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First off, rewards page for November will be Saturday. Officers, sorry for the holdup on 11001001, I've been stepping up work on the move. I spent about six hours last night watching election results, editing videos for the move, and listening to Don Quixote.

Second, I just wanted to let you know that the intention is for the move to be considered finished by Thanksgiving (because I want to then verify that my Vimeo account is deleted so they don't charge me for another year of not hosting my stuff). What I mean by "considered finished" is that by that time, every video will be on either Youtube (YT), DailyMotion (DM), or Bitchute (BC), with the exception for anything that would require so much work to fit on those as to require effectively redoing them (eg, Star Trek II). I had originally intended for the move to be everything on YT or DM only, but I've found that, by any reasonable deadline, that would be impossible, some of these I have no idea why they're getting pulled down, and it's consuming days trying to figure out how to get them through.

The intention is going to be to then solely have DM and YT on a forward going basis, and to revise the BC videos so they can be moved off, since BC does not have native full screen, plus there's that "only the alt-right posts there" reputation, which isn't true actually, although the fact that I switch off comments on all my BC videos wasn't because I couldn't handle the number of compliments I was getting for praising Ben Sisko. My intention is that reworking the BC videos into a DM or YT format will be an ongoing weekly affair. 

Essentially what's going on right now is determining which are the ones that, will minor changes, can be loaded. For instance, replacing my 2019 Doctor Who titles with a new version allowed almost all of them to go up on DM, but Exosquad gets bumped even if I strip it down to nothing but the review (they're really desperate to hold onto that Exosquad IP gravy train), so those will probably require serious hacking up ala the Lost World to put somewhere besides BC. 

Macra Terror is another example of one I'm holding for YT or DM, it's not working for either site right now. I want to crack how to make that work because I have The Faceless Ones and Fury From The Deep, and the reason that I haven't done them yet is that I need to know how to get Macra Terror up before I try doing another animated reconstruction, to better understand the rules if you will.

This, personally, is what I'll always remember about 2020. I don't want to downplay any other tragedies, but for me everything else has just been a backdrop to this endless move.


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