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Hey, time to explain why nothing happened with this last week.

I was getting the feeling that Short Things was starting to get a little repetitive, and decided to go on to our next DS9 novel, which I thought was Unity. I read that Unity picks up where Rising Son left off. Well, imagine my surprise that's true only from a certain point of view. Turns out that a bunch of other stuff was happening concurrently. 

This I learned after I spent a loooong time recording the "previously on" stuff for Unity. After about twenty minutes of it I realized, yeah, this is all important stuff that we have somehow skipped. I finished recording it since eventually I will get to it, but it was over half an hour, and as you may have noticed, I try to aim for 15-20 minutes per part, as it takes a lot longer to record than the final recording indicates.

I picked up what we'll be looking at next then, Mission Gamma Book 1 (of 4) and saw the first chapter alone was huge. With three new reviews to still finish, I figured I'd hold off on last weeks since this would turn out to be double length anyway (43 minutes).

So, here are this week's updates, the super-long first chapter of MGB1 and the next part of Lone Wolf!




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