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We were very excited to watch this Vlive and we are double excited to be able to share our reaction with you all. The profound wisdom that is shared by our President in this live is something that all ARMYs should consume into their souls. Actually, not just ARMYs, everyone could benefit greatly from this. 

Nam joon gives us his thoughts on the grammys, haters, and provides great insight into how we should be careful what we use our energy on and the reason why this is so important. + More!! 

Our mans is spitting nothing but heartfelt FACTS ~ That's a true Leader for ya 




Mika, I love when you turn into a fierce Mama Bear 🐻 Namjoon is an incredible human being! He has wisdom beyond his age. His comments towards the end of the VLive gave me goosebumps and brought tears to my eyes. Whenever I think I can't love him more than I already do, he comes out and says something, and my heart expands another inch. If I didn't care so much about helping bring awareness to childhood trauma and how it affects every area of our life if left unhealed, I wouldn't be on social media. Social Media can be one big trigger for many. I see how these traumas are acted out on social media, whether the haters against BTS or some Armys who go too far in defending BTS. Success is almost sure to make somebody else envious, so take their hate as a sign you're doing something right. These insecure people go out of their way to literally do anything to hurt others. They bring and share loads of misery and negativity with everyone they meet everywhere they go. Haters seek a response from those being hated upon. In my 10+ years of being a childhood trauma recovery coach, I have yet to meet a successful hater. It comes as no surprise that haters are not successful. They hate themselves, what they do every day, and they are way off track from achieving their goals. They struggle to obtain or even identify their goals. This results in jealousy, frustration and anger. Anyone can choose to hate someone. However, it takes actual guts to suppress that hate and turn it into something positive. This is precisely why my fuel is helping people -- while their fuel is hurting people using the insane amount of hate they possess, which directly reflects their trauma and insecurities. It doesn't make logical sense to hate on those working like crazy to build an incredible life for themselves. But, there are good things and bad things about most things. So I have learned to take what I need and leave the rest. Of course, some days, it is more challenging than others, and like Mica, the Mama Bear in me awakens and wants to protect her 7 angels, but then I breathe and go back to my mission - healing as many people as I can, while I can. The real problem isn't the amount of hate thrown or the haters. The real problem is our reactions to the hate and the haters. So from this day forward, make a conscious effort to ignore the hatred and the haters and watch them disappear as quickly as they appeared. The best body armour against haters is compassion. When you put yourself into the shoes of a hater, how can you possibly hate a hater? Haters are very sad and hurt people, or in some cases, psychopaths. No one who is psychologically happy and healthy can ever hate on others. You must let your compassion for haters win out. Once you step up your game and become a bigger person, you become a better entrepreneur, brother, sister, leader, companion, friend and human being who never hates on others. It is plain and straightforward, and all circles back to the Golden Rule -- treat others as you want to be treated. Let's not forget there are way more BTS lovers than haters. We are Bulletproof 🦋


What an amazing young man. As he would say "Speak Yourself, Love Yourself". I have so much respect for him and his work ethic. There will always be haters but sometimes I think it's jealous, to be honest. I cant wait to see what BTS does in the future with their leader Namjoon. What a gift he is. So thoughtful. I hope they do lots more songs in Korean too.