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Hey everyone! Here it is - my reaction to episode 4 of The Apothecary Diaries! Omg!!!! Maomao means BUSINESS!!!!! I didn't know she could get so serious, but I love it! This one made me feel a lot more for Lihua too, and the whole circumstances surrounding her illness were just so ridiculous, I can't! I'm glad Maomao set everyone straight and literally saved Lihua's life in so many ways. Proud of our girl!! Can't wait to see more! Great ep! Enjoy! ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oBRDS9xgtyLySpuAW1iHdSymuhr_L8hi/view?usp=sharing



Maomao was so boss here!


It was this episode that put Maomao into my top 10 female characters. I think she's actually my favorite female character in anime I've seen so far. Because she is exactly how I imagine strong female characters to be. She's not overpowered and can't do everything straight away. She has her strengths and weaknesses that make her human and also emotional outbursts that clearly show her character. You empathize with her and can also laugh along with her and I think that's what makes a well-written character. Unfortunately, that has really become a rarity these days. This episode made me so angry and watching the ladies in Waiting poison Lihua is just so exhausting to watch. You know Maomao is right and will do anything to save the concubine but is held back by some ignorant ladies. The sad thing is that the women know full well that the powder is harmful to their mistress, but use it anyway to maintain her beauty. It's a historical truth and tragedy that lead-based cosmetics generally do look and work better than others. White-lead face powder was an excellent concealer, stayed on the face longer without smearing/flaking off, and it would actually absorb sweat and oils making it a natural antiperspirant while also cooling the body. And the sad thing is that people KNEW it was harmful, but didn't care/didn't think it was harmful enough to stop using it. But Like MaoMao said, they chased beauty at the expense of their life. This episode was also the first time you really got to know the emperor. To this day he doesn't have a real name, not even in the manga or the light novel, which sometimes makes me very sad, because I would like to associate a name with him. Everyone always just calls him the Emperor. But I have to admit, he's actually a very likeable man, which you wouldn't necessarily expect from the emperor. After all, he takes care of all his concubines. Even if there might be a few fights between them. I think it's also difficult for him to be with many women at the same time because, as I said, Lady Gyokuyou is his favorite and he still has to sleep with other women to maintain the harem image. I thought it was particularly sweet again in this episode how Jinshi tried to help Xiaomao in his own way. He can use his good looks to get what he wants. Because both, men and women love him. He always invades Maomao's privacy far too closely and I think he doesn't even realize that she feel so comfortable with him. But he's always very happy when he can help her. Which actually makes him very sweet. Next episode will be very exciting again. You can look forward to a very toxic garden party.


Hey Leonie! I can see why! She's amazing, and I love how she's written too. Strong, but still has plenty of human flaws, no powers, but still extremely powerful in her own right, etc. I can get why you were so angry, this was such a dumb mistake! I honestly thought it must be deliberate at first, but no, it was just plain stupidity. That's so interested about lead-based cosmetics, I had no idea! That's interesting the emperor doesn't really get a name. But maybe that keeps him a bit more distant and mysterious? OH wow, I'm kinda surprised that he's gonna turn out to be likable! I could kinda see it going either way honestly. It was sweet that Jinshi tried to help! You can tell he really cares. Ooohhh I can't wait for next time!!!