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Just stopping by to show appreciation to the FAM that makes this all possible. 

Can't do this without you πŸ’―

We will start live streaming on Twitch at the beginning of April. Please follow using the link below. Would love to have you all as our first followers as we start this new Chapter πŸ€“

*WhatchaGot2Say Twitch- https://www.twitch.tv/whatchagot2say

  • More info like the schedule of our streams coming soon




πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘‹Hey Nico! Thanks for the Fam update and little bts in the WG2S Studio. LπŸ’œ


Honestly I saw a tweet by you last week and I decided after that to up the amount I pay on patreon. I believe in what you guys are doing and the entertainment you give us and the love you give BTS, so it's the least I can do. Keep going and I hope you reach your dreams