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So, I don't know if you've heard, but the taxing of online goods has reached Patreon. Or it will come July. Fortunately for me, Patreon is handling all of the logistics of that on their end (bad enough I have to be an accountant for me, if I was an accountant for all of you we'd all be going to prison!).

What the sales tax is and how much depends entirely upon where you live. For some of you, this may have no effect whatsoever, as not every country or state places a sales tax for online material. Also, what they do tax also varies.

Today I went over all your tiers and indicated what they provided, and the good news is that it seems like the majority of it (early access) doesn't qualify for taxation in most areas. I'm not certain of that, but that was what I took away from Patreon's information page on it. So hopefully for most of you, this will either be a barely noticeable bump, or even nothing at all. 

I hope everyone has been staying safe and healthy! Crazy times we are in. Who could have imagined the apocalypse would be canceled because people found it tedious...



I'm paying VAT on my patreon donating, so I'm already paying tax on them. One of the preks of living in te EU ;).