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Well I blinked then realized that we have over 100 Patrons! WOW! I am truly appreciative that you guys believe in us and find value in what we do so much that you support us to this extent. 

I have struggled with a lot over the past couple of years from guilt and shame over things I've done in the past that I am not proud of. This year, after stumbling (and I mean flat out tripping over) BTS and Army my heart is finally in a place that I have started to forgive myself and move on. I don't know what it is about BTS and this journey with you guys that has compelled me to see that I am worthy of forgiveness but I feel that I am and I THANK YOU all so much for standing by me every step of the way. For like really loving me and my Family. It really means a lot. You might not know but now you know. 

I wish nothing but blessing over you and your Family and Friends. Let's continue to Rise Above going into 2020! HAPPY NEW YEAR FAMILY! 







I only spend my money on ONE other Youtuber, and I've been watching her for years and years. Keep it up, boys... when I like something, I stay loyal.