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Hey guys!

Sorry for the delay with the communication. I’m working on the Plans for FIFA 23 which will be released later (or maybe I’ll release it in parts). Now while it seems some of the communication is a bit delayed, that’s just because I haven’t been focusing on it. The actual mod’s development has been very quick and there’s so much exciting news to share! Let’s get straight into it.

Are we able to mod FIFA 23?
Yes! There is great news on that front. FIFA Editor Tool, the software that we use to mod, is now capable of full modding for FIFA 23! And more, it doesn’t bypass the anti-cheat at all! So you can use most mods online, like previous years. The tools have also been released, so you can create/use mods yourself right now!

What about Cheat Table/Live Editor?

The legendary Aranaktu has also got his tools working for FIFA 23, and versions of the FIFA 23 Cheat Table/Live Editor have already been released!

When will the FIFA 23 Realism Mod be released?

Our goal is to get 1.0 out in 2022. Now of course, no promises, but I truly believe that we will do it. I know that’s much quicker than last year, so I will explain how I came up with that estimate.

One of the big factors is that we won’t be trying to include everything in the first release, instead saving some features for after 1.0, to save time.

What will 1.0 include?

It should include 15 main mods, the same number as the FIFA 22 mod. However, the Dynamic Youth System won’t be included in the first release, and there is one new mod, the Audio Mod, which I’ll explain in the Plans post. The other main mods will mostly be the same, or more complete as FIFA 22’s. I’ll give more specifics later, but here’s a brief overview:

  • The Cameras and Turf mods will be pretty basic.
  • There may also be some individual features missing in the first release that would take too much time to add, like the Brazilian League.
  • The Graphics Mod won’t have as many real GK kits to start.
  • Due to faces updated by EA, and the introduction of strand hair, there will be slightly fewer face updates.
  • Due to faces added by EA and updated threshold checking, there won’t be quite as many New faces in the first release.
  • There will certainly be more tattoos and boots.

For addons it’s harder to say. Priority addons like scoreboards and TV logos will certainly be included, but the others heavily rest upon what I have time for.

Why will it be released so much sooner than the FIFA 22 Realism Mod?

Other than not including everything in the first release, there are 1000 reasons!

The biggest would probably be the Lua system. This was a revolutionary feature in the FIFA 22 Realism Mod which enabled us to do so many things, like automatic face assignments, real anthem kits, and the Dynamic Youth System addon. Last year we had to create it from scratch, which was incredibly complex and I learned a lot. This was something that was developed across the entire FIFA cycle, I made many changes even in the final month of August. The Lua system spanned across 3 files, with 1,500 new lines of code and over 57,000 assignment lines. But that doesn’t even take into account the amount of testing and trial and error work it took. For everything that worked, there were 10 things that didn’t, and so many new ideas tried. Out of everything, this was the sole thing that took the most time this year. Now, for FIFA 23, I’ve ported it over completely! So that saves months of development. I have a much greater understanding of Lua too, so for future work done (for new Lua system features), I’ll be able to get things done much quicker.

FIFA Editor Tool is also much faster and more advanced. It was upgraded to .NET 6 (and soon 7), plus so many performance improvements, big and small, so it runs much faster. It also has so many features that will help speed things up. I won’t say everything here, but this is a big reason!

We have also completely redesigned our workflows, we have many more tools we use to speed things up, and many other things. I’ve been more logical with how I approach certain tasks, updated spreadsheets and folder structures, and even upgraded my PC.

There are genuinely so many other things but I don’t have to go through the effort of listing them all, as I want to get back to working on the mod itself!

I’ll be doing a Q&A session sometime soon to answer some of your questions, and until then, stick around for the first “Progress Updates” post, where I’ll be sharing some cool stuff!

How will you improve communication?

I know my communication was an issue for many of you during the FIFA 22 mod cycle, and I recognize I was poor in that regard, and apologize for that. This year however, things will be different, as I’m sure alpha/beta testers can vouch for, as I’ve provided many updates. Generally, I will provide updates more frequently, but I will start doing these “Progress Updates” posts for the general public! Until 1.0 they will be very frequent, every 1-2 weeks, and after that maybe a bit more spread out. These posts will contain detailed info about what I’ve accomplished, what’s next, as well as sharing some cool images and other things. I will also be doing more Q&A’s and similar events throughout the year.

How will the release work?

Same as previous years! First, we do our internal testing, then the mod goes out to Alpha testers, then Beta testers, then for the final release, $2+ patrons will get 7-day early access, but after that, everyone gets access! This year though, the Alpha/Beta stages will be much quicker, in line with our expedited expected release date.

What will be improved in the FIFA 23 mod, compared to the FIFA 22 mod?

So much! Again this is something I’ll talk about more in the Plans post. I think the FIFA 22 Realism Mod was a fantastic base, and this year will be about polishing and improving it, as well as many new features made possible with next-gen!

We want to improve the quality of many existing FIFA 22 mod assets (faces, boots, tattoos, etc) and add so many more! We also want to make everything feel a bit cleaner, easier to use, more stable, etc. And there will be plenty of new stuff too, most noticeably the new Audio mod!

If you missed it, I published a really important survey about the FIFA 22 mod, which will greatly impact the FIFA 23 mod! All questions are optional, you can fill it out here: https://form.typeform.com/to/jCgHjsW7

That's it from me then, I'll publish the first Progress Updates post soon, along with an update about Alpha/Beta versions!

Thank you guys for the support, as always. I promise this year is gonna be amazing for modding!




Giovanni Ferreira dos Reis

Guys who couldn't get access to paid mods on discord, I got it!! go to signature and scroll down the screen a bit until discord community appears, next to it you will have the option to connect to discord, do that and new tools will be released on discord, right away. in beta testing there will be the beta releasing option there will be the paid mods. Hope this helps.


where can i find mod list