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We will resume watching RUN BTS, Bon Voyage, and Bring The Soul in July 😁😉

Please pardon this delay as we know there are some of you that watch these series with us for the first time and some of you who just enjoy re-watching with us. 

🌟This delay combined with much frustration is brought to us by Vimeo....

The Breakdown of What is Happening

Vimeo has been the primary video hosting site  that we have used for about 2 years now. We have paid them yearly to host reaction videos that YouTube and other sites don't allow such as RUN, Bon Voyage, etc. Well, Vimeo recently attempted to upcharge us by astronomical measures due to the amount of bandwidth it takes to host our videos on their site. 

a QUICK Lesson: Bandwidth is measured as the amount of data it takes to transmit our videos from the server they are housed on to your device for viewing. Bandwidth usage is equivalent to a few factors such as number of views / watch time / resolution, etc. 

We attempted to negotiate a more reasonable price point with Vimeo, however they have not been.....reasonable....at all. Therefore, we are in the process of moving ALL of our videos that are on Vimeo to other video hosting sites. 

Please bear with us as the process of moving videos to a new location is taking a lot of time. If a video does not play, please be patient and check back again in a few days. 


We plan on utilizing a few options to avoid excessive bandwidth usage in one area - such as Drop Box, Streamable, Daily Motion, and a couple of other sites. 

Each Patreon Post will have watch links in the description with a password that you will need to enter in order to watch the video. It is very important that you do not share any links as there is a cost associated with every view (bandwidth usage). 

You as a Patron are helping to fund our efforts to deliver content - Big Thank You to ALL of You!! Because without you, we would not be able to proceed forward. 


I have learned a lot from this experience:

1. Bandwidth usage is something that every video hosting or file share site accounts and charges for to some degree....even the "free" ones...

  • YouTube is free to use for Creators, but the trade off is that they take the side of big companies over Creators in order to attract and keep advertisers. Which in turn is how they make money. No Salt. It is what it is and business is business. However, the major issue is that even though your video could be protected under "Fair Use" - if the owner of the content you are using to react to wants your video blocked or taken down, YouTube will always take action against you no matter if you are using the content for the sole purpose of review and critique. It doesn't matter. YouTube will always take the side of big companies. 
  • Sites like Daily Motion - while these sites are not as strict as YouTube, they also follow the same business model. So, it's very important that we as Creators don't abuse their system or take advantage. Meaning we can't just depend of using their site to dump all of our videos on. It must be done sparingly. We must consider their cost of bandwidth usage as well. 

2. Paid Video Hosting Sites - customers are paying for 2 Things: Storage and Bandwidth usage. Initially with Vimeo, our plan was just accounting for storage use. However, the salesman I talked to revealed that Vimeo recently changed its business model as they are losing money on bandwidth usage and had to make quick adjustments by charging their customers for the amount of bandwidth their videos were using. And as you can imagine, we were using a LOT...because you guys are REAL WHATCHERS for real 😁 COME ON!!!

3. DON'T PUT YOUR EGGS IN ONE BASKET - We are working on having multiple ways to distribute content to ensure that we do not use excessive amounts of bandwidth on one platform. Also, in case anything unexpected happens with one platform we will have our videos available on others as a back up. This way conversion will be more streamlined, less time consuming, and above all...less stressful. 

I think that's everything that is going on right now. Things have been rough, not going to lie but I see a light at the end of this long dark tunnel and we are getting there. Please be patient as the process of moving videos over to new locations will take a few weeks. If you see disruption in videos being playable just know that I am working hard in the background. 

Thank you FAM...for everything 🤓💜




Well beautiful you's I am here with you guys for as long as ever you want me too, smile. I have been a FAN of you guys eversice i found BTS. And BTS is forever in my heart as you are, and the 2 of you go together as red and blue!!!! You are my favorite mix!!! Purple!!!!!! So take your time! We fans understand and wait with love in our hearts for you! Dont worry! Stay Gold and in the Lights!!!!! Warm love Audrey / Mama Mochi 💜💜💜

Joyce Levy

ALEPH just dropped a tribute song to J-Hope and ARMY. Called Hope. Hobi played his music in 2018, by the Han River with JK. It gave him a huge boost, and he is still grateful. Thought Nico would be interested!


Thank you for letting me know. I just checked it out and I loved it so much! Its so beautiful 🤓