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Hey everyone!!!  Here it is - my reaction to vol 7 episodes 4 and 5 of RWBY!!!  Wow, this volume just keeps getting better and better!!!  Our crew is now licensed, woohoo!!!  Loved the celebration (including the CAKE!!) and also Ironwood's awkward congratulatory moment haha.  Next we get to go on a mission and we encounter - guess who? - Robyn Hill!!  I'm super curious to see more of her and her crew.  Oh yeah, and hooray hooray, we get Jacques back.  :/  I was already SO done with him, but now that he's literally taking people's jobs hostage.....wow!!!  I just can't even.  Oh yes, and let's not forget that I was totally right in my suspicions about Winter's name!!!  Really cool that we got to see another maiden, too!
Loved the moment between Winter and Weiss - their sisterhood is not always mushy-gushy but is so tender and sweet in its own way!  Can't wait to see what happens next!
Enjoy!!  ~ MH


RWBY 7x04 and 7x05 full reaction.mp4



Episode 4 sets up alot for the volume which is both a good and bad thing, love all the character interaction we get in it! And the showcase of the differences in the dynamics between the Aceops and Team RWBY/JNR, the Aceops work together - seemingly rather well - but outside of that they have no real connection, they're a team of soldiers. This dynamic also - at least in my opinion - highlights the difference in values Ironwood and Oz seem to have in what a Huntsmen team should be like. Strong, efficient, uniformed fighters, ready to take orders when needed versus strong, efficient, individual fighters ready to take orders when needed but also make their own calls when needed to as well. But of course thats just how I view it, and that's not to say that the Aceops dynamic is wrong in anyway, sometimes you just don't form connections with those you work with. It is interesting that the Aceops are handpicked to join the team as opposed to being partnered up and then made into a team. I hate Jacques Schnee so much. And I hate that he knows just the right button to push to make Weiss, who was doing a pretty damn good job standing up to him, fall back into the place he wants her. To use her mother as a means to hurt her, when he was the one that broke her mother's spirit in the first place is a different flavor of despicable. Ugh, I hate it. A small detail I love is that the moment he starts doing that, Blake notices and immediately knows what he's doing, and she didn't like it at all - because she's been there herself. And I love that all the girls took a stand with her, they all care so much about eachother so much! It's so sweet. Love that found family trope. And love seeing Jacques getting taken down a peg by not only Ironwood and Weiss, but the rest of team RWBY as well. So this isn't exactly a fact, but people think that Winter purposefully waited until her father left as a means to not confront him, and because of that people came theorise that the Schnee family (mother + kids) represent the four responses to trauma. Fawn = Whitley, Freeze = Mother, Flight = Winter and Fight = Weiss. Celebration time and a psuedo-graduation for our kids! Its nice to see them get acknowledgement for all the hardships they faced in their own fight against Salem. Also CAKE!! Served by Penny, must be awesome! Speaking of Penny, I remember alot of people being super shook that she still had her swords considering what happened the last time we saw them, but honestly I think it would be weirder if she didn't have her biggest combat essential on her. Also spot the bees. Love how chill Blake is with PDA now. Also that Qrow and Ruby discussion is pretty deep for a party I gotta say, but it's one Ruby probably needed. Minor Summer information is also really big! She left and even Oz has no clue what happened to her. As for the end, of course Jacques knows Watts, also Watts is meant to be dead, I love that, because that explains why Ironwood doesn't assume he could be the reason for the hacking back in Beacon considering Watts in Raven's words is a "disgraced Atlesian scientist." Episode 5 is just awesome montage fun, where we get to see how RWBY and ORNJ acclimates to Atlas way of life, nice little scenes and a catchy toon to boot, what more could you want? That little moment with Clover and Qrow is pretty sweet, Qrow does need to see himself in a better light so its nice Clover is encouraging that! Also yay for soberness! Also an introduction into one of my favs of this volume! Robyn Hill - voiced by Miraculous Ladybug - tension between her and Ironwood is an interesting setup. And the Schnee sisterhood is so perplexing but so sweet, especially when you compare it to the Rose/Xiao-Long sisterhood, but you can tell they both care about eachother just in their own unique way. Last minute thought Edit: Robyn's issue is less with the fact that they don't know what Amity is being used for and more with that Mantle is getting continuously overlooked in the process of preparing it. And there have been hints that it's been ignored even before this plan of Ironwood's so it kinda makes sense that she and the rest of Mantle are sick of waiting for help. Especially when they know the help they need is being sent somewhere else entirely. And yikes, those machines in the corner give me Beacon flashbacks. And of course its worrying that Winter is connecting with the maiden and is the next vessel for the powers... because we haven't had the best track record in regards to maidens. Whether they were next to become one or a decoy. So, yeah, let's hope this time is different. Also I've said it once and I'll day it again, I hate Jacques Schnee. But excuse my big rants, you know me, just super passionate about the show and of course I loved the reaction as always! Look forward to next weeks.... it's a pretty interesting road from here on out I'll say that.


great reaction love how Nora saw Elm also had a hammer and decided to try to become friends with her though Thunder Thighs is a great name. I just knew how you would react when Jacques showed up. I was so happy to see the team finally get their huntsman licences also it looks like Jaune has become quite the lady-killer it has to be that haircut. Love that little interaction between Qrow and Clover and we got to see Robyn Hill and her happy huntresses and yes she is based on Robin Hood. Also that is Fiona who is a sheep faunus and is one of my favorite new characters

Jason S

41:14 I'm really curious as to what conclusion you were coming to here before deciding against it.


Salutation Hime :) I also like this opening (I'm a fan of bass so obviously the funky riff makes me happy), but the next one, that of volume 8, remains my favorite until now (I could not help singing it in each episode). During the scene where Jacques talks about Weiss' mother, you can see from Blake's reaction, that she sees very well what he is trying to do, she has experience with Adam and that is why 'she takes Weiss's hand, because she knows what she needs. Speaking of this scene, for me Weiss saying "not friends, family", is the peak of her evolution, especially thrown in the face of Jacques. It is the continuation of "i'm more than a name". Regarding the license and the experience, I do not know how it is formulated exactly, but Qrow said in volume 3, that a day away was worth months at school, so even if they did not finish their course, they surely learned as much as if they had finished their studies normally, but in less time. Small details about Neon and Flint's teammate, they are also based on a meme (like Neon on Nyan cat), that of the famous White / Gold or Blue / Black dress which had panicked the net some time ago ^ ^. Another thing that I find funny, Robyn calls Ruby pipsqueak, the only other person who has called her that, is Qrow. Qrow / Crow and Robyn / Robin, to think it's a bird thing. I can already hear you screaming for a scene in the next episodes if I remember correctly. And it's also going to be the start of a great emotional roller coaster, prepare yourself well.


I will jump into all these other awesome comments later, but just had to quickly share that when I saw Robyn's hand out like that and she's like "just tell me", I thought maybe her semblance was a truth serum/lie detector thing??? :P Sorry if it sounds silly!!!

Nathan Grenawalt

So, the guy who started the riot at the end of episode 5 is one of the drunk men who they met in Episode 1 - the ones who were very proud of Atlas, and were confident that this current situation was temporary. But now he's lost his job, and his attempts to convince himself and others that it could be worse have turned to anger.


Loving your reactions as always. I only have a couple of comments on these episodes. Your comparison between Robyn Hill and Robin Hood is spot on. Remember in Episode 2 when the guy in the transport mentioned "Robyn Hill and the Happy Huntresses"? Yup, Robin Hood and the Merry Men. And yes, the smallest one is named Fiona and she is a lamb faunus and she is the sweetest. :) The scene with Jaune and the children at the crosswalk was teased earlier in development by CRWBY. I think it was during a convention that they were asked if there were any spoilers that they could give about Volume 7 and the response was "Thirsty Moms". Jaune better get used to casseroles, lol. One thing I do want to point out that I'm not sure if you noticed is when Qrow and Clover are in the back of the truck playing cards. During the conversation Qrow says "Once upon a time I'd have drank to that." When Clover says he shouldn't do that Qrow responds with "Oh don't worry, I gave it up." Volume 6 made a huge enough impact on him to the point he actually quit drinking. Sober Qrow is best Qrow in my opinion, and I've joked with friends that the reason his voice changed was cause he gave up the sauce. Lol. I love all the Penny and Ruby moments that we get in these two episodes. It's like they're catching up after all the time apart and making their friendship even stronger than before. I especially love the scene in the montage where everyone's getting out of bed looking exhausted and yet Ruby and Penny are talking and jumping around and all excited. It shows how Ruby especially is making up for lost time with Penny since before this volume she thought she was dead and gone, but now she has her friend back and she isn't going to let that go to waste. All the little Bumblebee moments in these episodes are precious. Taking selfies, grabbing each other's hands in the montage, Blake falling asleep on Yang at the end of the montage, etc. One of my favorite moments comes next week but no spoilers! You'll have to wait and see. Overall, these two episodes are good setup for the episodes to come. Looking forward to next week.


Your comment about the four responses to trauma is one I hadn't heard before but it really makes a lot of sense once you view it from that perspective. Nice shout-out.


Ugh, the way Winter’s theme plays while she’s talking about how she’s gonna take charge of her destiny gets me every time. I just love Winter’s theme song in general. I actually find myself humming it without realizing a lot. Jacques using Weiss’ mother against her made me so mad that I nearly jumped into the screen and punched the clip on tie wearing excuse of a human being. The way Ruby was super excited at the beginning of the montage but then loses that excitement by the end honestly hurts. Anyway, can’t wait for what’s to come

Charlie Maletich

ngl, some of these middle episodes I don't much care for, but I love your reactions so much I'm glad to rewatch with you! Can't say much without spoiling, but just watching these two episodes again reminded me how much I love this volume, probably top 3 if I had to choose. Excited for what's to come!

Zen Reacts

When theyre walking out of the mine it may be hard to notice but you know how they say dogs match people energy? You can see Marrow go from a smiling face to a super serious face to match Clover


Oooh, lots of interesting stuff in these episodes! In episode 4, I think Qrow has a great point about the ways in which what Ruby is doing is different to Oz. Ultimately with Oz, no matter what our team did, no matter how much faith they put in him, he was never under any circumstances going to reveal the truth about Salem to them. I mean, look at Qrow, we don't know exactly how long he'd been working for Oz but it definitely started before Yang was born, which at minimum puts it at about 19 years, and in all that time Qrow trusted Oz completely, no matter what, even when his relationship with Raven fell apart because she grew suspicious of Oz, or even when Summer got killed fighting in this war, Qrow still had complete faith, in v6 he puts it pretty plainly by saying that he straight up gave his life to Oz. And despite all that time together, despite how hard Qrow fought and how much he gave up for the cause, Oz still never actually reciprocated that trust, was never willing to put faith in Qrow. And over the thousands of years Oz has been fighting, how many people just like Qrow do you think there's been? How many people trusted Oz so completely, never finding out the truth? Now, Oz did have his reasons, he's not entirely unsympathetic, but when you consider all that I think it makes it clear that while on the surface their actions are similar, there's still a big difference between him and Ruby. On a slightly lighter note, Penny continues to be completely adorable, the way she just suddenly lands down, sending everyone flying, while shouting "Surprise!" in ep4 always makes me grin so wide. Not to mention her excitedly bouncing in amity when the licenses are being issued, or cutting up the cake with Floating Array (As an aside, one of my fave weapons), or then in the next episode waking up all of team RWBY with such genuine excitement. There's a great little moment in the montage the second time we see her wake up the team, it's a little hard to hear over the music but as Ruby climbs out of bed she's saying "Penny, Penny, oh my gosh, Penny!" before immediately launching into telling stories about the previous day's adventures, I just love how much Ruby seems to adore Penny, being so excited to see her every day. But ah, during that supply run Ruby was only moments away from leaning up against Penny's shoulder and falling asleep before Penny startled her back into alertness, every time I see that I just say to myself "Girl, you just missed out on such a great opportunity." That being said, "Relationships are so interesting, and varied!" is an interesting thing to be saying under those circumstances... That scene also moves really smoothly into the proper introduction of Robyn Hill, and her Happy Huntresses! I love Robyn a lot, she's just so cool, and yes as you picked out her allusion is Robin Hood. The Happy Huntresses are also all based on the Merry Men, with RWBY versions of Friar tuck, Little John, and Maid Marian. Robyn's actually voiced by Cristina Vee, a fairly prolific VA who if you aren't familiar also provides the english voices for Homura in Madoka Magica, Killua in Hunter x Hunter, and Sailor Mars in some of the more recent dubs of Sailor Moon and its spinoffs, along with many many other roles. Can't wait for you to see more of her in the coming weeks!


Graduating at the arena Penny and Pyrrha fought at made it that much more special. 🍰


Thank you so much!! Hahahha Thunder Thighs is the BESTTTT!! Oh lord, my eyes were not ready for the amount of rolling they'd have to do over Jacques and his BS. >.< It was really nice to see everyone get their official licenses! And yeah, Jaune is quite the ladies man apparently haha. Gotta be the hair! Qrow and Clover are quickly growing on me and so cool that I was right about Robyn Hill being based on Robin Hood!!! Awwww Fiona the sheep <333 I can't wait to see more of her!!!


Salutations Spadeas!!! :D It's a great opening! Ooohh, can't wait to hear Vol. 8's too! Ohhh such a good point that Blake knew right away the kind of manipulation that Jacques was trying to use. LOVED Weiss' line, it truly is the culmination of all her growth. Oh great callback about Qrow's line from back in the day, they really have had tons of experience now haven't they! Ah yes!!!! I remember hearing about Nyan Cat being the inspiration for Neon and omg, who could forget that stinking dress!!!! OHHHHH such a good thought about the "pipsqueak" line, hadn't put that together that both she and Qrow have bird names lol. Ahhhhhh I cannot wait for the next eps!!! So scared though!!!!


Awww so happy you're enjoying watching along with me! I'm so excited for the next eps!!! Thanks! :D


It's such a great song!!! They really know how to use music to enhance the mood on this show! Uggghhhhh I am so with you about wanting to break equipment over Jacques and his abusive BS!!!!! Awww poor Ruby, losing the excitement during the montage! I can't wait for whatever is coming next!!!


Ohhhhhh no kidding! Great callback!!! I can definitely see how emotions are being shaped within this society now, particularly right now thanks to Jacques' big announcement, ugh.


Yay, thank you so much, so happy you enjoyed my reaction! Yesssss so glad I was right about Robyn!! Awwwww the fact that there's a lamb faunus just made me go SQUEE!!! Hahahahaha "thirsty moms" is such a great teaser line for that scene!!! LOL Jaune will never go hungry again :P Ah yes!!! Thanks for pointing out that line from Qrow. I noticed and was about to say something when another line (can't remember what it was) came and I got distracted...then never came back to it again, sorry :P But I am SO proud of my man!!! Hahaha actually that's a decent theory about the voice change! Penny and Ruby are everything! So true that Ruby won't let another second go to waste now that she has her back. LOVE the bees moments! Oooohhh can't wait to see what's coming next! Thanks!


SO well said about Qrow's relationship with Oz and how he explains that Ruby is different from Oz!!!! I think there have probably been many, many people in Oz's past in the same situation. And although Ruby is being cautious, she is by no means shutting everyone out, which is the key difference. Ruby is using her head, but also her heart - something Oz has (kind of understandably) found it utterly impossible to do. Yay Penny!!!!!!! Aren't Ruby and Penny absolutely adorable together?! Awwwww that was a missed opportunity for sure haha. WHOA, had no idea that Robyn's VA had such a resume!!!! I don't usually do dubs so I had no idea! Really want to see more of her and her crew! Can't wait for what's next!!!


That smirk from Watts at the end of episode 4. He played Jacques like a fiddle. Whatever deal they made you can be sure that Watts came out ahead in it by a lot.


He really did!!! Ugh, they're both so icky. I'm sure Watts got tons out of the deal for sure!

Wombat Aldebaran

Give NOT Nora some coffee! Abort mission, I repeat ABORT MISSION! (Gotta watch RWBY CHIBI to get that one. I highly reccomend doing so, it is just cute and fun to enjoy)


I’m totally down with the idea that Hime needs to react to RWBY Chibi. The sheer cuteness factor alone would be enough of a reason.


Hahahahaha I'm sure that's what a lot of folks say about me too, yet here I am fully caffeinated XD XD XD I really want to watch RWBY Chibi after this!!! I should be caught up with RWBY sometime in late August/early Sept, and I'm kind of planning to do RWBY Chibi after that :D


I love this episode a lot. I like Amity Coliseum almost completely covering the sun when viewed from the ground because it really shows the scale of things in the show. It's interesting that they show 2 of the happy huntresses spying on all this before we knew who they were. I love the triumphant music with the characters marching out of the mines. The kids being really excited and fangirling over the ace operatives being so amazing is good because it shows that they can still be silly but also speaks to wanting to get stronger to protect their friends and innocent people. Also once again Nora is amazing and you can actually see Ren pick her up like a cardboard cut out as she’s frozen daydreaming about a team up with Elm LOL. I do think it’s disheartening to hear that the ace operatives are really not friends even if it’s not wrong and makes sense for Atlas soldiers it certainly takes the wind out of Ruby’s sails at least. I love that Ruby noticing a bit of a downtrodden mood tries to cheer her teammates up with the idea of sightseeing but I totally understand the others being too tired to want to do that. I like that Marrow is a bit of a dork and I think he’s probably a recent addition to the ace operatives considering he’s a bit more immature the runt of the litter if you will. I really think the conversation with Ironwood is great because it shows how political things are in Atlas and gives us an idea of what Watts and Tyrian are trying to do by killing people which is to cause unrest. Also I like people giving James different opinions because I really think he needs opposing viewpoints right now. I’m glad he has self-awareness about the problems/issues with Mantle and you can hear his exhaustion in the voice acting. Now to be the next of many to say I hate Jacques we all have the same reaction to him. Although it does tell us that he’s in the election against Robyn. It’s great to see him not in control. Also it says a lot about him and his priorities that it takes him as long as it does to notice Weiss. It’s so insidious that once he realizes physical abuse he switches to emotional manipulation. I’m glad people told you about the Blake stuff here but I also love that once Ruby and Yang realize how messed up this is they immediately jump to her defense. It’s so great to see how strong Weiss is here even if it’s clearly still draining on her. Also her found family situation has always been so heartwarming. It’s not confirmed but I'm 100% sure Winter waited so she wouldn’t have to deal with Jacques. Penny coming in for the congratulations is adorable but the girls jumping away in shock is hilarious especially Blake who assumes a crouch like a cat. I do think it’s impactful to have this ceremony at the Coliseum but you can’t imagine the amount of dark humor about this being where everything went wrong including thinking of Penny saying I died here in a very cheerful tone. Them becoming official is so earned after everything. I think this is a such a big display of trust that they all but particularly Ruby feel guilty. It’s sad that they didn’t have a happier reaction to this but I’m glad Qrow of all people told them to celebrate. All the fun, silly stuff at the celebration is fantastic. By the way that selfie became a big meme with it being inserted into really inappropriate scenes like Weiss being stabbed and Adam and Pyrrha’s deaths. That conversation between Ruby and Qrow is so emotional and heartwarming. It's nice to see her being vulnerable when so often she has to be strong. Also this is a great example of how the new voice actor for Qrow is better at portraying emotional moments. Also the stuff talking about Summer just brings up more questions and we have heard about her so much and still know so little. There are actually a good amount of similarities between the kids and the ace ops. The getting Jaune’s name wrong thing is poking fun at the fact that a lot of fans of the show misspell his name. Finally onto the final scene. You can tell how scared Jacques is of Watts and I think that’s a good way of showing us how threatening he can be. Also you see when Whitley actually does question his father he faces verbal abuse which is probably why he almost never does it. It’s here where we learn one very important piece of information that Watts faked his death. Jacques only caring about the votes says everything you need to know about him. Fun fact the background music during the celebration is called have your cake and the background music at the end of the episode is called and eat it too. Also nice small detail is that the picture of Weiss that used to be on display is now face down probably after the events of volume 4. Episode 5 comment coming soon.

Supermonaman (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:16:51 I love this episode so much. I like that it starts out with the girls waking. Penny with that pose and wink is everything to me it’s so cute. I love this montage for giving these characters a sense of normalcy they have not had for a long time. Also the music works perfectly for it. Fun fact the names on the mission boards are people from CRWBY. My favorite parts of the montage are Nora actually being the one who braids Ren’s hair and the thirsty moms bit with Jaune which might be the funniest thing in the show. A funny detail is that the kid of the mom giving him a casserole rolls her eyes and looks away embarrassed about what her mom is doing. When miles said the thirsty moms thing he lost his composure and could not stop laughing saying it’s true. I’m glad Oscar is able to get some more advanced training from James. It was so exciting to see Neon and Flynt again especially the new designs. Some people like her old design more or like this 1 more I for one like the new design more especially the hoodie. Also her rainbow trail affect looks even better now. The really impressive part of this fight is that a lot of it is in one shot. Also Neon really shouldn’t have teased Nora about her relationship with Ren. It’s really cool to see Nora use her hammer like a witch’s broom. Also Neon I think you are a little too old for Oscar although his shy blush is cute. I love everything about the conversation and interactions between Penny and Ruby in this episode. Their friendship is just so adorable, heartwarming and pure and as a Nuts and Dolts shipper it fills my heart with joy. It’s sad that she hasn’t really been able to make new friends because of how important her job is. Also it’s not a big surprise but it’s so relatable for Penny to be caught between wants and responsibility. As a shipper of them I was very disappointed Ruby didn’t lay her head on Penny’s shoulder. Also those penguins were at one point going to be a species of Grimm but eventually served the purpose of being able to show more actual animals in the show which has been something they haven’t always had time for in the past. Enough people have talked about the Clover and Qrow scene so all I will say is that I love it and I’m glad he’s in a better place now. Robyn Hill is such a different and interesting character and her attitude/voice acting is fantastic. Also funny that Penny misinterpreted watch our 6 as come up with 6 different plans. There have been theories that because of their interactions here and similar ages that they went to Atlas Academy together and had some sort of relationship. Something cool is that Cristina Vee has a YouTube channel where she does a lot of great song covers. Also the Sheep girl is precious her name is Fiona Thyme and is probably based on Friar Tuck. I always have loved the different but still loving relationship between Weiss and Winter so seeing a bigger scene about it after they have both changed and been apart for so long was great. Also in the short fight between summons it ends in a draw. I love how much this conversation reflects Weiss’s character development and I think she wants to give people in Atlas a chance to change like she did. This is an incredible show of trust from Winter and I love it. Thanks to subtitles later the barely audible dialogue is a caring conversation mostly consisting of seeing how she is. I really love the distinction Winter makes of this being hers. Finally I don’t think there’s anything else I can say about Jacques except I didn’t know I could be this angry at a character before. Also fun fact part of this riot was the end of the trailer for this volume. This is a great reaction. Keep up the great work. :-) <3
2021-06-11 02:30:06 I love this episode so much. I like that it starts out with the girls waking. Penny with that pose and wink is everything to me it’s so cute. I love this montage for giving these characters a sense of normalcy they have not had for a long time. Also the music works perfectly for it. Fun fact the names on the mission boards are people from CRWBY. My favorite parts of the montage are Nora actually being the one who braids Ren’s hair and the thirsty moms bit with Jaune which might be the funniest thing in the show. A funny detail is that the kid of the mom giving him a casserole rolls her eyes and looks away embarrassed about what her mom is doing. When miles said the thirsty moms thing he lost his composure and could not stop laughing saying it’s true. I’m glad Oscar is able to get some more advanced training from James. It was so exciting to see Neon and Flynt again especially the new designs. Some people like her old design more or like this 1 more I for one like the new design more especially the hoodie. Also her rainbow trail affect looks even better now. The really impressive part of this fight is that a lot of it is in one shot. Also Neon really shouldn’t have teased Nora about her relationship with Ren. It’s really cool to see Nora use her hammer like a witch’s broom. Also Neon I think you are a little too old for Oscar although his shy blush is cute. I love everything about the conversation and interactions between Penny and Ruby in this episode. Their friendship is just so adorable, heartwarming and pure and as a Nuts and Dolts shipper it fills my heart with joy. It’s sad that she hasn’t really been able to make new friends because of how important her job is. Also it’s not a big surprise but it’s so relatable for Penny to be caught between wants and responsibility. As a shipper of them I was very disappointed Ruby didn’t lay her head on Penny’s shoulder. Also those penguins were at one point going to be a species of Grimm but eventually served the purpose of being able to show more actual animals in the show which has been something they haven’t always had time for in the past. Enough people have talked about the Clover and Qrow scene so all I will say is that I love it and I’m glad he’s in a better place now. Robyn Hill is such a different and interesting character and her attitude/voice acting is fantastic. Also funny that Penny misinterpreted watch our 6 as come up with 6 different plans. There have been theories that because of their interactions here and similar ages that they went to Atlas Academy together and had some sort of relationship. Something cool is that Cristina Vee has a YouTube channel where she does a lot of great song covers. Also the Sheep girl is precious her name is Fiona Thyme and is probably based on Friar Tuck. I always have loved the different but still loving relationship between Weiss and Winter so seeing a bigger scene about it after they have both changed and been apart for so long was great. Also in the short fight between summons it ends in a draw. I love how much this conversation reflects Weiss’s character development and I think she wants to give people in Atlas a chance to change like she did. This is an incredible show of trust from Winter and I love it. Thanks to subtitles later the barely audible dialogue is a caring conversation mostly consisting of seeing how she is. I really love the distinction Winter makes of this being hers. Finally I don’t think there’s anything else I can say about Jacques except I didn’t know I could be this angry at a character before. Also fun fact part of this riot was the end of the trailer for this volume. This is a great reaction. Keep up the great work. :-) <3

I love this episode so much. I like that it starts out with the girls waking. Penny with that pose and wink is everything to me it’s so cute. I love this montage for giving these characters a sense of normalcy they have not had for a long time. Also the music works perfectly for it. Fun fact the names on the mission boards are people from CRWBY. My favorite parts of the montage are Nora actually being the one who braids Ren’s hair and the thirsty moms bit with Jaune which might be the funniest thing in the show. A funny detail is that the kid of the mom giving him a casserole rolls her eyes and looks away embarrassed about what her mom is doing. When miles said the thirsty moms thing he lost his composure and could not stop laughing saying it’s true. I’m glad Oscar is able to get some more advanced training from James. It was so exciting to see Neon and Flynt again especially the new designs. Some people like her old design more or like this 1 more I for one like the new design more especially the hoodie. Also her rainbow trail affect looks even better now. The really impressive part of this fight is that a lot of it is in one shot. Also Neon really shouldn’t have teased Nora about her relationship with Ren. It’s really cool to see Nora use her hammer like a witch’s broom. Also Neon I think you are a little too old for Oscar although his shy blush is cute. I love everything about the conversation and interactions between Penny and Ruby in this episode. Their friendship is just so adorable, heartwarming and pure and as a Nuts and Dolts shipper it fills my heart with joy. It’s sad that she hasn’t really been able to make new friends because of how important her job is. Also it’s not a big surprise but it’s so relatable for Penny to be caught between wants and responsibility. As a shipper of them I was very disappointed Ruby didn’t lay her head on Penny’s shoulder. Also those penguins were at one point going to be a species of Grimm but eventually served the purpose of being able to show more actual animals in the show which has been something they haven’t always had time for in the past. Enough people have talked about the Clover and Qrow scene so all I will say is that I love it and I’m glad he’s in a better place now. Robyn Hill is such a different and interesting character and her attitude/voice acting is fantastic. Also funny that Penny misinterpreted watch our 6 as come up with 6 different plans. There have been theories that because of their interactions here and similar ages that they went to Atlas Academy together and had some sort of relationship. Something cool is that Cristina Vee has a YouTube channel where she does a lot of great song covers. Also the Sheep girl is precious her name is Fiona Thyme and is probably based on Friar Tuck. I always have loved the different but still loving relationship between Weiss and Winter so seeing a bigger scene about it after they have both changed and been apart for so long was great. Also in the short fight between summons it ends in a draw. I love how much this conversation reflects Weiss’s character development and I think she wants to give people in Atlas a chance to change like she did. This is an incredible show of trust from Winter and I love it. Thanks to subtitles later the barely audible dialogue is a caring conversation mostly consisting of seeing how she is. I really love the distinction Winter makes of this being hers. Finally I don’t think there’s anything else I can say about Jacques except I didn’t know I could be this angry at a character before. Also fun fact part of this riot was the end of the trailer for this volume. This is a great reaction. Keep up the great work. :-) <3


I'm so excited to dive into these comments and hear all your thoughts!!!! I'm running super behind on comments this weekend, d'oh, sorry!!! Just wanted to let you know that I'll be replying soon!!! ^_^


Such a great one! Jacques is such a jerk lol and so true that he recognizes he needs to "switch up" the abuse tactics here and starts using guilt/manipulation instead. Love, love love the girls protecting Weiss! So glad they're official now! Love the conversation with Qrow too. True about Whitley, it's becoming more and more evident that he's a victim here too. Big piece of info here on Watts like you said! And love the song titles, omg! Did not notice that about Weiss' photo either!!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


So sorry this took me forever but thanks for sharing your thoughts! The thirsty moms were everything hahaha!! Loved seeing Neon and Flynt again for sure!!! Yeah Penny is facing what we all face in terms of what we have to do and what we want to do. Missed opportunity with the head lay for sure lol! So glad they decided not to make Grimm penguins haha. LOVE Qrow and Clover! Robyn's really cool so far and of course Penny is always amazing with her interpretations haha. Ohhhh so good to know about Christina Vee! Love Fiona so much!! The Weiss and Winter scene was so good! Weiss has definitely come so far. That's a good note about the subtitles for the dialogue that can't be heard! OMG I hear you so much about Jacques!!! Thank you so much for your comment and your continued support and encouragement, it means so much! Sorry again that it took me forever to respond!!!! &gt;.&lt; Have a great one! ^_^

Aundry Vue

In case you didn't know, Jacque said that he thanked Ironwood because Ironwood have gave him a noose to hang you. Meaning that Jacque now has a reason to backlash at Ironwood at the council and a reason for him to join the council, along with Watts side. Also the mission board is the same thing that team RWBY had done back in Volume 2 with Professor/Doctor Oobleck. And yes, Robyn Hill is based on Robin Hood and her huntress gang the Happy Huntresses are based on the Merry Men as well. While Jacque is manipulating the folks of Mantle to support him to be in the council, I'm betting that Watts is the one who's actually holding the strings here, Jacque is just the marionette puppet to Watts who's the actual puppet master here along with his colleague Tyrian. Bonus: Some people in the comments have probably have said this already, but in one interview Miles Luna did say something about how Jaune's hair will attract some 'Thirsty Moms'. When I first heard that, I literally though it would have something to do with Weiss's mom with her 'thirst' for alcohol and something like that and I was like, this is going to go into some weird territory here and I am glad that is not the case here. DON'T GIVE NORA COFFEE! IF NORA EVER GETS COFFEE IT'S THE END FOR US ALL! (It's a RWBY Chibi reference, you should have watched it earlier to get it).


Ohhhh okay thanks for clearing that up! Right. I do remember the mission board! Glad I guessed Robyn's inspiration! Good point about Watts being the one really in control here too. Awwwww haha I can totally see how the "thirsty mom" line would have made you think of that!!! Lol!!! That sounds like something I would think to be honest haha, these things usually go over my head :P Very fun about the Chibi reference! I plan on maybe starting it once I'm caught up with RWBY!!!