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Just to keep you all in the loop.

Intention is for things to continue to move forward, first emphasis on progress. So fixing missing videos is going slower for the moment. Part of that is morale. I didn't want to be a downer, but that just shut me down when it happened, Dragon Age Inquisition was supposed to be 10-15 minutes longer, but I just couldn't find it in me to do anything else the rest of the day. I'll likely make Part 2 longer to balance it out.

The intention had been before this happened to start backing the videos up in partitioned accounts to ensure that, should this happen again, I could switch over to a backup somewhere else. So I'm still following that plan, but it was supposed to be a year-long plan, something I would do in-between the main job. And it hasn't been set up yet, so that further slows it down. I also rushed through the initial move (hard as it might be to believe) so the DM-ready videos are a bit of a hodgepodge. I'm still in what you might call the planning stage, laying the groundwork for the restoration.

One complication is that the titles will be going away on most of the Trek reviews. TOS, Ent, and now TNG are all being rejected for using them. Not all, that would let me figure it out, it's just some inexplicable thing that happens, and I'm concerned that too many flags were what took down the last channel (I was in the process of moving Enterprise over and about 40% were getting flagged and taken down, possibly enough to draw an actual human's attention). Galaxy's Child (which I just sent to Officers and up) got postponed to the evening because it got kicked, but stripping out its title allowed it to go up. Even though I have 11001001 and Half a Life on that channel with no problems. So to minimize risk of further setbacks, those series will go with the universal Trek titles that I made, the still images are no problem and I have a license to use the song so that's absolutely safe.

To share some more positive things, I spent some time last week getting my mojo back working on the new project for this spring, Full of Stars, a likely 5-part look at the development, creation, and aftermath of 2001: A Space Odyssey. The first part is already about 85% written. So the fact the rewards were late was due to that, and that was due to crises, so hopefully this is just a hiccup on the path forward. I want to make 2021 good here even if it's shit out there!

If you're wondering about Dark Crystal/Farscape, it *HAD* been my intention to get that done in time for late summer. The DM thing has thrown that into doubt. Not canceled, just postponed further down the line. I don't want to do these things unless I can do it right. I've got all of my materials still, it's just getting the time to do it. And if you're wondering, I'm doing 2001 first because I'll be doing the review this spring as well, so I'd like them to come out in proximity to each other. I didn't for the Dark Crystal because of circumstance, and I regret it.

Anyway, I'm going to bed soon, when I wake up, The Final Countdown will be posted publicly to kick off a year full of movie reviews! 2021 is the year we fight back!



I just posted this on some general Patreon board/site/thingee. I don't know how it works. But just in case it doesn't reach you, I'll paste it here: I just wanted to thank you, Chuck. So much technical fuckery getting in the way of your doing your job, trying to ply us with fun vids. I wanted you to know I appreciate the hell out of you for all the hoops you have to jump through. And, being a fan for many, many years, I'm still ridiculously giddy whenever you do a TNG or DS9 review. So, doubly so whenever you get one of those through for me/us.