here so it isn't too similar factually. However, for me it was more the feel of it that was a reminder, you know??


Omg right?!?!?! Things got crazy in like no time at all! I actually didn't notice that right away about the blood, good call....yikes! Watching Nora ponder the bees was fun haha, I really do hope Renora can get back into good working order soon! I hear you about James' decision for sure!!!! It's a good example of doing some wrong things for the right reasons. I totally agree about the Bees making the right choice to tell Robyn! Such a great point that if there had been some better communication from the start, tensions between them may not have gotten so high in the first place. Ahhh yes as soon as I saw Pietro's finger over the person in the photo I was like, that's gotta be Watts lol. Ugh, I'm right there with you about Jacques, there's low and then there's winning an election due to literal actual bloodshed. Yeesh!!! I feel the same way about people saying Oscar is starting to sound like or merge with Ozpin, not necessarily a good thing in my book lol, since I love Oscar and want to see what he has to offer instead of being absorbed more or less. Such a great line too! Ohhhh the dinner is gonna be SOOOO NICE (also sarcastically lol)!!! Hope you were able to download my reaction - just a heads up, a new copy was uploaded yesterday so it can actually be streamed now too, yay!!!


I know!!! Penny is the best girl! AWWWWW I did not notice her checking on Ruby first, makes total sense though. Ohhh I did miss the rigging of the votes as well, good call. So true that we are seeing some of Ironwood's more harsh characteristics now for sure. Very true that I mean, Salem has been around this long lol, putting off Amity just a bit to help Mantle is not unreasonable. Yeah that line about lack of humanity was really scary. Good point about his POV about the battle of Beacon as well - it's much more centered on him in his perspective. He really is trying to help and do the right thing, just doesn't always go about it the right way. But he does have some great support now, so I agree that hopefully that will help!!! :D


I had to wait 24 hours but I was finally able to download and watch it. Streaming still seems to be on the fritz. Can't seem to find any reason for it on my end but hopefully it doesn't continue to be a problem in the future. Thanks for following up with me and I look forward to your upcoming reactions.

Derpy Trev

You have heard a snippet of my absolute favorite RWBY song now! “Celebrate” in the rally episode. Cannot WAIT for you to hear the whole thing.

John J Ronald (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-21 19:00:24 Robyn's the Bernie Sanders and Jacques is the nasty heartless capitalist in my reading of it....Jacques supposed anti-military stance is just a personal grudge against Ironwood for curtailing his profit margins with the embargo....it's not a principled stand. Robyn's appeals aren't emotional, she wants better working & living conditions in Mantle, which are concrete, realizable goals....
2021-06-10 02:50:53 Robyn's the Bernie Sanders and Jacques is the nasty heartless capitalist in my reading of it....Jacques supposed anti-military stance is just a personal grudge against Ironwood for curtailing his profit margins with the embargo....it's not a principled stand. Robyn's appeals aren't emotional, she wants better working & living conditions in Mantle, which are concrete, realizable goals....

Robyn's the Bernie Sanders and Jacques is the nasty heartless capitalist in my reading of it....Jacques supposed anti-military stance is just a personal grudge against Ironwood for curtailing his profit margins with the embargo....it's not a principled stand. Robyn's appeals aren't emotional, she wants better working & living conditions in Mantle, which are concrete, realizable goals....


I'm so sorry!!! Let me know if the problem does persist in the future, I can try to help troubleshoot it with you! You're so welcome and hope you loved my reaction / love my future ones!!! :D


Oh I can definitely see the comparison of Robyn to Bernie now that you mention it! And great point that Jacques' stance is all personal and has nothing to do with his feelings on public policy anyway. Well said!

Derpy Trev

They went hard on this soundtrack, it is honestly The best of the series imo :)

Wombat Aldebaran

not sure what is the problem, but every time I watch this episode it goes for about 5 minutes and just goes black into endless buffering (I always start it where I last ended). I hope this is a one-off problem, it is really annoying


Oh no! I think there might have been someone else having this problem. I’m not sure why - larger file makes it difficult to stream, perhaps? I know that when I’m having buffering issues, clearing my cookies and history can help. A few other things that folks here have tried when having issues with videos are logging out/back in to Google, trying a different browser or device, etc. I hope that helps! Let me know if you’re still having issues!


I love this episode even if terrible things happen because of how well written I think it is. I like how it basically starts where the last episode left off. I already really liked Robyn because of last episode but I started to love her character after seeing how genuine she was with her speech here. I really love the training scene. It’s so great to see Weiss becoming more on par with her sister and that little laugh and pose is adorable. It’s cool that Jaune and Nora train against each other since she’s offense and he’s defense. Also it’s awesome that his aura has become so strong and I don’t know if you noticed but a funny moment is as soon as Nora pats him on the back his aura almost completely depletes. It’s interesting to see Ruby splitting herself in rose form since we haven’t seen that since her character but the explanation that its more instinctual makes sense. You don’t always want political stuff in the shows you enjoy but I think it’s done really well here especially with the different opinions about what’s best. Also you can see the percentages of the votes changing throughout the episode and it certainly gave some of us who noticed anxiety although for some it was worse because it made them think of the 2016 election. Part of that possibly might have been because of the race being closer than expected but a lot of the changing percentages was Watts slowly changing things to avoid suspicion until he completely reversed the votes. I love the scene in the dorm room especially the bumblebee moments. It was great to see slice of life stuff like Blake getting ready for dancing while Yang admires her and Yang teaching her a rather dorky dance in my opinion which was really cute. Also I like that Weiss is already suspicious of her father because she unfortunately knows him very well. The moment of Weiss being annoyed with the bumblebee shenanigans and accepting the invite to a movie is not just a hilarious moment but is also a call back to when she said no to Jaune inviting her to a movie all the way back in volume 1 or 2. I have to say I really love how important or at least present background characters are in this volume. I’m so glad the whole thing of what exactly Jinn might have meant about Salem not being able to be destroyed. Even though it’s upsetting to see Nora and Ren divided and arguing I think how Ren is acting makes sense considering his past in my opinion. I have never experienced this but I feel like people can relate to Ruby feeling like a third wheel between Nora and Ren. Also Penny is just a delight every time I see her. I think the really meta conversation about bumblebee by the writers especially because it’s actually about Ren and Nora’s relationship and when you think about it there are more than a few similarities between these 2 partnerships/relationships. It’s hilarious and adorable that Ruby basically goes to Penny to rescue her from the awkwardness. The fist between the 2 of them is the best I just love their relationship so much just as a friendship but also as a shipper. I think the tension between Marrow and Robyn’s group is well done. The best part is that even though Robyn may not like James she’s willing to work with him for the people. I love Fiona so much and you can bet people were shipping her and Robyn because of the look they share and because they genuinely love each other in some way. I love how you can tell how much Robyn cares about people and wants to do good as well as how great a leader she is through her speech and Ruby can as well. Nora being the forward one with the kiss makes sense as well as Ren not being good with emotions and communication. This kiss is 1 of the biggest moments for shippers. Also something amazing is that close to this episode murder of birds made a video about every Renora moment and asking why it wasn’t canon and ending it by asking them to do so and to this day he jokingly claims he is responsible for the kiss/confirmation of Renora which is amazing. As soon as all of us saw Watts at the computer like in the opening we knew shit was going to go down but none of us had any idea how bad it was going to be. Just seeing Tyrian causing a massacre with such finesse and glee while Watts plays the conductor is truly horrifying and is 1 of the darkest things from human characters we have had so far. It’s interesting that they finally revealed Tyrian’s semblance which in a way since he’s a scorpion Faunus fits since it’s kind of like poison of the aura. Also you can see Watts creating the fake footage syncing it up to Tyrian fighting which is impressive even if I hate to say it because Tyrian had to fight effectively while mimicking Penny’s movements. It’s honestly terrifying how effective Watts and Tyrian are as a team and how great they are as villains. The lights turning on and revealing the bodies was very upsetting but effective for increasing the suspicion on Penny as well as the fear and anger of the people. Also it’s so sad that some of the thirsty moms died since it means they’re children might be orphans now. This caused so much trauma for our characters in my opinion especially Ruby noticing that her hands are covered in Fiona’s blood and it just shows more how Ruby sometimes has a hard time dealing with the darkness of the world. The ending of this episode is so damn ominous. Also Jacques’s acceptance speech is so terrible and arrogant and condescending and a lot of other words I would never usually say except about him. This episode was definitely about giving us as the audience a big high before bringing us down low. Finally apparently at least some of the moments in the middle of the volume here were come up with by Eddy Rivas while he had a bad fever. Episode 7 comment coming soon.

Supermonaman (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:15:56 I think this episode is great. It would’ve been really nice to see some short scenes from the club Yang and Blake were dancing at and the movies with Weiss and the others but that was unfortunately never planned during the writing of this volume. Apparently at one point while writing the robot arm that pats Penny on the head was going to have a personality like Tony Stark’s robot from the 1st Iron Man movie in the MCU. I think the tone and feeling being more tense and downtrodden works really well from a narrative standpoint. The military becoming more controlling and stopping large gatherings makes sense but it’s sad to see the people of Mantle so scared especially the 2 kids who actually are children of some of the thirsty moms who were killed which makes it worse. It’s so great to see exactly how skilled Robyn and her group really are taking out military supply vehicle easily. I love May’s semblance of an invisibility bubble because of how it looks and how useful it is also I believe it muffles sound as well. Fiona’s semblance is also crazy powerful basically being able to put objects into a pocket dimension affectionately referred to as Palm Pocket. Based on what we see of what’s going on in James head later in this episode I think it makes sense for him to be so upset, angry and cold I would say about these thefts but I definitely think that Robyn and James’s perspectives are understandable because Mantle definitely needs those supplies so does the tower and both of these things are important and good. I think as soon as martial law was mentioned we all went oh no. I think James has just become so focused on the bigger picture that he has lost sight of the smaller and arguably more important picture. The greater good being mentioned is not always bad but in stories I think it often is. Thankfully James still has people around him to talk him down from his more extreme reactions and Nora being the one to do so was unexpected but make sense considering her background and it was awesome from her character and her voice actor. I really think you can see the stress starting to get to him with his hair starting to get more disheveled before he calms down. It’s interesting that Tyrian was also thought to be dead and I think him being a serial killer is absolutely no surprise. I cannot express to you enough how disturbing, unsettling and deeply horrifying the parts of his past shown in the background are. I believe he was captured by an Atlas huntsman and when his prison transport was decided he believed it was not enough and eventually was taken off the detail because his objectivity was questioned. Unfortunately he was right. Once the crash occurs the report describes the pilot who had survived but was dying was just heard saying what are you over and over again assumedly seeing Salem until he goes silent and then the last thing heard is Tyrian saying beautiful. As others have mentioned no wonder he reveres Salem as a goddess after being handpicked by her and also I believe this says a lot more about his skills than anything else could. The Huntsman who originally captured him was later found dead in his home. His name was F. Pickerel and considering a Pickerel is a type of frog and his connection with Tyrian it is very clear that both of their inspirations are from the short story the scorpion and the frog which is about a scorpion asking a frog to help him across a lake/river and the frog is hesitant asking the scorpion what if you poison me and the scorpion replies because I would die too. Then halfway through the journey the scorpion stabs him and when the frog asked why the scorpion replies it’s my nature which very much fits Tyrian as a character in my opinion. Nora is right about secrets but James is right about the reasons why. I think the conversation between Yang and Blake speaks for itself but I’m so glad the feelings they have about what happened with Adam are brought up even indirectly. Also their healthy relationship and discussion is so great. I love the scene in Peitro’s lab a lot. Also it’s great to see Maria again and sweet that she has been helping him out all this time and yes people do ship them. It sucks that the villains are using Penny again for their plans. Also I like that Weiss is making even more connections to her father possibly being involved in this. The entire speech/dialogue from Pietro about worrying for his daughter and how she was created is both heartbreaking and heartwarming. It’s very a idealistic but great what Penny represents. Also it’s crazy that Pietro sacrificed some of his aura to create her and it might be why he seems sickly with a cough and unable to walk because if you notice aura is missing from his legs and roughly where his lungs are. I think the fight between Yang/Blake and Robyn is awesome. It’s so great to see Blake using elemental clones again after a relatively long time and as always their teamwork is a pleasure to see. Also Robyn’s small bow is actually in the shape of a Robin or maybe just a random bird which is cool. The conversation after this is very interesting and while this may be a risk to tell her about Amity I think they are right that it’s better to get her on their side rather than take her by force. I was really excited when you actually guessed that her semblance was a lie detector that was impressive. I really enjoy all of Robyn’s nicknames for people but I think fisticuffs for Yang is the best. Also I think Yang can relate to wanting to know the truth of things. It's funny that Robyn is another of the small amount of characters who curse but the way they stop it short is great. The scene just outside of the vault is a great way to see into James and Oscar’s minds. The powers of the Staff are really cool and powerful considering it keeps the entire city of Atlas afloat. I really love to see Oscar stepping up even more giving his own thoughts and opinions on things. His sentiment of keeping our humanity because it separates them from Salem is very poignant in my opinion. It’s unsettling that we see James thinking about not having humanity makes Salem stronger. However after seeing the flashback to volume 3 and hearing how he feels because of that with what is definitely PTSD it makes a lot of sense and I think it’s really accurate to PTSD in reality from what I have heard. It’s sad to see Penny and Winter’s upset body language. Also what a downer/intense of an ending to the episode. This is a great set of reactions. Keep up the great work. :-) <3
2021-06-21 12:04:32 I think this episode is great. It would’ve been really nice to see some short scenes from the club Yang and Blake were dancing at and the movies with Weiss and the others but that was unfortunately never planned during the writing of this volume. Apparently at one point while writing the robot arm that pats Penny on the head was going to have a personality like Tony Stark’s robot from the 1st Iron Man movie in the MCU. I think the tone and feeling being more tense and downtrodden works really well from a narrative standpoint. The military becoming more controlling and stopping large gatherings makes sense but it’s sad to see the people of Mantle so scared especially the 2 kids who actually are children of some of the thirsty moms who were killed which makes it worse. It’s so great to see exactly how skilled Robyn and her group really are taking out military supply vehicle easily. I love May’s semblance of an invisibility bubble because of how it looks and how useful it is also I believe it muffles sound as well. Fiona’s semblance is also crazy powerful basically being able to put objects into a pocket dimension affectionately referred to as Palm Pocket. Based on what we see of what’s going on in James head later in this episode I think it makes sense for him to be so upset, angry and cold I would say about these thefts but I definitely think that Robyn and James’s perspectives are understandable because Mantle definitely needs those supplies so does the tower and both of these things are important and good. I think as soon as martial law was mentioned we all went oh no. I think James has just become so focused on the bigger picture that he has lost sight of the smaller and arguably more important picture. The greater good being mentioned is not always bad but in stories I think it often is. Thankfully James still has people around him to talk him down from his more extreme reactions and Nora being the one to do so was unexpected but make sense considering her background and it was awesome from her character and her voice actor. I really think you can see the stress starting to get to him with his hair starting to get more disheveled before he calms down. It’s interesting that Tyrian was also thought to be dead and I think him being a serial killer is absolutely no surprise. I cannot express to you enough how disturbing, unsettling and deeply horrifying the parts of his past shown in the background are. I believe he was captured by an Atlas huntsman and when his prison transport was decided he believed it was not enough and eventually was taken off the detail because his objectivity was questioned. Unfortunately he was right. Once the crash occurs the report describes the pilot who had survived but was dying was just heard saying what are you over and over again assumedly seeing Salem until he goes silent and then the last thing heard is Tyrian saying beautiful. As others have mentioned no wonder he reveres Salem as a goddess after being handpicked by her and also I believe this says a lot more about his skills than anything else could. The Huntsman who originally captured him was later found dead in his home. His name was F. Pickerel and considering a Pickerel is a type of frog and his connection with Tyrian it is very clear that both of their inspirations are from the short story the scorpion and the frog which is about a scorpion asking a frog to help him across a lake/river and the frog is hesitant asking the scorpion what if you poison me and the scorpion replies because I would die too. Then halfway through the journey the scorpion stabs him and when the frog asked why the scorpion replies it’s my nature which very much fits Tyrian as a character in my opinion. Nora is right about secrets but James is right about the reasons why. I think the conversation between Yang and Blake speaks for itself but I’m so glad the feelings they have about what happened with Adam are brought up even indirectly. Also their healthy relationship and discussion is so great. I love the scene in Peitro’s lab a lot. Also it’s great to see Maria again and sweet that she has been helping him out all this time and yes people do ship them. It sucks that the villains are using Penny again for their plans. Also I like that Weiss is making even more connections to her father possibly being involved in this. The entire speech/dialogue from Pietro about worrying for his daughter and how she was created is both heartbreaking and heartwarming. It’s very a idealistic but great what Penny represents. Also it’s crazy that Pietro sacrificed some of his aura to create her and it might be why he seems sickly with a cough and unable to walk because if you notice aura is missing from his legs and roughly where his lungs are. I think the fight between Yang/Blake and Robyn is awesome. It’s so great to see Blake using elemental clones again after a relatively long time and as always their teamwork is a pleasure to see. Also Robyn’s small bow is actually in the shape of a Robin or maybe just a random bird which is cool. The conversation after this is very interesting and while this may be a risk to tell her about Amity I think they are right that it’s better to get her on their side rather than take her by force. I was really excited when you actually guessed that her semblance was a lie detector that was impressive. I really enjoy all of Robyn’s nicknames for people but I think fisticuffs for Yang is the best. Also I think Yang can relate to wanting to know the truth of things. It's funny that Robyn is another of the small amount of characters who curse but the way they stop it short is great. The scene just outside of the vault is a great way to see into James and Oscar’s minds. The powers of the Staff are really cool and powerful considering it keeps the entire city of Atlas afloat. I really love to see Oscar stepping up even more giving his own thoughts and opinions on things. His sentiment of keeping our humanity because it separates them from Salem is very poignant in my opinion. It’s unsettling that we see James thinking about not having humanity makes Salem stronger. However after seeing the flashback to volume 3 and hearing how he feels because of that with what is definitely PTSD it makes a lot of sense and I think it’s really accurate to PTSD in reality from what I have heard. It’s sad to see Penny and Winter’s upset body language. Also what a downer/intense of an ending to the episode. This is a great set of reactions. Keep up the great work. :-) <3

I think this episode is great. It would’ve been really nice to see some short scenes from the club Yang and Blake were dancing at and the movies with Weiss and the others but that was unfortunately never planned during the writing of this volume. Apparently at one point while writing the robot arm that pats Penny on the head was going to have a personality like Tony Stark’s robot from the 1st Iron Man movie in the MCU. I think the tone and feeling being more tense and downtrodden works really well from a narrative standpoint. The military becoming more controlling and stopping large gatherings makes sense but it’s sad to see the people of Mantle so scared especially the 2 kids who actually are children of some of the thirsty moms who were killed which makes it worse. It’s so great to see exactly how skilled Robyn and her group really are taking out military supply vehicle easily. I love May’s semblance of an invisibility bubble because of how it looks and how useful it is also I believe it muffles sound as well. Fiona’s semblance is also crazy powerful basically being able to put objects into a pocket dimension affectionately referred to as Palm Pocket. Based on what we see of what’s going on in James head later in this episode I think it makes sense for him to be so upset, angry and cold I would say about these thefts but I definitely think that Robyn and James’s perspectives are understandable because Mantle definitely needs those supplies so does the tower and both of these things are important and good. I think as soon as martial law was mentioned we all went oh no. I think James has just become so focused on the bigger picture that he has lost sight of the smaller and arguably more important picture. The greater good being mentioned is not always bad but in stories I think it often is. Thankfully James still has people around him to talk him down from his more extreme reactions and Nora being the one to do so was unexpected but make sense considering her background and it was awesome from her character and her voice actor. I really think you can see the stress starting to get to him with his hair starting to get more disheveled before he calms down. It’s interesting that Tyrian was also thought to be dead and I think him being a serial killer is absolutely no surprise. I cannot express to you enough how disturbing, unsettling and deeply horrifying the parts of his past shown in the background are. I believe he was captured by an Atlas huntsman and when his prison transport was decided he believed it was not enough and eventually was taken off the detail because his objectivity was questioned. Unfortunately he was right. Once the crash occurs the report describes the pilot who had survived but was dying was just heard saying what are you over and over again assumedly seeing Salem until he goes silent and then the last thing heard is Tyrian saying beautiful. As others have mentioned no wonder he reveres Salem as a goddess after being handpicked by her and also I believe this says a lot more about his skills than anything else could. The Huntsman who originally captured him was later found dead in his home. His name was F. Pickerel and considering a Pickerel is a type of frog and his connection with Tyrian it is very clear that both of their inspirations are from the short story the scorpion and the frog which is about a scorpion asking a frog to help him across a lake/river and the frog is hesitant asking the scorpion what if you poison me and the scorpion replies because I would die too. Then halfway through the journey the scorpion stabs him and when the frog asked why the scorpion replies it’s my nature which very much fits Tyrian as a character in my opinion. Nora is right about secrets but James is right about the reasons why. I think the conversation between Yang and Blake speaks for itself but I’m so glad the feelings they have about what happened with Adam are brought up even indirectly. Also their healthy relationship and discussion is so great. I love the scene in Peitro’s lab a lot. Also it’s great to see Maria again and sweet that she has been helping him out all this time and yes people do ship them. It sucks that the villains are using Penny again for their plans. Also I like that Weiss is making even more connections to her father possibly being involved in this. The entire speech/dialogue from Pietro about worrying for his daughter and how she was created is both heartbreaking and heartwarming. It’s very a idealistic but great what Penny represents. Also it’s crazy that Pietro sacrificed some of his aura to create her and it might be why he seems sickly with a cough and unable to walk because if you notice aura is missing from his legs and roughly where his lungs are. I think the fight between Yang/Blake and Robyn is awesome. It’s so great to see Blake using elemental clones again after a relatively long time and as always their teamwork is a pleasure to see. Also Robyn’s small bow is actually in the shape of a Robin or maybe just a random bird which is cool. The conversation after this is very interesting and while this may be a risk to tell her about Amity I think they are right that it’s better to get her on their side rather than take her by force. I was really excited when you actually guessed that her semblance was a lie detector that was impressive. I really enjoy all of Robyn’s nicknames for people but I think fisticuffs for Yang is the best. Also I think Yang can relate to wanting to know the truth of things. It's funny that Robyn is another of the small amount of characters who curse but the way they stop it short is great. The scene just outside of the vault is a great way to see into James and Oscar’s minds. The powers of the Staff are really cool and powerful considering it keeps the entire city of Atlas afloat. I really love to see Oscar stepping up even more giving his own thoughts and opinions on things. His sentiment of keeping our humanity because it separates them from Salem is very poignant in my opinion. It’s unsettling that we see James thinking about not having humanity makes Salem stronger. However after seeing the flashback to volume 3 and hearing how he feels because of that with what is definitely PTSD it makes a lot of sense and I think it’s really accurate to PTSD in reality from what I have heard. It’s sad to see Penny and Winter’s upset body language. Also what a downer/intense of an ending to the episode. This is a great set of reactions. Keep up the great work. :-) <3


These are such great eps!! Actually no, I didn't notice the aura deplete when Nora patted him hahaha! I love that Murder of Birds may have been responsible for such a great Renora moment lol!! I would have loved to see what the rest of the gang was up to also, oh well lol. And I agree about the robot arm, although it's interesting that they considered that at one time. All of the stuff they're doing with Mantle here is great - so sad and thought provoking. And Tyrian is always great lol. I adore Pietro! Ahhh so happy I guessed Robyn's semblance!! The staff is awesome for sure. I think Ironwood having PTSD makes a lot of sense based on all we've seen. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement!!! Sorry for the huge delay!!!