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If you listened to that long post, you know that I keep getting interrupted trying to get a loan to build a garage. This month has been crazy disrupted by me trying to figure out what they need from me. They told me last week that it should just be a formality at this point, and I even opened a discussion with a contractor.

Then yesterday, I got asked for a bunch more crap. And if that wasn't bad enough, they said there was a guideline that apparently no one realized applied. I'm thinking it's the "Chuck Can Never Be Happy Act" because the upshot was that, now, to meet all the criteria, the amount of my other debts that need to be paid off increased to the point that the amount left over for a garage is... nothing.

Remember how I had to demolish my shed for this? I do, because my stuff is all over the backyard that used to be in the shed.

So, sorry, that kind of bummed me out and I didn't get hardly anything done for the show yesterday, sorry. Officers and up, expect second half of Fringe Pilot tomorrow. I should still have Saturday's stuff by Saturday though.

I'm sorry this has crapped all over June. I'm working hard to make July even better though! Fingers crossed that it all goes well!



Sorry to hear Chuck.. when listening, my wife and I both looked at each other and said "we *know* this won't work out.. something else miserable is going to happen.. this poor guy." Sorry to be right. :( Moo

Bryan Cybershaman(X) Logie

PS: I have a feeling the reason you don't usually post like this and instead opt to use direct messaging is because it's quicker/easier. However, I have to admit that it's nice to occasionally "see" my fellow SF Debrise denizens and interact with them. And so, having said that...... HELLO, MY FELLOW SFD DENIZENS! I truly hope you and yours are all doing well and good! Peace! 😎🤘☮️🌈