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To say I am thankful for all of you would be an understatement. I couldn't possibly do what I do without all of you who help keep the show going. 

This includes some of the scenes from the book I'm working on, Eternal Flame. It's about one third action to two thirds world-building and plot. For context in 2043, World War III breaks out, leading to nuclear war. Some of the story is set in 2063, though, so it isn't the end, as this part helpfully explains.

To clarify, Eternal Flame looks at the technology of 2043 as "The present, refined." In other words, if you can do it now, you can do it later but better. So no holograms but yes to AR. No fusion but yes synthetic zero carbon kerosene. No rayguns but yes to limited direct energy weapons with lots of powering and cooling engineering.


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