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Hey everyone! Here it is - my reaction to episode 13 of The Apothecary Diaries! We're finding out what's in store for Maomao now that she's back! What a surprise, Jinshi's keeping her close to him ;) It'll be interesting to get to see what's going on in the outer court! I'll miss our rear palace friends, but I'm sure they'll pop up from time to time! Also I can totally relate to Maomao having no interest in studying something that isn't her passion lol! What a fun start to the next part of this series!! Great ep! Enjoy! ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c3R0iGrRIrYVAfF8uQU9tHVpR3jziZgF/view?usp=sharing


Tyler Stobbe

Jinshi’s conversation with the emperor sheds some light on his motivations, but ironically he finds himself in a similar position as Maomao usually does: helpless to control the situation he’s been dropped into, so he’s simply using all the tools he has at his disposal to make the best of it. The three Princesses of the Verdigris House all kinda view Maomao as their little sister so they got a little overboard and getting her dolled up - so much so, that people noticed her when she left and wondered why she was never “available for purchase,” for lack of a better term: it just adds more fuel to the fire that she’s long maintained: she’s trying not to stand out. Speaking of standing out however, she does comment that Jinshi is quite a lot of wasted sex appeal - given that he’s a eunuch. Also the whole court last exam wasn’t ever going to fly with her, that ain’t who the girl is - you can try to put her in a cookie cutter position but it’s like any job interview - what you’re capable of and what’s on your resume aren’t the same thing. It’s heavily implied that the guy with the monocle at the end was also the one listening in on the conversation earlier in the episode that a courtesan was bought out ;it was really just Maomao). This isn’t the episode to discuss that in detail yet though.


“Maybe she can taste poison for Jinshi” you made that sound so endearing. XD


Hahaha isn't it funny how I've just learned to see poison as a good thing for Maomao at this point?! :P


That's the thing, it's a little ironic that their situations have such similarities. I love that the princesses dote on her but I agree that attracting all that attention is probably the last thing she wants! Oh I did notice she said that about Jinshi, although I'm guessing based on what we know now that he isn't actually a eunuch. Haha yeah no way was Maomao gonna be able to fall in line for something like that! Oooh ok, good to know what they were implying the monocle man was hearing! Thanks!