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First, I recorded the second part of Time of Wizards if you liked the first one, it's attached to this post and will be included in the Redshirt package for March.

Second, a quick heads up on the restoration: with what I've learned many aspects are going much smoother. I'd even say that if I took a month off and did nothing for the show but work on this, I could probably reduce the number of outstanding videos to single digits, we're going that smoothly. But it is time consuming, and the DM ones are a daily grind because there's a daily upload limit, so that's leading to some attrition. Still, I've already made seven different DM accounts so far and that has allowed a number of the non-Trek ones to get back up quickly. Trek ones are taking longer because TOS, TNG, and Ent all need their titles replaced, and that's a lot to do one by one, and DS9 has needed some minor work for it too. X-Files, as you probably know, is needing to be redone into a Youtube format, DM will no longer take it, and that seems to be the way with BSG (both series), Atlantis, and Firefly (Disney is making new Firefly so I bet that's the reason). 

This process has been a strain on everyone. I don't regret choosing to keep the films in the schedule, but it's taken a toll. Merlin goes public tomorrow and I've not finished editing it for the captains yet, I may wind up finishing it in the morning. I knew Inception was going to be a challenge but it took even longer than I thought, so that overtaxed an already strained system. But I remain optimistic about March, this experiment should be interesting, and hopefully allow me to be closer to what you were told would be your early access.

As far as other rewards, I have already worked a little on Fallout New Vegas and SWTOR JK for this month and am optimistic that will be completed this month. Ditto on Rock & Rule. Patlabor and the Shin Godzilla Background, those I'm less confident on. 

I had a new thing planned for a weekly Patreon-exclusive, but haven't had the chance to finish it yet. I'm going to try to get it in place for March. I don't want to say anything more yet in case I can't make it work. ;-)

Thanks very much for your support! :D



Disney is making a new Firefly? Ugh... plz stahp Disney... I can't take anymore corporate whoring out of IP's I loved. What's next? A Babylon 5 grimdark reboot complete with tie-in phone games and McDonalds merchandising?


Have you considered paying your kids to handle some of the reuploads or something? It seems like the part of the process that's easiest to hand off to someone competent you know and trust. It probably wouldn't even need a particularly strong PC to do the job.