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Hey everyone! Here it is - my reaction to episode 11 of The Apothecary Diaries! WHOA!!!! Dang you guys, just when I was starting to think I was sorta full of it, they wove that mystery together pretty darn well! So am I to infer that Jinshi is/was the prince?! My brain was honestly going a million miles a minute after this one haha. Also, we get the full story of what happened with Fengming, shoot. It's amazing how many things tied in together here. And what on earth was the implication of that scene at the end?! I'm so overwhelmed!! Great ep! Enjoy! ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L_gA8lhMBGivOImikL9PJqq4IROi3hfG/view?usp=sharing



Hi Hime :) To be clear about the story and the points that Maomao connected. Jinshi and the prince were born at the same time, then switched. Jinshi then started being raised as the son of the former emperor while the prince was raised as the son of Ah-Duo, until he died. Maomao clarifies that if this exchange was learned, it would have definitely caused a stir. At the banquet, rumors about the emperor's brother said that he was often sick and rarely showed up. This brother is actually Jinshi, who is ultimately the biological son of the current emperor and Ah-Duo. I don't know if Jinshi's persona was created to cover up this matter or not, but I know that Jinshi doesn't know about this story, he doesn't know that the emperor and Ah-Duo are his parents. Jinshi just knows that he was raised as the emperor's brother. But that's why I emphasized what Gaoshun said, Jinshi, the handsome eunuch in his twenties is just a fake identity. Regarding Ah-Duo and the current emperor, they both consider Lishu as their adopted daughter, that's why the emperor took her as a concubine and has no carnal interest in her, he probably did it to protect Lishu and ensure her a future, maybe also so that she and Ah-Duo can stay in touch, even if unfortunately Fengming intervened. As for Maomao and Fengming, it is explained in the next episode, they are Maomao's kidnappers, who sold her to the rear palace as "family", who are related to Fengming, which means that on paper, Maomao is from Fengming's family.

Tyler Stobbe

Nora: “I don’t know if I completely understand what’s going on, or I have like a million questions!” No wonder you felt I’ll after this episode, we broke your brain. :P So, to reiterate: the child Ah-Duo had is the offspring of the current emperor (obviously). Because of the complications at childbirth, and also because Luomen (Maomao’s father), was not being allowed to assist in the process, Ah-Duo lost her uterus because there was no medical “expertise” to assist her. She later lost the child in question. due to Fengming’s ignorance. Maomao is certainly conjecturing a lot (she does that) - and they have not confirmed anything in the show proper at this point - but there is absolutely no question that there is a striking resemblance between Ah-Duo and Jinshi, which naturally indicates there’s something at work there more than sheer coincidence. I really don’t want to say anything until the show does, but we all know Maomao is good at putting scenarios together. Fengming is kind of a tragedy, and also a cautionary tale. She made one mistake, not understanding the mistake until it was too late. Then she compounded the issue by trying to cover it up because she saw what losing that kid did to her mistress, even if the other servants didn’t. It’s also possible the position of concubine remained with Ah-Duo partially out of pity for her - don’t forget, she was the current emperor’s friend, and even though you don’t see him too much - losing a child does have adverse emotional effects on fathers as well. As she said, she went back to being his friend, partially because there was no possibility of “trying again” and also they probably didn’t want to relive that pain. Fengming’s orchestrations merely delayed the inevitable, but the fortunate thing is that Lishu’s ladies in waiting were bullying her - if they hadn’t, Maomao would have never found the poisoned soup until it was too late. One mistake cost the head lady in waiting her life. Think about just what that says about Maomao and her status as “expendable,” despite everything she’s doing. When Maomao saw Lishu’s servants though, she was thinking about Fengming and how she was doing everything in her power not to hurt Ah-Duo any further, including giving up her own life. Quite a contrast. As for the name of Maomao showing up as a connection to Fengming, this isn’t really the episode to explain that. But you can tell from Jinshi’s reaction: this is not good news for the apothecary or anyone else involved. More on that next episode, which I’ll get to if I have time, but if it’s posted late enough today, it’ll need to wait a few days before I can chat about it. There’s a reason this anime got the award for best mystery/suspense of the year last fall. Would you like to restock your red string in the meantime? :) By the way, a courtesan is a prostitute, a concubine is basically serving the duties of a wife, but without the status of one. The concubines are only to be “touched” by the emperor himself, whereas, at Maomao’s old place, they see whoever can pay. Hope that clears up the difference. :)


Thank you so much for this. It was really helpful and very fascinating.


Hi Spadeas! :) Thank you so much for clarifying! The only part I forgot was that they'd mentioned the brother and that we was ill/not seen much. The rest I was pretty much putting together except it really threw me that 1) they never came out and said he was the prince in Maomao's "conjecture" and 2) why on earth would he be a eunuch lol. Ok so Jinshi doesn't know about the switch, but he does know who his parents are, got it! Ahhh that's why you all were emphasizing that! I love that Lishu has been taken in and that she's not erm, been put into service like I thought earlier. It took me so long to understand the kidnapper thing in the next ep but I did eventually get it lol! Thank you!