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Whatcher FAM

This has been a challenging year. One filled with despair, grief, fear, and uncertainty. But, even through all of that there has still been a lot of good that has happened this year - these are the Bright Spots

One of those bright spots in our lives has been you. We have built such a strong and loving community together. Strong in that we can lean on each other when we need to and help each other up when we fall. Loving in that we choose to show compassion to each other over judgment and we accept each other for who we are and not what we expect each other to be. 

We really have built something special together. With that being said...This month we were able to make another donation to the Global FoodBanking Network!! This organization has been extremely instrumental in helping to feed people in need in over 50 countries and we are happy that we can partner with them again this month. 

This is because of what you contribute here on Patreon that we can do this! Thank you for everything!!! Who you are and what you do means a lot and you are so valuable. Even when you don't feel like it - you are. Never forget that 🤓💜💜💜

  • Total Donated  to Global FoodBanking Network in December 2020 :: $500.00 
  • Visit Global FoodBanking Network website here for more details about their organization - https://www.foodbanking.org/ 



Lanie R.

Love this!

Fallon Tsui

This just warms my heart. You guys are absolutely wonderful loving people and I'm proud to know you and to be on your BTS journey with you. You are helping make the world a better place. Thank you for being you! I purple all of you! 💜


Thank you Fallon. We just want to be able to do something good while we are in a position to do so 🤓 Much love to you FAM. Good hearing from you 😬