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This is a heads up that my plans for the day are screwed.

You may recall during Dragon Age II recording part of the ceiling fell down? This was from water damage. Since then I thought I had fixed the problem that was causing it, and in fact went a step further and built a soffit, with the top lined with plastic, just in the off chance there might be a small leak. 

Well, as I was working today, water is dripping from the edge of the soffit. I opened it up and saw, yeah, things were bad. In the attached zip file, leak 1 shows you how much it's dripping, and leak 2 shows there's about 1.5-2 gallons of water sealed inside the plastic. That was already bad. Worse was that the water was sitting over a light fixture and was, at that moment, resting on an electrical outlet. Suffice to say this was bad, and if it burst would be a disaster. 

I decided to try to lance the bubble. I cut a thick silicon drinking straw at an angle so the end was a sharpened point, then attached a tube to run it down to the bucket (straw and bucket in leak3). However, as leak1 shows, there's the mounting surface for the projector directly in front of that, so I had to also work in a fairly awkward way. My makeshift needle rig managed to drain about three quarters of the water, but the remains demanded towels and hope. This had mixed results. The outlet was saved, but the light fixture wasn't. leak4 let's you see the rare sight of water dripping through a light fixture that is on. Yes, I know, but I needed light and my wife was barely helping as it was because she thought this was a great time to get into an argument over something unrelated and stupid. Electrocution would barely make my afternoon worse.

Anyway, the worst part about this is that at least with the chimney, it was one and done. This, I'm not sure if it was the toilet, but I have no way of knowing if it'll happen again, with the added bonus that the plastic is now full of holes. So, I'll get on rewards tomorrow. Officers and up, next week's Trek is going to be a re-upload now, sorry.

 It's been suggested I talk to Habitat For Humanity, which is good because lately I feel like I'm dealing with their mirror universe counterpart, Habitat Against Humanity.

Edit: oh, yeah, my heavy breathing is because I was in a stress position the entire time and had just finally gotten down.



I don't know if your state has a lottery, but if you win, you must promise two things: 1) Build a new house from scratch 2) You will not sell that house and foist its terrors upon anyone; you will burn it to the ground.


I am deeply sorry to hear all the shit you're going through, Chuck. I was really hoping you'd gotten through your home repair disasters. Last year we had my entire basement flood with sewage and had to replace all the pipes.