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 Hi guys. Sorry for the lack of communication for the past few days, I took a few days off from social media. 2.0 will be released very soon, but trust me, the wait is worth it. The mod will be extra polished. I will let you know of any updates, thanks.

I post more updates on discord and twitter, so follow me there (@FIFER_Mods) or join the official discord: https://discord.gg/DJxMEyk



can't wait dude! thanks for the hard work man


Well, It’s not correct to say something and then take a break without doing what you have said.


Except I've never promised anything, and I've just been using words like "probably" "hopefully" etc. Also, am I not allowed to take a break? What are you talking about??? I control my life, not you guys.


hey fifer, can we expect the mod for feb 16 or,17?


Hey FIFER, thanks for the update. I am sorry about all of that hate that you've been getting. Your REAL supporters appreciate all of the work you put into this. Keep it up, and can't wait for 2.0!


Hey Fifer, love the mods u have been churning out so far. Is it possible though, to make a mod where the created player can come off the bench in player career mode?


Hi Fifer, any specific date you're planning to release it? If not, that's totally fine. Have a great day and keep up all the good work!


how do you get the realism mod


i watched a vid and it said it was free


Some total bellends and haters about. Keep up the good work Fifer!


The mod is free a week after a release, Patrons get the version first.


Around what date do you reckon you'll release it?Not trying to be annoying, just trying to get a heads up so I don't have to check every day 😅


Agreed, I get that a mod of this scale takes time but i'd appreciate an rough estimate of when it comes out.


Any update as to when this will be released?


Just a question, will your Gameplay mod make headers possible?


Uhhhh where do i find mod 1.3?


I think he took the link down since it doesn't work with the latest version.


1.3 doesn't work with current version of fifa, we must waiting for 2.0


Long time for waiting 2.0


There is a saying in Finland: "Tästä ei taida tulla Lasta eikä Paskaa !" Translate with Google: =)


As we say in Norway: "De som venter på noe godt, venter ikke forgjeves"


Not any updates?


I wonder why I can't get the beta test even though I paid that $ 5. Should have been paid in vain!   I can't write anything on Discord, block everything? I will never sign up for Twitter.    Do not arouse confidence in such activities!


I can't write to Discord, someone blocking on? I would have asked for that Beta test. Can you give it to my email, for example?


There's a saying in England - Don't be a Dickhead!

Felipe Dahan

How can I be a beta tester?


FIFER, I can't write to any channel


Would you give us some update about the realism mod? Will it be out soon?


Why not upgrade to version 1.3 to work with the latest Fifa update? I have where the project file is but can't get it done because Frosty Editor stopped working, in this latest Fifa update!


Thank you for the communication compared to the past, but still nearly two weeks late, almost a new month and another $3000 in your pocket. Why the delay in releasing the update if you aimed for the 12-13th in a YouTube video? Taking a few days off should delay by two weeks.


Mate, Communicate, this is taking well too long, you were expecting it to be done by 14th, but you have a delayed prediction, by 12 DAYS,I don't understand how you can be so off actually you know what?Keep working, don't let any comments distract you and just grind, if the mod isn't out by the end of Feb, I'm not giving you my money, I advise any one who is annoyed to do the same, you can re sub any time you want anyways,so your deadline is the 29th before people unsub from your patreon.


Unbelievable you guys! Fifer and a couple of other people who are making those mods are making FIFA fun again or do you guys forget how it was before those mods? Show a little appreciation and patience. Fifer is also just a guy who does this in his spare time. And don't come to me with the excuse that you pay for this so you expect something back. A lot of you wouldn't play FIFA anymore without the mods and it isn't that he has a multimillion company at his back like EA. Fifer is doing a so much better job than everybody at EA. Just has some patience Fifer will come back and make the mod even better than it was before


Yes,You're right, I wouldn't play FIFA without FIFER's mods....That's why I'm not playing and that's what's bugging me, I do appreciate the work he does but he can't just say that he predicts it could be done by the 14th and be 12 days late, I just don't know how that happens.I would appreciate just any sort of community communication saying :"Sorry the mod is late, (Goes on to say what has been delaying him) so yeah guys, I hope I'll finish the mod soon, it'll be worth it :)" Or just something of that sort, I'm sure you'd be happy too if he posted an update.


Guys follow him on Twitter. There are the News for you.


Yeah, never Twitter or Facebook or anything like that!


m8, this mod is taking far too long, you said "very soon" on the 15th February...it is now the 28th...not sure hows that very soon to you. i know you are a modder and these things take time. but what we would appreciate is giving us constant updates on your progress. or give us the exact release date. i just feel like you are eating my money away, when i could use it for a bloody Tesco meal deal.


You are two sided, you want the mod done fast and you also want constant communciation. I am not able to provide that on patreon, as the messaging and posting is really bad and takes forver. I have said it multiple times, join the discord, I provide daily updates