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What's up my Whatchers! 

So our Born Singer reaction video got blocked on YouTube so the full video will be available on Patreon today for everyone to see. I am working on the YouTube side trying to settle the issue so that those who don't have access to Patreon in their country can enjoy the video. 

YouTube can be unfair sometimes but it's the nature of the beast. Talk to you guys later. 



I can't imagine what a pain it is for you to deal with YouTube doing that. ugh! APPRECIATE YOU!


Ok 😬


Yeah it’s hard because I work a full time job, come home and spend hours editing so it’s frustrating when your work gets blocked for no reason. Honestly the only thing that keeps me going is the joy of being able to share the experience with you guys. So the good outweighs the bad so it’s all good 🤓


Sorry that happened. I wonder who would claim that one. 😑


My problem is that the video I used has been up for 3 years with no issue. It’s by a random account that is no longer active. I put up my video and BAM...take down. They are messing with the wrong guy. I have a lot of heart and I don’t just sit by and let injustice fly.


So happy found this. Been following you guys for a while in YT and have been waiting for reaction to this masterpiece. So happy I went back to watch old vids in YT to check If I missed anything and saw this in your video about 20 BTS songs you probably havent heard :D