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  • PASSWORD (case sensitive):  DIARY

This was one of the most transparent documentaries of the album conception process that we have ever seen. Jimin showed us everything it took to create his ground breaking debut album and we appreciate his hard work even more now after watching this. Incredible!!

Let us know whatchagot2say in the comments FAM. Would love to hear your thoughts 🤓


Video Creation Details

  • Total Record Time: 2 hours
  • Total Editing Time (thumbnail creation included): 5 hours

*New Jimin shirt that Nico is wearing in this video can be purchased on our online store: Click Here




I loved this very real, raw look at song development for FACE. Loved seeing Jimin at work, but also Pdogg and the other producers that we know well by name. Glad they get screen time too! I would absolutely looove one for Namjoon.. can you imagine watching that genius mind work??


This is my third time watching it, and it was so nice to have company this time through. Always always enjoy your reactions so much! Really proud of Jimin and this team. Jimin shares so much in the journey he tells with these songs. He clearly went through a rough time, and I imagine it was very difficult, as he said, to put himself back in that headspace… but it must have also been extremely therapeutic, imo. I really treasure this EP, and can’t wait to see what he does next!