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I get into a bit of why uploading the re-upload is moving far slower than planned, and why the politics of the moment is making it so. To lighten it up, I also tell a story of my inability to build a garage.



How much garbage are you talking here? I'm getting the impression it's voluminous, though I could be mistaken. If it is, perhaps just getting a skip (I am unsure what the US name is) could help, at least in the short term if it's a big issue.


Hi Chuck--long time, first time. I'll just say that your videos helped me get through my first year of sobriety three years ago, and I'm a fan of your work. I think the idea of keeping things "apolitical" is a luxury from the past that doesn't fit with the moment. When you don't enjoy a normative identity like being a white guy, identities that you're assigned by other people become automatically political in almost every context, and it's up to us white guys to realize that. I definitely don't have the answers, and I think the winds of change at this moment are too nuanced and complex for a universal set of rules that applies to every situation, but if there was ever a time to celebrate the political angle of Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations, it's this moment.