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My doctor put me on some new medication and told me to get my circadian rhythm straightened out. Between the two I've been really exhausted and unable to focus. I'd been hoping to get a few things out, but I just am struggling with basic thinking right now. I hope to get things straight soon. I'm hoping to post links for Trigun's new episodes for you tomorrow. I've got the first one written, just needs to be recorded and edited, and the second one is a quarter of the way done.

On the bright side, I've got more footage of the Jedi Knight recorded for this summer's latest SWTOR video! Huzzah!



Rest up! Your health comes first. I hope you'll feel better soon.

Michael Sunseri

Please go get some rest. I love your content but seriously give yourself some time. As a guy who was just put on a new medication I completely understand.