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Special thanks to Leonie for editing this review!!! ❤️

Hey everyone! WHOA!!! Finally, we're getting to see the true power of Valentine's Stand!!! I'm proud of myself for kinda guessing it somewhat early on. And I've gotta say, that's a pretty OP power! It's the ultimate save/defense but has some offensive properties too, like two of a person being in the same location. I was SO happy to see Dio and him possibly making an alliance with Johnny here, only to get my hopes dashed SO horribly!! Wekapipo :((((( Next we get to see what Johnny and Gyro make of all this! Can't wait for more! Enjoy! ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yfu9CYqmdn8JDjExIcnvu9fd8U0z_iKd/view?usp=sharing



Hey Melissa, thanks for letting me edit the video this time again. It was a lot of fun for me and I really love picking out the memes. They really fit perfectly into your videos. I think I should just make the music a bit louder in the next video, as you can hardly hear it in the video. In my editing program it always sounds a bit louder than it is in the video. So I'll make it a bit louder next time. But otherwise I'm very happy with my editing style. What do you think? You also finally figured out what D4C's ability is. It's really not easy to figure out what Valentine's Stand does at first. But it's very well done by Araki to understand how this stand works. The fact that we get this fight from three different perspectives actually helps. It makes the fact that Johnny was basically shot by three different people and didn't really realize it himself even worse. I can really imagine the scene in anime form, where they show all three perspectives at the same time and you have to guess what's really true and what's not. The fight against Chocolate Disco isn't really a very memorable fight, but it's still very entertaining and Jairo really made short work of Disco, which was good. I don't think the fight should have lasted any longer either. I was also really proud of Diego for defending Johnny a bit against Valentine and was really hoping that he might become a Jobro after all. As we've seen, we were very wrong about him. What he did to Wekapipo was really very nasty and unfair. He actually used him for his own purposes and Wekapipo didn't deserve that. I would have really liked him to be reunited with his sister and lead a quiet life. But unfortunately he wasn't allowed to do that. And Diego absolutely had to reveal his dark side. His ego is simply far too big. But he will soon be in no better shape than Wekapipo. I definitely agree with you on the fact that Valentine is not a great fighter. He just doesn't use strategy as much as we've seen from Jojo Villains. Instead, he just relies 100% on his ability to stand, that he can always use a new body from another dimension and thus survive the injuries. Which is quite a cowardly move on the one hand, but also very clever on the other. Next week you're definitely in for one of the toughest fights in Jojo, except for the finale. I can't wait to see what you think of this fight.


This is one best batches. I look forward to the different perspectives syncing up and leading to the outcome. Funny the previous parts “big boss” stands were all time related in some way. Valentines too but funny it’s an alternate universe type thing in this new world. Okay this stand is so wild. I threw a lame, didn’t-even-cover-all-the-basis of what we witnessed last batch guess just for the heck of it and am still embarrassed because it did not even come close to this! XD That’s so trippy and cool. Now I have to go back and watch just to make sure I have everything quite right. So correct me if anything I say doesn’t sound quite right. To me it sounds like stepping into the neighboring world it’s like positions of everyone, maybe with the exception of Valentine, are slightly different. And he’s able to do whatever he needs to and take advantage of any situation. I’m think of it like a puddle he steps into and it’s like a mirroring world in a sense. Like a reflection of our world like mirroring ours appearance wise. Not everything is exactly to a tee but close to our main world. Since Valentine is able to go in, leave his old self and then return “brand new” that would give me puddle analysis or whatever some validity right? Maybe? I mean it sounds like (from what I got) he swaps in-and-out and his old selves just stay in wounded, while he gets out unharmed. Like no fuss is ever really made about it when he’s tinkering in there. So it’s like they’re connected in a sense but the primary goal is to aid the main world. Either they know this or he’s just taking the liberty to rearrange as he sees fit. Oh my gawd I’m getting a headache 😵‍💫 Whatever I get the gist. Okay. But it’s cool to think. We’ve seen a lot of crazy stands but D4C is on a whole different level of crazy but very intriguing. I was definitely devastated by the end. I think what made it more heartbreaking is that we saw them working together a bit and it gives a feint hope that the beginning of Jo-bro build up is finally here. But no instead it dismantled the last bit of hope we had for one and took a newly added one away. Very disappointing. Mel what’s wrong with you? You can do better. I don’t know why girls always think they can fix a guy. See im smart I somewhat gave up on him last weeks and accepted the bad boy was likely to stay. He’s in the dog house for a long time but once he’s done his time…😏 No but really that was sad end for Wekapipo. I want justice for him because that just was so unfair. This parts other characters that aren’t Johnny and Gyro I grow to build a certain expectation that they’ll achieve what they want to much like Gyro with Marcos and it never comes true. Lucy is now the one character left (I think) that I hope gets to achieve what she most wants. Like it’s not funny anymore. These characters are getting hit harder than Johnny did throughout this batch. :( Omg if Valentine has a dog please consider him for a Halloween costume one day. I would love to see that XD If you’re named after a song that’s it. That’s the name, Sweet Melissa 👌


Hey Leonie! Thank YOU for helping me out again!! You did so well with the memes haha!! I actually liked the music volume, it sounded good on my PC! I'm fine with you leaving it where it is if you'd like! You should be really proud of your editing style, it's fantastic and really adds so much life to these videos that are otherwise just me ranting for 90 mins haha!! I love the way Araki showed us how D4C works, that was clever! Poor Johnny!!! I think this will look great when animated for sure. Gyro took Chocolate Disco out pretty fast! They can't all be big ones like Blackmore or Ringo I guess....sometimes they're more like The Sun :P That misdirection with Diego was soooo harsh, how could we not think he was finally ready to be a Jobro?! Only to turn around and kill Wekapipo :((( Now that I've read the next 6 chapters, I have a ton of mixed feelings about him! I'm glad you agree about Valentine, the way he fights is totally a mix of cowardly and clever, but yeah, as far as combat strategy goes, he's mostly just relying on his Stand! OMG the next fight is soooo intense, cannot wait to get on camera and talk about it hahaha!!!!


I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Wasn't it clever how Araki did that with the multiple perspectives?! I know, it figures it'd be time-related but the fact that it involves other universes right after the big events of Part 6....it's pretty funny! Hahah no worries, it'd be soooo hard to try and guess what this Stand does without really seeing it in action!!! It's definitely not an easy one to guess! That's exactly how it seems to me too - he can basically borrow from other worlds as much as he needs. That's a great way to describe it, they are kinda like mirroring worlds. Not exactly the same but so close that they're interchangeable in most ways. Yeah I think you've got the idea for sure, I feel like they emphasized that this world is the main world, so it makes sense that he'd have reign over all the others. D4C is definitely on another level!!! I know Manny, I know, I'm ashamed of myself!!! I have no idea why girls think this way lol. You were smart to call him out earlier on! Def make him do his time lol! It's so sad what happened to Wekapipo! I'm heartbroken that he'll never get to see his sister again or clear his name or anything. It's truly sad to see these side characters' dreams go unfulfilled. Lucy's definitely the last one standing in terms of allies (besides Hot Pants maybe?), and by God she better have a happy ending! For real, they're all taking some damage in the worst way! Hahahaha omg I'd love that if Buffy and I could dress as Valentine and his dog!!!!! Honestly if she liked costumes more I'd be tempted to do it and dress her as D4C!!! :P Awwww yay, it's official then, my Stand is Sweet Melissa!!! ^_^ Thank you!!!